Saturday, May 25, 2024

Book Review: Every Time We Say Goodbye by Natalie Jenner

The bestselling author of The Jane Austen Society and Bloomsbury Girls returns with a brilliant novel of love and art, of grief and memory, of confronting the past and facing the future.

In 1955, Vivien Lowry is facing the greatest challenge of her life. Her latest play, the only female-authored play on the London stage that season, has opened in the West End to rapturous applause from the audience. The reviewers, however, are not as impressed as the playgoers and their savage notices not only shut down the play but ruin Lowry's last chance for a dramatic career. With her future in London not looking bright, at the suggestion of her friend, Peggy Guggenheim, Vivien takes a job as a script doctor on a major film shooting in Rome’s Cinecittà Studios. There she finds a vibrant movie making scene filled with rising stars, acclaimed directors, and famous actors in a country that is torn between its past and its potentially bright future, between the liberation of the post-war cinema and the restrictions of the Catholic Church that permeates the very soul of Italy.

As Vivien tries to forge a new future for herself, she also must face the long-buried truth of the recent World War and the mystery of what really happened to her deceased fiancé. Every Time We Say Goodbye is a brilliant exploration of trauma and tragedy, hope and renewal, filled with dazzling characters both real and imaginary, from the incomparable author who charmed the world with her novels The Jane Austen Society and Bloomsbury Girls.

With The Jane Austen Society and its sequel Bloomsbury Girls, author Natalie Jenner introduced her readers to intriguing characters, interweaving many literary touchstones. Fans of Jane Austen in particular would highly enjoy the initial novel, given the setting and issues at stake. Bloomsbury Girls was a novel of yearning and hope, with a slightly different approach yet retaining excellence and readability. Jenner now brings us the third volume in the series, Every Time We Say Goodbye, predominantly set in mid-1950s Italy. Although some of the previously-introduced characters are included in the novel, this title could almost stand on its own. The timbre is quite different, with less of a literary tone and more of a mixture of historical, religious, and cinematic notes. 

Jenner directs her readers’ attentions to events during and following World War II, in particular within Italy. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church is regularly front and center, more often than not for nefarious reasons. Main character Vivien Lowry frequently wrestles with the hypocrisies sometimes seen in Church leadership, all the while seeing the purity of Christian service from many within the same Body. Vivien also struggles with her own issues, and is on a quest to uncover the fate of a long-lost love. Jenner employs wartime flashbacks to undergird the background of the setting, showing the efforts made by many in the area to further the cause of goodness and truth in the light of fascism and other evils. Both the narratives of Vivien’s life and those in wartime days are inextricably linked, with revelations coming through the final paragraphs of the novel. While I would not term this a “dual timeline” tale, the two periods which were visited made for very interesting reading.

The Jane Austen Society and Bloomsbury Girls were not necessarily trifling yarns of “spun sugar”, but Every Time We Say Goodbye has a gravitas which gives it a very different fabrication. An air of melancholy consistently hovers over the narrative. This is not to say that it is dispiriting. It simply has a more serious tone, with elements that are both harrowing and poignant. Certain horrors of war and misdeeds within the Church are not minimized. However, they are not gratuitous in the amount of details offered. Adults will understand the import of Jenner’s words, their great significance to the characters, and their contribution to world history. 

As she mentions in the acknowledgements following the novel, Natalie Jenner took on this project in order to share the story of many who struggled during World War II and beyond. While the book is entirely a work of fiction, it nonetheless reveals lessons which should not be forgotten. Jenner’s skill in expressing imagined yet authentic moments was exemplary, and she also pondered substantive questions which many of us struggle with on a regular basis. The dignity of human worth in wartime was often examined. A quote-worthy moment came about in chapter eighteen. An infant had been rescued after his caretakers had been discovered dead, killed by enemies in the War:

“Yet here was a baby, as young as could be, who would never experience such a reunion. He might never know a single thing about where he came from– who had wanted him– who had loved him. He might always lack the one piece of knowledge that every human deserves and that keeps us tethered to the earth: the source of our own humanity, and the comfort of knowing that we are here because someone else wanted us to be.” 

The episode with this young child was so moving, and without divulging key plot points, I can offer that a subsequent episode provides quite an emotional, profound payoff to that portion of the story. Not all elements end so sweetly, however. There is much loss, but there also remains much beauty as well. Although Every Time We Say Goodbye is quite a different work of fiction for the series, it is one of historical importance, and surely a treasure for many who lived during that time and for the families who have survived them. 

Despite the horrors of war, the inconsistencies found in some within the Church and other trials, the narrative of Every Time We Say Goodbye brings a message of hope and remembrance. Not for the faint of heart, it preserves an era of history within the worlds of politics, religion, and the film industry. Natalie Jenner has given us a gift, one that will hopefully inform many in the years to come.

About the Author

Natalie Jenner is the internationally bestselling author of The Jane Austen Society and Bloomsbury Girls, which have been translated into more than twenty languages worldwide. Born in England and raised in Canada, Natalie has been a corporate lawyer and career coach and once owned an independent bookstore in Oakville, Ontario, where she lives with her family and two rescue dogs.


