
Monday, January 21, 2013

Made to Crave and Cleaning Out the Closet

I don't talk about it too much here on The Calico Critic, but like many Americans, I struggle with maintaining a healthy weight.  Last year, following a difficult move to Georgia, a failed pregnancy and alot of moping, I let myself get up to 194 pounds.  I could see the "dreaded 200" creeping ever closer, and I did not want to allow things to get that out of control.  As soon as I was recovered from the miscarriage, I began the process of getting back on track.  By God's grace, healthy eating and exercise, I was able to shed over 40 pounds.  I'd like to lose about 13 more, but at this point, the bigger task is maintaining what has been accomplished so far.  On more than one occasion, I've come to a healthy weight, only to self-sabotage and allow the scale to creep back up towards (or past) 200 pounds.  This time around, I really want to commit to never going back.

In an effort to stay committed to health and wellness, I've slowly been ridding my closet of the "big girl clothes".  This is harder than you may think, as the big clothes provide backup for when pounds may come creeping back on, and they're so comfy!  But if my actions are going to back up my decision of never going back, then the clothes have to go!  Favorite big denim skirt: GONE.  Favorite big denim jumper dress: GONE.  Two pairs of XXL cotton pants: GONE.

One interesting moment in the closet-purge came when I decided to part with a black pantsuit.  I put it on Sunday morning to wear to church, and I was shocked to find that it was actually too big!  This one is hard to part with, but I'm staying the course. It was put near the front door, in preparation for its trip to the local Goodwill shop.  My 7 year-old son Colson saw the suit by the door later, and he commented, "Why did Daddy leave his suit there?"  I responded, "Honey, that's not Daddy's suit.  That's one of my suits. I've decided to give it away."  Surprised, he said, "That's a girl's suit?! That's too big to be a girl's suit!"  I got a chuckle then, feeling a sense of reinforcement in my decision to let the clothes go.

I share these thoughts with you because I'm sure that some of you are in the same boat I'm in, as you've been persevering in your New Year's resolutions to lose weight and/or get in shape.  As you see the pounds melt away, don't let all your hard work go to waste.  Commit to the new lifestyle you've chosen.  And make no mistake-- it is a CHOICE.  Choose every day to honor God with your body.  Choose every day to be the person you were created to be.  Choose to rid your closet as well as your kitchen of the things that could allow you to return to your old life. And if you slip up by making some bad choices, choose to get right back on track.  Don't wait until next January or next Monday-- start RIGHT NOW.

One of the things that has helped me stay on track in recent weeks are some daily devotionals from Lysa TerKeurst's Made to Crave. Lysa's words have been such an encouragement to me.  It's almost as if she has thought the same things I have, and has struggled in similar ways. There have been many times when her words have kept my head on straight, reminding me of truth and banishing the lies that tempt me to return to unhealthy coping mechanisms.  Made to Crave is available on Kindle and in paperback, but you can also get the readings for free by downloading the You Version Made to Crave Reading Plan.  I have a You Version app on my iPhone, which makes reading the daily entries super convenient.

For those of you who resolved to have a healthier 2013, I hope your resolutions are holding strong.  And if your motivation seems to be waning, know that you're not alone, it's worth it to keep going, and that there is One who is there to give you His strength at any time.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."  --1 Corinthians 10:13

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  --Romans 15:13


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