Saturday, July 30, 2016

Review and Giveaway: The Elizabeth Papers by Jenetta James

“It is settled between us already, that we are to be the happiest couple in the world,” said Elizabeth Bennet at the conclusion of Pride & Prejudice—but was it true?

Charlie Haywood is a London-based private investigator who has made his own fortune—on his own terms. Charming, cynical, and promiscuous, he never expected to be attracted to Evie Pemberton, an independent-minded artist living with the aftermath of tragedy. But when he is hired to investigate her claims to a one hundred and fifty year old trust belonging to the eminent Darcy family, he is captivated.

Together they become entwined in a Regency tale of love, loss, and mystery tracing back to the grand estate of Pemberley, home to Evie’s nineteenth century ancestors, Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy. As if traveling back in time, a story unfolds within their story. All was not as it seemed in the private lives of Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, but how can they ever uncover the whole truth?

How could they know that in 1817 Elizabeth Darcy began a secret journal? What started as an account of a blissful life came to reflect a growing unease. Was the Darcy marriage perfect or was there betrayal and deception at its heart?

Can Evie and Charlie unearth the truth in the letters of Fitzwilliam Darcy or within the walls of present-day Pemberley? What are the elusive Elizabeth papers and why did Elizabeth herself want them destroyed?

The Elizabeth Papers is a tale of romance and intrigue, spanning the Regency and modern eras, reminding us how the passions of the past may inspire those in the present. 

Although I’ve hosted author Jenetta James on The Calico Critic in the past, her latest work The Elizabeth Papers is the first novel of hers that I’ve read.  Prior to the day that she contacted me for this review, I’d noticed the book’s arrival throughout social media and other blogs.  The cover art completely drew me in—yes, I’m that kind of reader.  The premise sounded interesting enough, but I must say the amazing art was what sold me.  Jenetta assured me that the content wouldn’t be overly steamy for my readers, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review this for you!

Unlike many titles, The Elizabeth Papers can indeed be judged by its cover.  I absolutely adore this book!  James’ writing is superb, confident and strong.  She deftly handles the multiple time periods of the narrative by giving each its own distinctive voice.  I was completely drawn in, and in truth, I could not read this book fast enough.  I loved the voice she gave to Elizabeth Darcy. It was almost modern in tone, without being too anachronistic. Darcy has his unique timbre within his letters and is very faithful to Austen’s original view of him.  He is strong and regal in public, tender and sincere in private. Their marriage is very real; they’ve been together for six years, and the newlywed sheen has worn from their relationship.  As a woman who has been married for over two decades, I loved how Jenetta handled the vicissitudes of the marital relationship.  One passage almost took my breath away.  While my husband and I are doing well as of late, there have been periods during our relationship when my heart has echoed these emotions of Elizabeth Darcy's:

“Now, if she [Lydia] is in his presence and causing him annoyance, I find I do not care. Is this how love dies? Does it falter on the road of complacency and acquiescence? If I do not tend to him as once I did, is it not he who has made me feel thus? A feeling of darkness and loneliness is welling up inside me, and I know not how to push it down.” (Chapter 13)

With this style of writing, it is no surprise that each chapter left me grasping for the next, especially with the format that James chose, alternating time periods with each chapter. She had me wondering which era I preferred—the Regency time period in which the Darcy's were so compelling, or the modern era in which the characters were so interesting.  It truly was a great combination of a traditional Austenesque novel and a contemporary tale.

Jenetta also crafted romantic storylines that I found to be a touch steamy, but not over the top. She kept the content within the PG or light PG-13 range, with plenty of opportunities to go further with the private details of the bedroom without doing so.  Most of the sensual moments were between the married Darcy's, with just a tad from other sources.  Her writing is very strong; she has no need to become overly sensational in this area.  I applaud her choices in this regard.

Overall I cannot recommend The Elizabeth Papers highly enough.  It’s the best Jane Austen Fan Fiction I’ve read in quite some time, and truly stands apart with its quality writing.  I think my only major complaint is that at just over 200 pages, I wanted it to be longer! We could have heard more from Darcy’s letters, for example. I in no way felt cheated—I simply enjoyed the novel so much I didn’t want it to come to an end! Jenetta James has completely won me over, and I look forward to reading more of her in the future!

Giveaway: The Elizabeth Papers

Jenetta has generously offered to give away two copies of The Elizabeth Papers to our readers!  Simply use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.  The winners may choose between a Kindle edition or paperback copy.  Open internationally. Contest period closes on August 13th at 12am EST.  Good luck!