About the Audiobook

A brief thought about the audio edition of the novel: The Jane Austen Society was read by the fabulous Richard Armitage. Bloomsbury Girls was performed by the marvelous Juliet Stevenson. The voice actor for Every Time We Say Goodbye is the accomplished Juliet Aubrey. Like the other readers, she is a respected English actor. However, I did not care for this choice of voice for the novel. There was an element of her enunciation which I found chafing. This is entirely my own perspective, however. The novel has many Italian terms which she handles with dexterity, and perhaps that was why she was chosen for the project. Unfortunately, my ears didn’t care for the performance. That said, it did not diminish my admiration for the novel.


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Book Review: The Berlin Letters by Katherine Reay

Bestselling author Katherine Reay returns with an unforgettable tale of the Cold War and a CIA code breaker who risks everything to free her father from an East German prison. 

From the time she was a young girl, Luisa Voekler has loved solving puzzles and cracking codes. Brilliant and logical, she’s expected to quickly climb the career ladder at the CIA. But while her coworkers have moved on to thrilling Cold War assignments—especially in the exhilarating era of the late 1980s—Luisa’s work remains stuck in the past decoding messages from World War II.

Journalist Haris Voekler grew up a proud East Berliner. But as his eyes open to the realities of postwar East Germany, he realizes that the Soviet promises of a better future are not coming to fruition. After the Berlin Wall goes up, Haris finds himself separated from his young daughter and all alone after his wife dies. There’s only one way to reach his family—by sending coded letters to his father-in-law who lives on the other side of the Iron Curtain. 

When Luisa Voekler discovers a secret cache of letters written by the father she has long presumed dead, she learns the truth about her grandfather’s work, her father’s identity, and why she has never progressed in her career. With little more than a rudimentary plan and hope, she journeys to Berlin and risks everything to free her father and get him out of East Berlin alive.

As Luisa and Haris take turns telling their stories, events speed toward one of the twentieth century’s most dramatic moments—the fall of the Berlin Wall and that night’s promise of freedom, truth, and reconciliation for those who lived, for twenty-eight years, behind the bleak shadow of the Iron Curtain’s most iconic symbol.

This is not author Katherine Reay's first venture into the dispirited world of a Cold War-era Communist country. In her 2023 novel A Shadow in Moscow, Reay offers an alternating timeline which captures a story of secret agents, family dynamics, and struggles within the human condition. In her latest work, Reay travels to Germany in The Berlin Letters. Once again readers are brought into the world of espionage and intergenerational relationships, but the atmosphere is quite different this time. The threat and oppression of the East German government during the Cold War seems to hover over the entire narrative, bringing a seriousness to the novel that gives one pause. 

Although I was born in 1971 and grew up during much of this era, I was fairly unaware of the majority of the political events that were going on in Eastern Europe at that time. Reading The Berlin Letters was an eye-opening experience. While it is a novel which was captivating and a source of entertainment, it was so much more than that. It seems to truly inhabit that world in such a way that the reader can genuinely feel the captivity of the people in that time period. They may have had their families and jobs, but their freedoms were quite limited. Often they were not given the option to even choose their careers. Some were strongly compelled to spy on their own friends and neighbors. Beauty and joy were extracted from their lives bit by bit. Their lives were literally and figuratively overcast and gray.

Despite the serious tone of the novel, I thoroughly enjoyed The Berlin Letters. Katherine Reay's historical research was impeccable, but she also crafted a fictional tale which bonded to the facts of the past seamlessly. Her characters are complex, likable, and well drawn. The villains are not always what they seem to be, and a few in particular took me by surprise. The alternating timeline was creative-- Chapter One opens in 1961, focusing on the lives of Luisa's parents, her father Haris in particular. The contrasting chapters are mostly set in 1989 with Luisa as an adult. As the novel moves forward, the experiences of Haris begin to get narratively closer to Luisa's in 1989. It was quite exciting to see those converging plotlines develop. The epic conclusion is historic, cinematic, and thrilling.

From a content standpoint, The Berlin Letters stands in an interesting position. There is remarkably no salty language, and any romantic content is quite sparse. Given the subject matter, this novel could have been much more graphic. That said, many difficult issues are addressed. This story is not for young children. The trials and tribulations of the people of this era are sometimes hard to take in. Some characters in the story are from the 80s punk scene and lead decadent lives. This is not a negative criticism of the book. Keay writes accurately and paints a realistic picture of what was going on at the time, and honestly portrays issues with which Luisa and her family were wrestling. I felt that this content lent an air of realism to the work. It did not water down or sugar-coat the situation, but its presentation was done in a non-gratuitous fashion.

The conclusion of The Berlin Letters rides the wave of hope and optimism which crashed into Germany during that historic moment in 1989. It doesn't come to that occasion easily. Many sacrifices and risks are taken for the sake of freedom and family love. The journey is fraught with tension, uncertainty, and no guarantee of success. Katherine Reay has crafted an excellent novel, combining the realities of the Cold War with the captivating fictional narrative of her characters. Her epilogue leads me to hope for more from Luisa, Haris, and their associates. The wall may have come down in 1989, but as the decades have passed, the possibilities for more epic tales endure. Katherine Reay not only brings exciting tales of espionage to her readers, but she also reveals history and hope in a way that bears repeating.


