
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Giveaway Winners for "Blackout" and "The Gospel According to Lost"

Well folks, I have the winners of the two book contests!  I was amazed at how many entries came in for Blackout, a total of 77!  So here's our winner of Blackout:


Congratulations, Hope! I assigned you entry numbers 14-47, and number 45 popped up at the top of my list.  Click here to see the results on TwitPic.

And the winner of The Gospel According to Lost is:


Congratulations! I assigned you entry numbers 3-5, and number 5 popped up at the top of my list. You can also click here to see the results on TwitPic.

Congrats to both of the winners!  I'll be emailing you to get your mailing information.  Thanks to everyone who entered the contest.  And don't forget about the other contest going on this week, a giveaway of James Dashner's The Maze Runner.  Click here to go to the contest post.

UPDATE:  GAHome2Mom has not responded to my emails, so per contest rules, I am now awarding The Gospel According to Lost to a new winner.  I hit again, and the winner is:

Vera at Luxury Reading!!

I assigned her entry numbers 8 & 9 and number 8 popped up at the top of my list. You can also click here to see the results on TwitPic.  Vera, I'll be emailing you to let you know you've won, and you have 48 hours to respond.  If not, I'll draw again.  Thanks for participating!

UPDATE AGAIN:  Vera has not responded to my emails, so per contest rules, I am now awarding The Gospel According to Lost to a new winner.  I hit again, and the winner is:

I assigned her entry number 2 and number 2 popped up at the top of my list. You can also click here to see the results on TwitPic.  Audrey, I'll be emailing you to let you know you've won, and you have 48 hours to respond.  If not, I'll draw again.  Thanks for participating!

UPDATE AGAIN:  AudreyPawdrey has not claimed her prize, so per contest rules, I am now awarding The Gospel According to Lost to a new winner.  I hit again, and the winner is:

The Unsell Family!!

I assigned them entry number 1, and number 1 popped up at the top of my list. You can also click here to see the results on TwitPic.  Unsell Family, I'll be emailing you to let you know you've won, and you have 48 hours to respond.  If not, I'll draw again.  Thanks for participating!

UPDATE AGAIN:  The Unsell Family did not claim their prize, so per contest rules, I am now awarding The Gospel According to Lost to a new winner.  I hit again, and the winner is:


I assigned her entry number 6, and number 6 popped up at the top of my list. You can also click here to see the results on TwitPic.  Wendy, I'll be emailing you to let you know you've won, and you have 48 hours to respond.  If not, the book will go to our final entrant, Emma.  Thanks for participating!


  1. Sheila:

    I'm beginning to wonder if the entrants were kidding... Two haven't claimed the book when they won. Oh well... hopefully it'll get a good home soon.

  2. I emailed my mailing info. Please let me know if you received it. I look forward to reading this book.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com