About the Author

Jenetta James is a lawyer, writer, mother and taker-on of too much. She grew up in Cambridge and read history at Oxford University where she was a scholar and president of the Oxford University History Society. After graduating, she took to the law and now practices full time as a barrister. Over the years she has lived in France, Hungary and Trinidad as well as her native England. Jenetta currently lives in London with her husband and children where she enjoys reading, laughing and playing with Lego.  

Connect with Jenetta


The Elizabeth Papers Kindle Suddenly Mrs. Darcy Kindle

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Review: Forever Yours by Robin Helm

In Forever Yours, the third and final volume of the Christian Regency/Modern Yours by Design series, both Will Darcy and Fitzwilliam Darcy seek to overcome the obstacles threatening to separate them from their respective Elizabeths. 

Could it be possible for people who grew up in time periods over two hundred years apart to be happy together? Can a Regency man love a modern woman? Can a modern man adjust to a Regency woman? 

As mentioned in my previous review of Sincerely Yours, author Robin Helm concludes the second title in her Yours by Design series with a pair of cliffhangers, deliciously leading into the start of this final installment, Forever Yours.  The 19th century Fitzwilliam Darcy, transported through time into the body of the modern Will Darcy, experienced some growth in Sincerely Yours, so in addition to the anticipation of the resolution of the cliffhangers, I was eager to witness how he would develop as a newly-minted modern man. 

Mild spoiler alert:  The cliffhangers involve each Fitzwilliam/Will character divulging his great secret to the Elizabeth of his era.  How will she respond to such an outlandish tale? Time travel? After he utters a prayer? Into another man’s body? Is this even possible? Perhaps the Elizabeths will think him delusional or worse. But as each man begins to fall more and more in love with his respective Lizzy, he knows that she ultimately must know the truth of his existence.  Nevertheless, it’s an act of faith to share such a phenomenal concept with someone.

In addition to the revelation of each man’s state of being, a major crisis erupts on each end of the timeline. In the Regency era, George Wickham is up to his usual antics, causing trouble and threatening the good name of the Bennet family, and by extension, the Darcy family as well.  In the modern day, a Wickham-like character also runs afoul, doing much more than slandering a family name.  He is involved in illegal and morally decrepit practices that turned my stomach on multiple occasions.  He was more than just a pest—he is the embodiment of evil.  These storylines with the Wickham characters were a very exciting way to end the trilogy.  It raised the level of the narrative above a mere tale of romance; there was much at stake for the families involved, and indeed, potential families of the future.  As the chapters alternated between the past and the present, I found myself eager to get to the next scene to determine what would happen in the lives of the characters.  Robin Helm has written a captivating tale that built suspense in a realistic way.

While all of the drama was occurring with the Wickham characters, the romances between the Darcy and Lizzy characters were growing as well. As in the first two volumes of this series, the Regency-era plotline continues to be enjoyable and well-written. The most distinctive change was found in the modern day chapters, as Fitzwilliam continues to adapt and mature into his 21st century life.  He is transformed from a pretentious, spoiled, prat of a man as seen in Accidentally Yours to a caring, more selfless, giving individual in Forever Yours.  His transformation was so complete, it was hard to believe he was the same person, but I enjoyed his new characteristics such that I was comfortable in suspending my disbelief.

As expected, Forever Yours wraps up with two happy endings, but not without having to withstand much drama and conflict, both from the Wickham characters and from relational issues.  Robin Helm has done a fine work in this series, incorporating our favorite Pride and Prejudice characters, family-friendly romance, realistic issues and captivating drama.  This trilogy was a fun read, and sure to delight fans of Austenesque fiction and time-travel novels alike.


Author Robin M. Helm has graciously offered two copies of Forever Yours.  One copy will be a Kindle edition for our international readers, and a U.S. winner may choose between an autographed paperback or the Kindle edition.  Contest period ends on August 12th at 12am EST. Please use the Rafflecopter widget below for your contest entry.

About the Author

Robin M. Helm is the author of a modern Christian fantasy fiction series, The Guardian Trilogy, which includes Guardian, SoulFire, and Legacy. She has also published the Yours by Design series, a Christian Regency/Modern Romance with a paranormal element. Accidentally Yours, Sincerely Yours, and Forever Yours are all available for purchase in both e-book and print formats.