Katherine Reay is a national bestselling and award-winning author who has enjoyed a lifelong affair with books. She publishes both fiction and nonfiction, holds a BA and MS from Northwestern University, and currently lives outside Chicago, Illinois, with her husband and three children. You can meet her at

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Book Review: A Lady's Guide to Marvels and Misadventure by Angela Bell

When Clara Marie Stanton’s ex-fiancé begins to spread rumors that her family suffers from hereditary insanity, it’s all Clara can do to protect them from his desperate schemes and society’s prejudice. Her family may be eccentric, yes, but they certainly aren’t insane. Then Clara’s Grandfather Drosselmeyer brings on an apprentice with a mechanical leg, and all pretense of normalcy takes wing.

Theodore Kingsley, a shame-chased vagabond skilled in repairing clocks, wants a fresh start far from Kingsley Court and the disappointed father who declared him dead. Upon returning to England, Theodore meets clockmaker Drosselmeyer, who hires him as an apprentice, much to Clara’s dismay. When Drosselmeyer spontaneously disappears in his secret flying owl machine, he leaves behind a note for Clara, beseeching her to make her dreams of adventure a reality by joining him on a merry scavenger hunt. Together, Clara and Theodore set off to follow Drosselmeyer’s trail of clues, but they will have to stay one step ahead of a villain who wants the flying machine for himself—at any cost.

Taking readers on a whimsical, unforgettable journey through Victorian London and Europe, debut author Angela Bell tells an imaginative tale of danger, adventure, and romance.

We humans can be a complicated lot. Many of us have been damaged emotionally, and we take those injuries into all corners of our lives. Because of hurtful words from others, we might come to believe that we are “less than” or “unworthy” of success, strength or even love. On the other hand, many of us are determined to be strong and self-sufficient, never showing weakness or the need for assistance. In either scenario, hearts can become closed off. We don’t allow ourselves to be truly seen and loved, either because we feel unworthy, or because we could be seen as weak. When this happens, our lives become smaller. We try to maintain control over what is actually uncontrollable, and we reject the love that will soothe our aching souls. 

The lead characters in A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure by Angela Bell exhibit these same tendencies. Clara Marie Stanton has been hurt by a former fiancé. Not only has she vowed to never be hurt in matters of romance ever again, but she also feels a strong compulsion to control her environment as much as possible. This includes shouldering the burden of protecting and providing for her family as much as she is able. The compulsion is so strong, that her grandfather refers to her as her “Little Atlas”, as she tries to bear the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Clara comes to know Theodore Kingsley, an apprentice of her grandfather’s who is adept in clock repair. His heart is closed as well, but due to reasons of insecurity rather than self-sufficiency. Rejected by his family and a failure as a soldier, he feels unworthy of love. Due to his service on the battlefield, he is an amputee, and his injury also manifests itself emotionally as he sees himself as “damaged goods.” He struggles to determine his place in the world, almost like a broken cog that needs mending and purpose.

Clara and Theodore find themselves on a fantastic journey, not only on a whirlwind scavenger hunt laid out by her grandfather, but also in a race to outwit a cunning adversary who would do anything to acquire important assets of the Stanton family. Along the way they learn lessons about human self-sufficiency (or lack thereof) as well as the inherent worthiness that we carry to be loved by others and by God.

A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure was such a joyful novel. Much like Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days, Angela Bell’s tale takes her readers to wondrous locations around the globe. There is a bit of a steampunk feel to the story, as certain elements would certainly have been impossible (or certainly not invented yet) in 19th century Europe. If readers can buy into the notion of a huge, flying automaton owl and similar creatures, then this story is a wonder to behold. Bell’s descriptions of the many mechanical creatures are lush and bring the whimsical items to life. I thoroughly enjoyed playing along with Drosselmeyer’s inventions and adventures.

Readers of classic fiction will find many winks to some of our favorite novels. Of course there are many tips of the hat to The Nutcracker, given Clara Marie’s name, her grandfather Drosselmeyer, the great Owl and other elements. I also spotted acknowledgements of Jane Austen, C. S. Lewis, Beatrix Potter, Clement Moore, Dumas, and King Arthur. The modern Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles even have a cameo with one particular character. This was especially amusing.

Author Angela Bell weaves a delightful tale of adventure, romance, whimsy, and redemption. Her worldview is unmistakably Christian, as God’s saving grace is mentioned on numerous occasions. It is especially applicable in the lives of Clara and Theodore. Clara is so self-reliant, her heart is closed to the possibility of romance, and she struggles with trusting God with the many obstacles she faces. She must come to learn that we need each other as well as our Heavenly Father in order to flourish in this life. Theodore’s lessons lie in understanding God’s love for him. Clara’s mother says to him, “Don’t confuse the character of your heavenly Father with the voice of your earthly one.” This is a difficult truth for Theodore, as he believed the lie that he was broken and worthless. Watching the development of Clara and Theodore, both as individuals and as partners in a grand escapade was as enriching as it was entertaining.

