
Monday, January 28, 2013

Pride and Prejudice 200th Anniversary Giveaway (US/CA)

My fellow Janeites and I are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the publication of Pride and Prejudice. The media is buzzing this week, offering much content on this beloved novel.  I couldn't resist getting in on the celebration, so I'm offering a little Pride and Prejudice-themed gift pack for you!  Skip down to the Rafflecopter widget below and enter to win.  I offer gently-used copies of Wickham's Diary by Amanda Grange, Pride and Prejudice on DVD, and four new Austen-themed notecards. Just a little Jane to celebrate the big anniversary!

If you're unfamiliar with Wickham's Diary, you can read my review here.

Be sure and check out the many activities going on around the world today and this week as we commemorate the publication of one of the most treasured novels of all time.  One event that has particularly interested me is the live Jane Austen readathon going on in Bath, England today.  If you have a moment, stop by their live feed to enjoy the reading of Pride and Prejudice by a host of fans and authors.  Some orators are dressing up in Regency attire, which has been fun to see as well.

Have a great week, and enjoy the plethora of all things Jane as the world celebrates!

Be sure to read the guidelines below, enter via the Rafflecopter widget, and good luck!
  • The contest period ends at 12:01am EST on February 10th.
  • Contest is open to U.S. and Canadian entrants only.
  • Make sure you leave your email address in the one required portion of the Rafflecopter form. Should you win, I will contact you on Sunday the 10th.  Please take measures to ensure that my email will make it past your spam filters, lest you miss my message. ( You'll have 72 hours to respond before I pick another winner.
  • All entries must go through the Rafflecopter form. If you leave an optional blog post comment, in order for it to count toward your contest entry, be sure to indicate this through the "Leave a Blog Post Comment" button on the Rafflecopter form.
  • The award will be mailed via USPS Media Rate shortly after the U.S. or Canadian mailing address is provided.
  • Entries will be verified.  If a fraudulent entry is detected for the winning name, another winner will be drawn.

If you can't see the Rafflecopter form below,
try clicking on the "Read more »" link

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Other blogs are also giving away some great anniversary prizes as we celebrate.
Be sure to check them out too!  Here's the link:  P&P Anniversary Blog Hop



  1. Like many people, I think I first became a fan of P&P after watching one of the movies. (In my case, it was the film with Colin Firth as Darcy!) That inspired me to read P&P, and then all of Jane Austen's books.

    1. Susan:

      My introduction was the same as well-- the 1995 P&P. Colin Firth will forever be my favorite Darcy!

  2. I became a P&P fan when my 12th grade English teacher showed us a clip of the Olivier film version. We only saw about 10 minutes of the movie, but I loved the story and needed to get my hands on a copy. I'm just glad there have been better adaptations released since then. ;)

  3. I watched the P&P version with Colin Firth on TV when I was in high school - yeah I'm that old. I promptly found a copy and devoured the book.

    1. Hey, I gotcha beat in the age category! I was done with high school, college AND was married when P&P 1995 came out!

  4. I'm almost done with the book now, reading it for a AP English class right now. What I love about it is Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth. They're fantastic characters!!

  5. My mother bought the book for my eighth birthday and we read it aloud together each night until it was done. I fell in love with the story and I still have that well used copy of the book.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. Sophia:

      I'm impressed you understood the story at age eight! Very impressive!

  6. I watched the new movie with Keira Knightley and fell in love with it. So, I read the book, watched the mini series and a bunch of Jane Austen-inspired movies.

  7. I really enjoyed reading Mr. Darcy's diary and would love to read Wickham's.

    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  8. I fell in love with P&P at an early age-- the romance was what first caught my eye, but now I really appreciate the nuances and layers to the story! Plus it is endlessly quotable!

  9. yes, read it in school

  10. After seeing P & P with Colin Firth! Had to get my hands on the book!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  11. I started watching P & P because the time period then I fell in love with the characters. Thank you for the chance to win.

  12. You've assembled an awesome prize pack. I should be ashamed to admit that I have not read Wickham's Diary, nor seen the 2005 version. So glad you are in on the P&P celebration. I found you through the blog hop, which I seem to be on the mission of hopping to ever blog listed! Cheers!

  13. I love P&P! I remember the first time I watched the 1995 version of the movie I did not realize that it was a 5 hour movie and I would up watching it until around 3 in the morning because I had to find out how the story ended. After that I was hooked. I have seen several versions and even introduced my British Literature Student teacher to the 2003 "Pride and Prejudice: A Latter-Day Comedy" version when I was in High School.

  14. I tried to read this book to young I think, Not enough appreciation for her style of writing, but when I picked it up quite a few years later when I was older I enjoyed it very much :)
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  15. My grandmother bought me a copy of Pride and Prejudice at Target, of all places. It was the real deal, not an abridged kid one. I still have it!

  16. I've been a fan ever since I was 12, when I found myself caught in front of the BBC miniseries, utterly incapable of leaving despite my professed hatred at the time for chick flicks and classics. I read the book a few days later, and I've loved the story and author ever since. :)

  17. I picked up a paperback of all of JA's novels many (many) years ago in a wonderful old (independent) bookstore near my apartment. P&P was the first one I read over a summer and loved it. Then came the miniseries and movies and I was hooked all over again.

  18. I read it some years ago when I found it on a list of great romances.

  19. One of my most beloved treasures is a paperback copy of P & P that I got a long, long time ago that was printed well before my time. Pages yellowed, edged in red and well read. Then you add the young Mr. Darcy that was Colin Firth... be still my heart! I was a romantic then and am one now and will always be, thanks in no small way to authors like Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer and Barbara Cartland.

  20. I've been a fan of all the Jane Austen books for forever...but I especially love the movie!

  21. I love Pride and Predjuice...I've seen the movie probably 3 times

  22. I honestly don't remember how I first became a fan of Pride and Prejudice, but I do remember borrowing the 1940 movie version from the library just about every month when I was in my early teens! I imagine I read the book shortly after discovering that film, but truly can't remember when I first read it...

  23. The first time I ever saw P&P was when I was on bedrest with a pregnancy. A lady from church dropped off a stack of movies from Jane Austen books. Hooked! Then my daughters got old enough to watch them with me. Hooked!