Mrs. Helm shares a blog, Jane Started It, with the other writers of the Crown Hill Writers' Guild, and is one of the founders and administrators of, a website for readers with common interests. She also has published three Regency short stories, "First Kiss," "The Prize," and "Treasure Chest," which can be read on Jane Started It on her author's page or at She has one husband, one granddaughter, two daughters, two sons-in-law, four family dogs, five part-time jobs, and six published books.

Mrs. Helm is the Associate in Music and Music Academy Director at her church, the interim choir director, a piano teacher, and an elementary music teacher. She formerly taught high school English.

She graduated with a BA from Piedmont International University. She is a member of the Delta Epsilon Chi honor society, the American Legion Auxiliary, JASNA, and the scholarship faculty of the United States Achievement Academy.

Connect with Robin M. Helm

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Book 2

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Review and Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Pride and Joy by Monica Fairview

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are engaged at last, and Mr. Darcy is preparing to take out a special licence to get married quickly. But, just when everything seems to be going just right, he encounters opposition from an unexpected quarter. Then, when his engagement is announced – to someone else – Elizabeth, understandably, begins to doubt his sincerity.

Perhaps their love is doomed after all…

Find out more in this third part of the Darcy Novels series, a Pride and Prejudice variation. 

Diving into this third installment of the Darcy series by Monica Fairview, I had a few expectations.  Its predecessor, Mr. Darcy’s Challenge ended on such a high note, I assumed there would be no obstacles to Lizzy making it to the altar with her beloved.  In fact, I half expected the story to pick up not long after their honeymoon!  One would assume I’d already read the short plot summary for this novel, but I had deliberately kept myself 100% spoiler-free on this one.  I’d enjoyed the first two so much; there was no need for a preview on my part.  I speculated that the titular “pride and joy” would possibly be referring to one of their children, in fact!  I was certainly off track in my assumptions.  For those of you who prefer to be almost as in the dark as I was, you might want to return to my review on another day.  Come back and leave your comments, but don’t let these thoughts intrude on your enjoyment of the book.  As for the rest of the audience who isn’t particularly concerned about a few spoilers, read on!

At the conclusion of Mr. Darcy’s Challenge, all seems right in the world with our two Austenian characters, Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.  While out for a walk, Darcy is so enraptured with joy, he fails to notice that he has wondered into a shady part of London.  From there we have an exciting episode which kicks off the novel with a bang.  In truth, I would say that it was the most riveting moment in the entire story!  This event is one in a long string of obstacles that emerges, keeping Darcy and Lizzy from tying the knot.  Time after time, circumstances present themselves in such a way that even I began to doubt if the wedding would ever happen.  As the chapters flew by, there seemed to be no “Happily Ever After” (HEA) in sight.  I found myself saying to the author, “Monica, you’re almost out of pages!  Darcy and Lizzy are not together!  What in the world are you up to?!  I need my HEA!”

Suffice it to say, Mr. Darcy’s Pride & Joy has a satisfying ending.  The “pride and joy” mentioned in the title is a reference to Elizabeth, whom Darcy loves with all his heart. Despite all of life’s obstacles, he is determined to be with her, no matter what the cost.  Even he has moments of doubt, thinking he might be duty-bound into a marriage with someone else, but he never truly gives up hope.  The same goes for Elizabeth.  Despite moments of questioning, she loves him fully and is willing to sacrifice much in order to be his wife.

In addition to the entertaining story, I also enjoyed the amount of time spent with a secondary character, Miss Anne de Bourgh of Rosings Park.  While frail in constitution, her character was much spunkier than I’ve seen in the past, and I found her to be quite intriguing.  She desires to remain true to herself, but she is constrained by limitations put on her by her mother and society at large.  She ultimately is liberated, and I reveled in that moment with her.

While this is a review of Mr. Darcy’s Pride and Joy, it’s also a commentary on Fairview’s Darcy series as a whole.  This trilogy has been a delight to read, and the best I’ve seen from Monica in quite a while.  While Mr. Darcy’s Challenge can somewhat stand on its own, the first and final titles are somewhat dependent on the others.  I would encourage readers of Austenesque fiction to begin with Mr. Darcy’s Pledge and take in the entire trilogy.  Each title is a fast read, very enjoyable, family-friendly and romantically delectable.  Congratulations to Monica Fairview on an excellent collection!

Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Pride & Joy Ebook!

Monica Fairview has graciously offered to give away an ebook copy of Mr. Darcy's Pride and Joy! Simply fill out the Rafflecopter below to win.  Open internationally. Giveaway period ends on July 30th at 12am EST.  Good luck to all the entrants!