Given the perspective of the author, the content of A Lady’s Guide is decidedly family-friendly, but there are moments when Bell does not shy away from difficult issues. On more than one occasion Theodore recalls moments of abuse and trauma from his past. I found one scene in particular to be difficult to read, in fact. This type of material isn’t pervasive, but if the reader finds family conflict to be triggering, I would proceed with caution. That said, the darker material was handled very carefully and could have been far more graphic and troubling. The scenes that are shared merely illustrate the depth at which Theordore’s pain has reached, and it also therefore demonstrates the levels to which he can be healed.

As a debut author, Angela Bell has produced a strong and enchanting first novel. A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure seems primed for the possibility of a sequel. Given the richness of the narrative and the possibilities inherent in Bell’s steampunkian world, the options are really almost endless. My hope is that A Lady’s Guide takes off to grand success, and readers are treated to yet another international, spectacular adventure with her delightful characters.

Thanks to for including The Calico Critic in the blog tour!

About the Author

Angela Bell is a twenty-first-century lady with nineteenth-century sensibilities. She resides in Texas with her charming pup, Mr. Bingley Crosby. One might categorize her work as historical romance, but Angela likes to describe it as “a cuppa Victorian whimsy” because it sounds so much more poetical. Whenever you need a respite from the modern-day hustle, you're welcome to visit her parlor, where she can be found waiting with a pot of tea and a great book. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Book Review: The Lily of Ludgate Hill by Mimi Matthews

Fortune favors the bold—but is a confirmed spinster daring enough to loosen the reins and accept a favor from the wicked gentleman who haunts her dreams? 

Lady Anne Deveril doesn’t spook easily. A woman of lofty social standing known for her glacial beauty and starchy opinions, she’s the unofficial leader of her small group of equestriennes. Since her mother’s devastating plunge into mourning six years ago, Anne voluntarily renounced any fanciful notions of love and marriage. And yet, when fate puts Anne back into the entirely too enticing path of Mr. Felix Hartford, she’s tempted to run…right into his arms. 

No one understands why Lady Anne withdrew into the shadows of society, Hart least of all. The youthful torch he once held for her has long since cooled. Or so he keeps telling himself. But now Anne needs a favor to help a friend. Hart will play along with her little ruse—on the condition that Anne attend a holiday house party at his grandfather’s country estate. No more mourning clothes. No more barriers. Only the two of them, unrequited feelings at last laid bare. 

Finally free to gallop out on her own, Anne makes the tantalizing discovery that beneath the roguish exterior of her not-so-white knight is a man with hidden depths, scorching passions—and a tender heart.

Mimi Matthews continues her Belles of London series with a rousing new addition, The Lily of Ludgate Hill. Like the other Belles, the titular character of Lady Anne Deveril is an accomplished horsewoman who must also overcome challenges within her society and family. As she mourns the loss of her father, she must also tend to her grieving mother and face the prospect of eviction from her home. Mr. Felix Hartford, a former love interest returns to her social circles, and the enduring chemistry between them more than complicates matters. What follows is a dance of two strong yet vulnerable individuals who have loved and have been hurt, but are tentatively willing to consider another waltz together.

The relationship between Lady Anne and Felix Hartford is very similar to the lead characters in the television program Miss Scarlet & the Duke. Like the lead pair in that enjoyable mystery series, Anne and Felix have known each other for several years, prior to full adulthood. Both have strong personalities and are prone to bicker and spar with one another. However, beneath the contentiousness lies a connection that will forever tie them together. As Anne wrestles with troublesome issues within her family, Felix has familial struggles of his own. Yet despite all they have weathered, Mr. Hartford in particular is persistent in fully winning the heart of this admirable and beautiful young lady. Through sacrifices that they both must make, there is the possibility of a conclusion that will not only satisfy them both, but surprise many around them. 

As has been the case with other works by Mimi Matthews, I highly enjoyed The Lily of Ludgate Hill. Like characters in Jane Austen’s Persuasion, Anne and Felix wrestle with unrequited love and the opportunity for a second chance in a way that is quite delicious. Each individual must learn to compromise and consider the other on more than one occasion. Their flirtations are sweet, with a slight edge at times. They seem to be truly sparring, although they simultaneously support the success of the other. Felix is saddened to see Anne shackled by the mourning state of her mother, which has affected Anne’s ability to move on with her life. Anne’s growing awareness of Felix’s burdens not only increases her affection for him, but allows her to stand by his side to support him as well. Between the challenging situations they face individually and the romantic issues they tackle together, Anne and Felix’s narratives combine to produce a compelling work of fiction. 

For those who are interested in the nature of the content within the novel, The Lily of Ludgate Hill does not become overly steamy or rife with colorful adult material. That said, Matthews’s writing is powerful and still presents a compelling tale. She simply does not have to rely on ripped bodices, extensive violence, or pervasive harsh language in her work. Adult themes are indeed mentioned though. A persistent, illicit affair by a “righteous” person plays a key role in one family’s history. Anne’s mother is very interested in spiritualism, which was a common pastime in Victorian England. That said, there are no seances or gothic scenes shared. There are a few moments of violence, but they are tempered. Matthews focuses on the lives and loves of her main characters in a way that can be recommended to all audiences. 

