
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Contests of the Week - January 27th

This is my weekly post, listing some of the giveaways I'm entering around the blogosphere.  Also, take note of the new button on the lefthand side of the Calico Critic.  The link to will take you to a full listing of all the contests that I'm currently running on the blog. Such convenience!

  • Angela at Library Girl Reads is clearing house and giving away several books to make room for her April acquisitions.  Deadline is 2/24.  Here's the link:

  • The long-awaited giveaways of Robin Maxwell's O, Juliet have begun!  Here are some of them:
Allie at Hist-Fic Chick is an O, Juliet giveaway participant.  Deadline is 2/13.

Susie at All Things Royal is also participating.  Deadline is 2/13.

Lucy at Enchanted by Josephine is giving away a copy.  Deadline is 2/4.  Here's her link:

Lizzy at Historically Obsessed is giving away her ARC.  Deadline is February 4th.
  • Teddy Rose at So Many Precious Books, So Little Time is giving away up to 3 audiobooks of The Swan Thieves.  The deadline is February 5th.  If you'd be so gracious as to mention that Laura Hartness of The Calico Critic sent you, I would be most grateful for the extra point!
  • Seductive Musings is hosting a guest blog post with Sharon Lathan and giving away the first 3 books in her Darcy Saga.  Deadline for the contest is February 6th.


  1. Hi Laura! Thanks for entering my giveaway.
    On your Graphic link to the giveaway.. Could you add
    to the Link?
    Thanks so much, & good luck!!

  2. Marie:

    Thanks for letting me know about the bad link. I've got it all fixed now. Whew!