About the Author

Monica Fairview is a long-time admirer of Jane Austen's wit. She loves to laugh, and she is convinced that her cats can understand everything she says. She is the author of several Austenesque novels: two traditional Jane Austen sequels, one post-apocalyptic tongue-in-cheek Jane Austen spin-off, one multi-author novel THE DARCY BROTHERS, featuring Mr. Darcy’s rakish brother Theo, and now the trilogy, THE DARCY NOVELS. She has also written a Regency Christmas novel, A VERY MERRY CHASE, which was published as part of The Regency Quintet anthology and will be coming out soon on Amazon.

Monica Fairview’s real claim to fame is that she lived in Elizabeth Gaskell’s house in Manchester as a teenager, in the days when it was faded and neglected, so you could say she has the smog of NORTH & SOUTH in her blood.

Monica lived in the USA for many years, where she taught literature to captive victims. She has lived in Illinois, Texas, Colorado, California, Washington State, Oregon, and Massachusetts. By some quirk of fate, she now lives in Surrey within the Greater London area, within a stone's throw of Jane Austen's picnic spot in EMMA, Box Hill. She loves visiting historical properties when it isn’t raining.

Connect with Author Monica Fairview

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Review and Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Challenge by Monica Fairview

In this humorous Pride and Prejudice variation, Mr. Darcy is determined to win Elizabeth Bennet's hand in spite of her rejection and he has a strategy worked out. He will rescue Lydia Bennet from Wickham and will return to Longbourn to convince Elizabeth to marry him. But when a chance encounter prompts Darcy to propose once again to Elizabeth before he has rescued Lydia, his plans go horribly wrong.

Broken hearted, disillusioned and bitterly regretting his impulsive action, Darcy sees no point in assisting Miss Bennet. After all, rescuing Lydia might save Elizabeth’s reputation, but why should he care when they have no future together? His code of gentlemanly conduct, however, demands that he fulfill the terms of his promise to her. Once again, Darcy finds himself faced with impossible choices: helping Elizabeth when she is certain to marry someone else, or holding onto his dignity by turning his back on the Bennets once and for all.

Pride and love are at loggerheads as he struggles to choose between his mind … and his heart.

Monica Fairview continues her Darcy series with the second title, Mr. Darcy’s Challenge.  The narrative picks up right from where Mr. Darcy’s Pledge left off, addressing the cliffhanger that had me eagerly anticipating the continuation of the story.  The scenes that follow it are on occasion cringe-inducing (due to Darcy’s ineptness as a suitor) and at times were almost comical.  I was wincing, laughing and enjoying it all at the same time.  As Georgiana thinks in chapter 15, “Her normally sensible brother had been driven to complete irrationality.”  The stoic Fitzwilliam Darcy is internally insecure and at times almost desperate to marry Elizabeth Bennet, but he faces obstacles at seemingly every turn.  He has moments of resignation, even pursuing another marriage option, but his love for her never wavers.  The question of the day is:  Will Elizabeth ever return his affections?

I enjoyed the novel’s brisk pace, as it brought in much more excitement and drama than the first installment.  Particularly interesting were the disappearance of Lydia Bennet and the possible involvement of Mr. Wickham, Darcy’s nemesis.  A kidnapping and ransom are involved, and I was riveted to see how this particular conundrum would work itself out.  Fairview took me completely by surprise during one rescue scene, when a certain individual is found to not be present at all.  I gasped audibly and my hand flew to my face!

Darcy’s little sister Georgiana is also featured quite a bit in this series, and I’ve enjoyed watching her grow and mature along the way. She has been somewhat sheltered for most of her life, and her interactions with Wickham have changed her considerably.  Georgiana is also quite invested in proving “once and for all…that she was not a child to be pushed aside and forgotten”.  I was proud of the choices she’s begun to make as a young woman coming up in the world.

Mr. Darcy’s Pledge was an enjoyable read, and I wasn’t sure how Monica Fairview would improve on it with Challenge.  I expected a simple continuation, a second volume that would be similar to its predecessor.  I was surprised to find that this second portion was more entertaining than the first!  I reveled at Darcy’s behavior, cringed at Lydia’s ridiculousness, enjoyed Georgiana’s development, and I especially loved the ending.  It doesn’t conclude with the same type of cliffhanger that the first title presented, but it was simply delicious!  In fact, I could easily see Mr. Darcy’s Challenge being read as a stand-alone novel.  With all of this, I eagerly anticipate the next offering of this series, Mr. Darcy’s Pride and Joy.  I’m sure we will be in for a treat!

Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Challenge Ebook!