I particularly appreciated the opportunities for forgiveness and redemption given to multiple characters. Mistakes are made, but the narrative illustrates a worldview allows for new beginnings. The inherent imperfection of the human condition was poignantly addressed in the following passage (edited to withhold spoilers), as Anne discusses a seemingly righteous person who had moral failings:

 "He idolized [him] that much?"

"If he didn't while he was alive, he certainly does now. ... The snow-white reputation of the esteemed moralist...has only grown after his death. He was, apparently, a man too good for this world."

"No human being is that good," Anne said.

"Some are."

"Nonsense. If we didn't make any mistakes, we'd have no need to be forgiven." (p.332)

The Lily of Ludgate Hill is a fine addition to the Belles of London series. Although it could feasibly stand alone, the enjoyment of the novel would be enhanced if the reader is familiar with the previous two works. Characters and plot points from both The Siren of Sussex and The Belle of Belgrave Square are mentioned on several occasions. In fact, several scenes from Belgrave and Ludgate overlap in such a fashion that I actually pulled out my copy of Belgrave to compare and contrast the simultaneous experiences of the characters. It was an interesting experiment! Matthews also plants the seeds for the next title The Muse of Maiden Lane, which will focus on the character of Stella. Like the women who came before her, Stella seems to be an interesting woman, and I look forward to seeing where Mimi Matthews takes her next. The Lily of Ludgate Hill was a diverting ride, and I wait in expectation for more adventures to come. 


USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical nonfiction and award-winning proper Victorian romances. Her novels have received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Booklist, and Kirkus, and her articles have been featured on the Victorian Web, the Journal of Victorian Culture, and in syndication at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes a retired Andalusian dressage horse, a Sheltie, and two Siamese cats.

Read Chapter One of The Lily of Ludgate Hill HERE





Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Book Review: A Winter by the Sea by Julie Klassen

With over 1.5 million copies sold, bestselling author Julie Klassen’s name is synonymous with regency fiction in the eyes of her many loyal readers. A former editor turned three-time Christy Award winner, Klassen continues to be at the top of her game—delivering the immersive storytelling, satisfying romance, and intriguing mystery that make her books unforgettable. This winter, return to the Devonshire coast with the Summers sisters, where fiction collides with the annals of history, secrets come to light, and new love emerges in the highly anticipated series continuation A Winter by the Sea.
. . . .

When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent the neighboring Woolbrook Cottage for the winter, the Summers sisters—Sarah, Viola, Georgiana, and Emily—are called upon to host three of the royal couple’s male staff in their seaside house. But they soon realize they’ve invited mysterious secrets and the sweet possibility of romance into their home.

Meanwhile, Emily Summers approaches a local publisher in hopes of fulfilling her dream of becoming an author. When he turns her down, his dashing competitor promises to consider her novel if she will first write a new Sidmouth guidebook for him under his name. Emily accepts and begins researching with the help of the Duke of Kent’s handsome private secretary, James Thomson. But a surprise visitor from her past shows up at Sea View, leaving Emily torn between the desires she used to hold dear and her budding dreams for the future.

Full of romance, intrigue, and the unbreakable bonds between sisters, this story will have readers eager to escape to a setting made famous by films such as Sense and Sensibility and Sanditon—the charming Devonshire coastline.

My Thoughts

Author Julie Klassen returns to the 19th century Devonshire coast in her latest novel, A Winter by the Sea. As the title suggests, the majority of the tale occurs in the winter months, and in this case it is the winter of 1820. This reader’s local region is currently in the grip of frigid temperatures, so the timing could not have been more perfect to read this delightful novel. I would recommend that readers curl up with a cozy blanket, favorite warm beverage, and possibly a furry friend to enjoy A Winter by the Sea during these cold days of January and February. 

Although this is the second title in a series and previous plot points are mentioned, I found that A Winter by the Sea could easily be read independently. Although not quite a standalone title, it offers sufficient exposition for those just joining the narrative arc of the Summers family. As is consistently the case with Klassen's work, the story is compelling, family-friendly, sweetly romantic, and spiritually uplifting. It is an excellent sequel to The Sisters of Sea View. Many aspects of history are woven into the chapters, with just a few creative licenses taken. Those with an interest in the infancy of the future Queen Victoria and her family will find several compelling moments as she and her parents come to stay in Sidmouth during the first year of her life.

The characters in Klassen’s vision of Sidmouth are well drawn, with many stations and social positions. Their desires, choices, and motivations were quite believable. Protagonists were likable, and the few villains which emerged served their purposes well. In several cases, those with difficult relationships were given the chance to reconcile or begin to consider the notion. Matters of Christian faith were included in a limited organic way and were not heavy-handed.

Jane Austen could often be seen as an inspiration, as the women of the Summers family have had to leave their childhood home, much like the ladies in Sense and Sensibility. Main character Emily seemingly gets a second chance at love when a long-lost beau comes to town, a la Persuasion. The charm of the seaside town of Sidmouth brings to mind the coastal resort of Sanditon. One gentleman offers a lady a marriage proposal that borders on insulting condescension, much like Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Klassen’s story takes many different turns than these classic tales, but this Janeite loved the possible Austenesque touches in the lives of these Sidmouth residents.

Although A Winter by the Sea comes to an exciting conclusion with the confrontation of an enemy and Happily Ever Afters for multiple characters, this is not the end of the series. Julie Klassen has another full book and Christmas novella planned for the Devonshire Shores collection, and this is good news. This reader senses there is more to come with a certain wayward Summers sister. Could a reconciliation be at hand? Another Summers sister (or two) could easily find her own Happily Ever After as well, be it in the romantic sense or in other ways. There is much to come, and after enjoying A Winter by the Sea, I am anticipating more time spent on the Devonshire Shores. 

About the Author

Julie Klassen loves all things Jane—Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. Her books have sold more than 1.5 million copies, and she is a threetime recipient of the Christy Award for Historical Romance. The Secret of Pembrooke Park was honored with the Minnesota Book Award for Genre Fiction. Julie has also won the Midwest Book Award and Christian Retailing’s Best Award and has been a finalist in the RITA and Carol Awards. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Julie worked in publishing for sixteen years and now writes full-time. She and her husband live in St. Paul, Minnesota. For more information, visit

Click HERE to read the first chapter of A Winter by the Sea!








Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day Book Review: Mr. Knightley in His Own Words by Shannon Winslow

Mr. George Knightley. According to Emma Woodhouse, you won’t see one in a hundred who is so clearly the gentleman. Respected by all, he’s kind, unpretentious, and scrupulously honest, with an air so remarkably good that it’s unfair to compare other men to him. We also know he’s been his “own master” from a young age. But Jane Austen tells us little more.

What were his early years like, and how did he lose his parents? A man in his mid-thirties, he must have had at least one romance along the way. Did it end badly? Is that why he’s never married? When and how did his relationship with Emma shift from friendship to love? And what can explain his incredible forbearance towards the eccentric Mr. Woodhouse? Now, Mr. Knightley reveals these answers and more in His Own Words.

This is not a variation from but a supplement to the original story of Emma, chronicled in the hero’s point of view. Two-thirds completely new material, it features key events in Mr. Knightley’s past – events that still haunt him and yet have shaped who he’s become, the superior man Emma can’t help falling in love with.

As with other Austen characters, author Shannon Winslow has examined the view of Mr. George Knightley from the original work Emma in her latest novel, Mr. Knightley in His Own Words. Although Knightley is a main character in the 19th century source material, the titular Emma remains the primary focus in Austen’s novel. Readers could easily wonder about the background of the somewhat-older George, as he lived more than sixteen years before the birth of his future bride. A landowner and master of the Donwell estate, he is not overly wealthy and remains frugal in his dealings. He is highly devoted to Emma’s father, sometimes putting Henry Woodhouse’s wants before his own. What brought about these tendencies? Winslow provides a compelling history for Mr. Knightley and respectfully adds to Austen’s vision of her characters.

In Winslow’s narrative, Mr. Knightley’s frugality stems from necessity, as incidents from his childhood have forced him to take great care with what remaining funds he does have as surviving heir. An individual close to him wreaks havoc upon the Knightley family, causing considerable financial strain and emotional loss. The trauma which George endures because of this villain is heartbreaking, and is a realistic explanation for his thrifty nature in the years to come. 

Knightley’s bachelorhood, which stretches into his thirties, is a direct result of heartbreak endured as a younger man. Winslow pens a whirlwind romance for George, creating a character who very nearly brings him to the marriage altar. Although we know who he ultimately weds through Emma, the romance which occurs during his youth is bittersweet, and it is hard not to root for that relationship as well. Its loss explains his hesitancy to become romantically entangled for well over the following decade.

Throughout Mr. Knightley in His Own Words, we are allowed to revisit episodes from Austen’s vision, as well as see new aspects to established characters. We witness the early childhood of Emma, her spunkiness as an adolescent, and her growth as a young woman. Mr. Knightley is indeed a mentor of sorts for quite a long time, but their relationship grows into something more. Despite their substantial age difference, these two make a fine match, and Winslow’s depiction of them allows it to seem even more reasonable than in Austen’s work. 

In addition to the print version of this novel (which I toted along with me on holiday travel), I also enjoyed the audiobook presentation of Mr. Knightley in His Own Words. Narrator Philip Battley has a delightful voice. He also provides an excellent reading of the text. It isn’t merely recited– Battley performs this work, almost like a one-man dramatization. During times when I wasn’t able to read the text, the audio version was a delight to enjoy as well.

Shannon Winslow has once again brought a unique perspective to the work of Jane Austen. She has not altered Austen’s view, but has supplemented it in a respectful way. George Knightley experienced much before Emma came into his life. Winslow has presented a believable and compelling history for this character, one which makes the story of Emma that much richer. I highly recommend Mr. Knightley in His Own Words, and relished it during this holiday season.  

While traveling this holiday season, Mr. Knightley in His Own Words was my constant companion. The book spent time in the airports of Greensboro, Salt Lake City, Orange County and Atlanta. I also brought it with me on a trip out to the family farm in the country. Along with the audiobook, this novel was a fine supplement to my journeys!