Monica Fairview has graciously offered to give away an ebook copy of Mr. Darcy's Challenge! Simply fill out the Rafflecopter below to win.  Open internationally. Giveaway period ends on July 23rd at 12am EST.  Good luck to all the entrants!

About the Author

Monica Fairview is a long-time admirer of Jane Austen's wit. She loves to laugh, and she is convinced that her cats can understand everything she says. She is the author of several Austenesque novels: two traditional Jane Austen sequels, one post-apocalyptic tongue-in-cheek Jane Austen spin-off, one multi-author novel THE DARCY BROTHERS, featuring Mr. Darcy’s rakish brother Theo, and now the trilogy, THE DARCY NOVELS. She has also written a Regency Christmas novel, A VERY MERRY CHASE, which was published as part of The Regency Quintet anthology and will be coming out soon on Amazon.

Monica Fairview’s real claim to fame is that she lived in Elizabeth Gaskell’s house in Manchester as a teenager, in the days when it was faded and neglected, so you could say she has the smog of NORTH & SOUTH in her blood.

Monica lived in the USA for many years, where she taught literature to captive victims. She has lived in Illinois, Texas, Colorado, California, Washington State, Oregon, and Massachusetts. By some quirk of fate, she now lives in Surrey within the Greater London area, within a stone's throw of Jane Austen's picnic spot in EMMA, Box Hill. She loves visiting historical properties when it isn’t raining.

Connect with Author Monica Fairview

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Monday, July 11, 2016

Book Excerpt and Giveaway: Chaos Comes to Longbourn by Victoria Kincaid

While attempting to suppress his own desire to dance with Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy flees the Netherfield ballroom only to stumble upon a half-dressed Lydia Bennet in the library.  After being discovered with her in a compromising position, Darcy is forced to make her an offer of marriage.

Fearing the Bennets will attempt a similar “trick” with their brother, Mr. Bingley’s sisters convince him to leave Hertfordshire without any intention of returning.  After Elizabeth refuses Mr. Collins, a heartbroken Jane Bennet accepts his proposal.

Having resolved to propose to Jane, Bingley returns to Longbourn; but when he learns of her betrothal, he makes an offer to Elizabeth instead.  She accepts, with the hope that Jane will change her mind if Bingley remains at Netherfield. 

Meanwhile, Sir William Lucas is aware that Wickham had actually compromised Lydia in the Netherfield library and blackmails him into proposing to Charlotte Lucas, who is in danger of becoming an old maid. 

Hertfordshire has become a tangled web of misbegotten betrothals.

Although Darcy yearns for Elizabeth, he feels honor bound by his promise.  Elizabeth is also developing feelings for the master of Pemberley, but he has never seemed so far out of her reach.  How can Darcy and Elizabeth unravel this tangle and reach their happily ever after? 

Today we welcome author Victoria Kincaid!  Her latest novel Chaos Comes to Longbourn is now available, and we have an excerpt for you to whet your appetite, as well as a giveaway.   I haven't read this title, but the idea of Darcy proposing to Lydia sounds very entertaining at the very least!  Can you just imagine the two of them?!?  Well, Victoria Kincaid has contemplated such a matching, and it'll be interesting to see where the story leads next.  Enjoy the excerpt, and best wishes on the giveaway!

Excerpt: Chaos Comes to Longbourn
(From Chapter 2)

If Darcy failed to propose now, Elizabeth and the other onlookers would think him without honor.  But the thought of proposing was…profoundly distasteful.  Of course, a proposal was not a marriage.  If he proposed under duress now, Darcy might later find a way to escape the obligation.  The Bennet family might agree to a monetary settlement, but they could hardly discuss such a compromise here, in front of witnesses.

Yes, he would find the means to escape the situation later.  For now he need only scrape together the remains of his dignity and live to fight another day.  Devil take it! 

He turned to the disheveled, red-faced, sobbing fifteen-year-old.  “Miss Lydia,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Y-yes?”  She granted him a quizzical smile and a hiccup.

“Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”  Darcy was proud he did not choke on the words.  He did not have the slightest hope the chit would reject him; his fortune was too tempting.

“M-marry you?”  Lydia laughed. 


Darcy failed to see any humor in the situation.  “W-why would I want to marry you?”  She giggled, swaying a bit on her feet. 

Was the girl touched in the head?

A frowning Mr. Bennet advanced on his daughter and took her arm.  “Lydia, you must accept him,” he explained in a low voice.  “Your reputation has been compromised.”