About the Author

Shannon Winslow claims she was minding her own business when an ordinary trip to Costco a dozen years ago changed her life. That was the day a copy of the ’95 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice fairly leapt off the shelf and into her oversized shopping cart. She has been hopelessly hooked on all things Jane Austen ever since, her obsession ultimately inspiring her to begin writing her own stories a la Austen.

Winslow's 2011 debut novel, The Darcys of Pemberley, quickly become a best seller, praised for its authentic Austen style and faithfulness to the original characters. Eight more novels and a Jane Austen Devotional have since followed, with no end to her creative output in sight! 

Her two sons now grown, Shannon lives with her husband in the log home they built in the countryside south of Seattle, where she writes and paints in her studio facing Mr. Rainier. Visit Shannon at her website/blog:  Shannon Winslow’s “Jane Austen Says..." and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

If you would like to sample Chapter One of this work, check out my October post HERE.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Cozy Mystery: Cyanide and Sensibility by Katie Oliver

Murder is on the menu and Phaedra Brighton is called on to serve up justice in the latest Jane Austen Tea Society Mystery.

While Phaedra Brighton might not have a Mr. Darcy (yet), she's quite content with her loving family and loyal cat. Phaedra's sister Hannah is the Jane to her Elizabeth, and Phaedra is ecstatic that Hannah has decided to move home for her next adventure—opening a business. 

All of Laurel Springs is out in full force to celebrate the grand unveiling of Hannah's new patisserie, Tout de Sweet, including local celebrity Rachel Brandon. Hannah is a master of her craft, with confections so divine, one bite will make you think you've died and gone to heaven.

Of course, you never want that to happen literally. 

When one of Hannah's famous dark chocolate cupcakes sends Rachel's assistant to the hospital with poisoning, Hannah begs for Phaedra's help to save her reputation and budding business. But Phaedra has more questions than answers: Who was the cupcake actually meant for? And how far is the culprit willing to go to take their target off the menu—permanently?

Cozy mysteries are perfect for cold winter days when the reader can curl up under a blanket to enjoy a bite-size story of intrigue with a dash of whimsy. Author Katie Oliver presents just this type of offering with her latest novel Cyanide and Sensibility. The third title in the Jane Austen Tea Society Mystery series is a confection of Austenesque fun and romance, along with an entrée of crime. 

As in the first two novels in the series, the story’s main character is Phaedra Brighton, a collegiate professor of English Literature. While instructing students is her vocation, she becomes embroiled in a deadly dilemma when a murder is committed during a family event. Not only does this crime threaten her sister’s newly-established business venture, but more importantly, lives are at stake. She takes it upon herself to investigate the matter, much to the consternation of the local police department. Along the way she navigates complex relationship issues, not only with her family members, but other loved ones in her life as well. Although Cyanide and Sensibility centers upon a murder, Oliver’s characters also contend with matters of the heart. The narrative is quite brisk, but much is covered in the succinct forty chapters. 

Although not evident from the book’s cover art or general description, the story is firmly set during the month of December and the holiday season. While I would not characterize it as a “Christmas novel”, reading it during this time of year enhanced my enjoyment. That said, if you are discovering this title during another point on the calendar, don’t let this aspect deter you from reading. Cyanide and Sensibility is a thoroughly enjoyable story that can be read at any time. The characters are likable and distinct in their personal traits. The romance is sweet and not tawdry. The crime plotline is twisty but also lighthearted. I was delighted that the murder weapon was none other than a chocolate cupcake. It was almost adorable, if one could look past its lethal effect. 

Fans of Austenesque fiction will find much to enjoy, as there are several “winks” to Austen’s work. Many locations and characters are named after items from the mind of Austen. A particular favorite of mine was the cat named “Wickham”, especially as Oliver often chose to make the reader privy to the feline’s “thoughts”, which were highly amusing. A Willoughby-like character makes a big impact on the narrative, a building is named “Delaford”, and Phaedra often dresses in Regency attire, complete with reticule. However, if one is completely unfamiliar with the works of Jane Austen, Cyanide and Sensibility still remains accessible. At one interlude, members of the Tea Society even offer a thumbnail summary of Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, which could prove useful to the uninitiated. 

This was my first exposure to the work of author Katie Oliver. I was simply delighted with Cyanide and Sensibility and took great pleasure in it. This cozy mystery is proof that a light, comforting read can also be written with excellence and care. Oliver is clearly well-read herself, as she offers many references to literature and shows an evident appreciation for the written word. The prose is engaging but professional. Her skill allows her to write in a compelling fashion without succumbing to crude material or overly violent scenes. Cyanide and Sensibility opens with a sweet, but deadly cupcake. It concludes in exciting fashion, and offers the reader an enjoyable tale which is perfect for not only the holiday season, but for any time of year. Katie Oliver’s work is a treat worth sampling and more.


Katie Oliver is known internationally as a writer of Jane Austen rom-coms with a hint of mystery. In the US and the UK, she is the bestselling author of the Dating Mr. Darcy and Marrying Mr. Darcy series.


Publication Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Book Review: Jane and the Final Mystery by Stephanie Barron

The final volume of the critically acclaimed mystery series featuring Jane Austen as amateur sleuth

March 1817: As winter turns to spring, Jane Austen’s health is in slow decline, and threatens to cease progress on her latest manuscript. But when her nephew Edward brings chilling news of a death at his former school, Winchester College, not even her debilitating ailment can keep Jane from seeking out the truth. Arthur Prendergast, a senior pupil at the prestigious all-boys’ boarding school, has been found dead in a culvert near the schoolgrounds—and in the pocket of his drenched waistcoat is an incriminating note penned by the young William Heathcote, the son of Jane’s dear friend Elizabeth. Winchester College is a world unto itself, with its own language and rites of passage, cruel hazing and dangerous pranks. Can Jane clear William’s name before her illness gets the better of her?

Over the course of fourteen previous novels in the critically acclaimed Being a Jane Austen Mystery series, Stephanie Barron has won the hearts of thousands of fans—crime fiction aficionados and Janeites alike—with her tricky plotting and breathtaking evocation of Austen’s voice. Now, she brings Jane’s final season—and final murder investigation—to brilliant, poignant life in this unforgettable conclusion.


  • “Poignant . . . Elicits deep emotion out of Jane’s struggles against her own mortality. This is a fitting send-off for a beautifully realized series.”— Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

  • “Barron developed Jane’s narrative voice by reading Austen’s collected and published letters, and it is neither spoiler nor surprise to say that series readers will be sorry to say goodbye to Jane Austen, amateur sleuth.”— Booklist

  • "[Barron] has brilliantly combined authentic historical and biographical details with skillful plotting and a credible evocation of Austen’s wry, distinctive voice. She brings the English author’s final investigation to a poignant, unforgettable close. Fans of this historical series will not be disappointed.”— First Clue

In 1995 author Stephanie Barron began her renowned Jane Austen Mysteries. Now totaling fifteen titles, the series traces the fictional escapades of the beloved English novelist as amateur sleuth. The first volume, Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor, joins Austen shortly after her rejection of Harris Bigg-Wither in December 1802 when she is in her late twenties.  With each subsequent novel of Barron’s, the timeline of Jane’s life continues. As history records, she died in July of 1817. At the conclusion of the fourteenth novel Jane and the Year Without a Summer, the titular heroine was beginning to show signs of her ailment in 1816. In Jane and the Final Mystery, she is heavily beset with fatigue, pain and other symptoms of her sickness. Nonetheless, within her social and familial circles a crime is discovered and she is on the case to assist in its resolution, bringing justice to the wronged and vindication to the falsely accused. Readers are given an intimate view into the complex environment of an elite boys' boarding school, which Jane deftly navigates in order to discover the truth about the offense committed.

Stephanie Barron has a talent for capturing the voice of Austen in a way that places her in an elite field. This reader has consumed a significant amount of Austenesque fiction, as well as novels that are set in 19th century England. While I have enjoyed most of the titles, very few have reached the excellence of writing that Barron offers. Her history is well-researched, the language is accurate to the period (to my limited knowledge) and the style is accessible enough for modern readers. That said, I enjoyed the discovery of new words to add to my vocabulary. Although an entertaining endeavor, reading Jane and the Final Mystery was also an educational experience.

When I opened the first pages of the Final Mystery, it was with a tinge of sadness. I was hesitant to begin, as it would bring me that much closer to the conclusion of this delightful series. However, I have the unlikely “blessing” of being a latecomer to Barron’s writing, as I only discovered her work in 2016. I have read five of her full-length mystery novels as of this date. This means I have the opportunity to enjoy ten other titles previously published. Barron touches on a few moments from those past titles near the conclusion of Final Mystery, and while I was not familiar with all of the elements to which she referred, it was not alienating. Those remembrances merely spurred my desire to return to the rest of the series in short order. 

Several years ago Stephanie Barron took a hiatus from writing this series. Six years passed between the publication of the thirteenth title Jane and the Waterloo Map and the next, Jane and the Year Without a Summer. I was positively delighted when the mysteries continued in 2022. Thank you, Stephanie Barron, for returning to our dear Jane in order to conclude her final years as amateur sleuth. As has been the case with the other titles enjoyed by this reader, Jane and the Final Mystery is a Janeite’s delight and a mystery reader’s pleasure. Your vision of this treasure of Regency England is thoroughly believable and provides clever reading which would most assuredly be enjoyed by Jane herself. Congratulations to you, and thank you again for this gift to your readers.

About the Author

Stephanie Barron is a graduate of Princeton and Stanford, where she received her Masters in History as an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow in the Humanities. Her novel, THAT CHURCHILL WOMAN (Ballantine, January 22, 2019) traces the turbulent career of Jennie Jerome, Winston Churchill's captivating American mother. Barron is perhaps best known for the critically acclaimed Jane Austen Mystery Series, in which the intrepid and witty author of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE details her secret detective career in Regency England. A former intelligence analyst for the CIA, Stephanie—who also writes under the name Francine Mathews—drew on her experience in the field of espionage for such novels as JACK 1939, which The New Yorker described as "the most deliciously high-concept thriller imaginable." She lives and works in Denver, CO.


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