“But look at him!”  She waved wildly at Darcy.  “He’s so stuffy and formal and dull.  And he does not even possess a red coat!”  A couple of onlookers tittered.  Even Mr. Bennet’s lips twitched. However, Elizabeth’s glare did not relent.

Darcy rubbed the back of his neck.  This was a farce in every possible way. 

“That may be true, my dear,” Mr. Bennet spoke gently to his daughter while staring daggers at Darcy, “but you must accept him anyway.”

“I don’t want to!”  Lydia stamped her foot like a child denied a sweet.

“You must.”  Mr. Bennet’s voice now held a hint of steel.  “You would not wish to experience a decrease in your allowance for hats and gloves.”

Lydia glared at her father.  “Papa, that is unfair!”  He crossed his arms and regarded her sternly.  Finally, she stepped backward and slumped into a chair with a huff.  “Very well!  Yes, Mr. Darcy, I accept.”  Her face arranged itself in a very unattractive pout.

Darcy wondered if there had ever been a less romantic marriage proposal in the history of the world.  However, if Lydia possessed that little enthusiasm, perhaps they could reach some sort of agreement which would not leave him leg-shackled.  Never before had he been grateful for being considered dull!  Of course, he had never before encountered a woman who thought ten thousand a year was dull.

Bingley began to direct guests—all chatting excitedly—toward the library door.  Lydia returned to sobbing into her hands.  With a scowl at Darcy, Mrs. Bennet swept across the floor to take the chair next to Lydia’s.  “It will not be so bad, my dear.  Mr. Darcy is very rich.”  Standing next to Lydia, Elizabeth colored at her mother’s tactlessness.

Darcy closed his eyes.  This could not possibly be happening.

“Rich?”  Despite being muffled, Lydia’s tone was definitely interested.

“Yes!” Mrs. Bennet trilled.  “You will have many fine dresses and carriages!”

Lydia peeked through her hands.  “More than my sisters?”

“I daresay.  They are not liable to find wealthier husbands!”

Lydia clapped in excitement.  “La!” she squealed.  “How droll!”  She certainly recovered from her mortification quickly.

Darcy could almost see the hope for an agreement with Lydia slipping further away.  Why would the girl accept a fraction of his fortune when she believed she was entitled to all of it?

But there was nothing he could accomplish tonight.  Perhaps he could convince Lydia to break off their engagement tomorrow, once she had sobered.  Darcy spun on his heel and strode toward the hallway.

He needed a brandy.  Or two.  Or ten.

Mrs. Bennet’s shrill tones followed him as he hurried away.  “I daresay you will like being his wife.  Mrs. Darcy!  Oh, how well that sounds!”

“Yes, indeed!” Lydia agreed with a giggle.

Lydia might like being Mrs. Darcy, but Darcy could not conceive how he would survive Lydia.

Giveaway - Chaos Comes to Longbourn

Author Victoria Kincaid has generously offered a copy of her novel Chaos Comes to Longbourn for one of our readers!  The contest is open internationally, and the winner may choose between a print edition or ebook copy.  The giveaway period ends at 12am EST on July 23, 2016.   Utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.  Good luck! 

About the Author

The author of best-selling Pride and Prejudice variations, historical romance writer Victoria has a Ph.D. in English literature and has taught composition to unwilling college students. Today she is a freelance writer/editor who teaches business writing to willing office professionals and tries to give voice to the demanding cast of characters in her head.

She lives in Virginia with an overly affectionate cat, two children who are learning how much fun Austen’s characters can be, and a husband who fortunately is not jealous of Mr. Darcy. A lifelong Austen fan, Victoria has read more Jane Austen variations and sequels than she can count – and confesses to an extreme partiality for the Colin Firth miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice.

Paperback Kindle More Victoria! More Victoria!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Book Review & Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Pledge by Monica Fairview

Torn between his heart and his mind… Mr. Darcy must make a choice.

Fitzwilliam Darcy has always been able to keep his emotions under control. That is, until he falls under the spell of Elizabeth Bennet and surprises himself by blurting out a proposal to her like a moonstruck youth. Stung to the quick by her rejection, his pride in tatters, and left with no possibility that she will ever love him, Darcy determines to put all thoughts of Elizabeth behind him. But not even Town with its boundless opportunities for amusement can keep the image of Elizabeth Bennet from pursuing him everywhere he goes.

By the time Darcy leaves Town to travel up to Pemberley, he has learned one thing. There is only one way of overcoming Miss Bennet’s bewitching hold over him and Darcy is desperate enough to try it. The solution is to get married. And this time, he is not going to choose a wife by allowing his emotions to lead him by the nose.

His choice will be entirely rational…

In Volume I of this Pride and Prejudice variation, Monica Fairview traces Mr. Darcy’s journey as he struggles to come to terms with the upheaval Elizabeth Bennet has caused in his life…and his heart.

Monica Fairview begins her Darcy Novel series with Mr. Darcy’s Pledge, a diversion from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.  In this vision of the story, we catch up with Fitzwilliam Darcy not long after his dreadful marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet.  Acting on emotion, impulse and with little planning, Darcy brought to the object of his affection a pitiful proposition indeed.  Elizabeth is nothing short of insulted, and despite his elevated position in society, wisely and firmly declines his offer.  Darcy returns home licking his wounds, determined to hide away his heart and make a rational decision when next choosing a future bride.  He almost makes a pledge to himself, resolving to “marry sensibly and not to allow emotion to dictate his future”.

This line of thinking leads him to craft an unusual document, a list of attributes for the ideal Mistress of Pemberley.  As he encounters a number of possible candidates, he edits the list accordingly, adding desirable and distasteful qualities—women to be on the lookout for, and women to avoid.  I found this device to smack of immaturity somewhat, and it garnered too many lines of text in my opinion.  I understood the point of the list, but after a while I tired of its use.  That is just a minor criticism, however.

Fairview stays very true to the characters Austen created, and much of the focus is on Darcy’s inner turmoil.  In her vision, he is somewhat self-conscious and insecure, but you would never perceive this in the manner in which he carries himself. As in the original work, he is somewhat stiff and can come across as snobbish.  He sometimes has trouble relating and communicating to others, and this brings him no end of frustration as he deals with his relatives and acquaintances. Not only are members of society angling to snare him as a husband, but others are also working to find his sister Georgiana a mate as well.  He spends much time in frustration over his choices, pining for Elizabeth, and directing matchmakers away from Georgiana.

I felt that Mr. Darcy’s Pledge was a pleasant, family-friendly start to a delightful series.  As it ends with a bit of a cliffhanger, we will need to continue on to Mr. Darcy’s Challenge to determine how the story progresses.  On its own, Mr. Darcy’s Pledge is a fun diversion from Pride and Prejudice, with moments of excitement as well as humor.  There was one scene with Darcy’s valet and a cravat that had me laughing out loud, in fact.  At 200 pages and with Monica’s brisk writing, you’ll be flying through the twenty chapters in no time. This was a fun read, and I look forward to the next volume in the series!

Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Pledge Ebook!

Monica Fairview has graciously offered to give away an ebook copy of Mr. Darcy's Pledge! Simply fill out the Rafflecopter below to win.  This is a fun start to the series, and I know you'll be hooked into wanting to read the whole trilogy after reading this one.  Giveaway period ends on July 16th at 12am EST.  Good luck to all the entrants!

About the Author

Monica Fairview is a long-time admirer of Jane Austen's wit. She loves to laugh, and she is convinced that her cats can understand everything she says. She is the author of several Austenesque novels: two traditional Jane Austen sequels, one post-apocalyptic tongue-in-cheek Jane Austen spin-off, one multi-author novel THE DARCY BROTHERS, featuring Mr. Darcy’s rakish brother Theo, and now the trilogy, THE DARCY NOVELS. She has also written a Regency Christmas novel, A VERY MERRY CHASE, which was published as part of The Regency Quintet anthology and will be coming out soon on Amazon.

Monica Fairview’s real claim to fame is that she lived in Elizabeth Gaskell’s house in Manchester as a teenager, in the days when it was faded and neglected, so you could say she has the smog of NORTH & SOUTH in her blood.

Monica lived in the USA for many years, where she taught literature to captive victims. She has lived in Illinois, Texas, Colorado, California, Washington State, Oregon, and Massachusetts. By some quirk of fate, she now lives in Surrey within the Greater London area, within a stone's throw of Jane Austen's picnic spot in EMMA, Box Hill. She loves visiting historical properties when it isn’t raining.

Connect with Author Monica Fairview

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Monday, July 4, 2016

Book Review and Giveaway: Mr. Darcy's Journey by Abigail Reynolds

Mr. Darcy is at his wits’ end. Elizabeth Bennet, the woman he can’t live without, overhears him insulting her family. Now she won’t even listen to his apologies. Then his old friend Sir Anthony Duxbury tells him two of their friends are in terrible danger. If Darcy wants to help them, they have to leave for Yorkshire immediately.

But something doesn’t add up. Elizabeth claims to know Sir Anthony, too – but by a different name. What game is his old friend playing? And is it dangerous?

Even Sir Anthony says the trip is dangerous. The Luddite rebels are on the verge of armed revolt – and he should know, because he’s one of them. Darcy’s cousin Lady Frederica decides she’s going with them anyway, and insists on bringing Elizabeth. Could this be Darcy’s chance to earn Elizabeth’s forgiveness and her love?

Elizabeth would rather face a squad of Napoleon’s soldiers than spend three days trapped in a carriage with Darcy and his headstrong cousin, but she has her own reason for agreeing to come. If she can just manage to keep her temper, she may be able to rescue her uncle from financial ruin.

But when a Luddite riot erupts around them, it’s Darcy and Elizabeth who need rescuing – from each other. 

Long-term readers of The Calico Critic may recall that I’ve had a mixed history with Abigail Reynolds’ Austenesque fiction. While I generally enjoy her writing, at times the amount of adult content has been a frustration for me.  However, one of my very favorite Austenesque novels of all time is her Mr. Darcy’s Obsession, which sounds steamier than it is. That was my latest foray into her writing, almost six years ago now. I loved the book, and to this day I still hold out hope that she will write a follow-up to such a wonderful story. So when Abigail contacted me about reading her newest work, Mr. Darcy’s Journey, I was simultaneously excited but filled with a bit of trepidation. I don’t enjoy giving negative reviews due to content, but I do feel honor bound to be honest I my critiques.

Much to my delight, I can offer a positive reaction to Mr. Darcy’s Journey!  While I can’t say that it will be an all-time favorite as Mr. Darcy’s Obsession is (that would be quite a feat, indeed), I did enjoy this latest work from Abigail.   The story picks up before Darcy’s disastrous first proposal to Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, but not long after his attraction to her is beginning to grow.  He once again stumbles in his relationship with Lizzie, inadvertently insulting her family’s social position as he did in Austen’s original material. True to her original feelings, Elizabeth initially cannot bear Darcy and his haughty attitudes, even despising being in his presence during a carriage ride.

Along with Darcy and Elizabeth’s relational dance, there is much action in regard to the Luddite rebellion that was also breaking out at the same time in England.  Austen is known for glossing over such historical facts, given their political tone and possible implications for her stories.  Abigail Reynolds does not shy away from the issues of the rebellion, equal rights for women, unfair labor practices and other important topics.  While at times I felt that these social problems slowed Reynolds’ story down a bit, I did find them to be very informative.  The riots breaking out in Sheffield also provided several scenes of riveting action, and one opportunity for a very passionate kiss between two characters, a rare moment of sensuality in this otherwise fairly tame romantic tale.

I also enjoyed the amount of time that was spent with Darcy’s cousins, the Fitzwilliams.  Colonel Fitzwilliam is one of my favorite characters from Pride and Prejudice, and I found that his family as a whole to be very diverting.  His mother is quite a character, and I also enjoyed the evolution of his sister as she deals with a love interest who isn’t always who he seems to be. There was much adventure to be had with this crew, and I enjoyed them immensely.

Hobbes, the "Cat Butler"
Lastly, and this has absolutely nothing to do with my overall opinion of the book, I assure you—A while back I noticed that many of my fellow Janeites are also cat lovers.  I began a group on Facebook called “Austenesque Cat Lovers”, and Abigail was one of the first to join.  She has a lovely cat named Snowdrop who is arguably the honorary mascot of our group.  Members of our little society enjoy posting images of our own furry friends, articles regarding cats, books, videos, etc. (come join us if you like).  At some point in her writing, Abigail decided to have a few cameos in the novel.  I have a big orange tabby named Hobbes, and I was thrilled to discover that in this book, Darcy’s butler at Pemberley is named Hobbes, which is not a coincidence!  Not only did Abigail name the butler after my cat, but another character is also named after another group member’s feline, and beautiful Snowdrop makes a showing near the end of the story as well.  Again, this does not influence my opinion of the book.  It was just a nice little treat that was found as I read through Mr. Darcy’s Journey.

Cat cameos aside, I’m happy to give a positive review for Mr. Darcy’s Journey.  While Darcy and Elizabeth may not travel far distances in this novel, they did have quite a journey in their relationship.  You can most likely postulate how some things are ultimately resolved, but the trip along the way is what makes the reading enjoyable.  The romantic tension was perfectly balanced, creating an enticing tone without traversing into overly adult material. There were unexpected obstacles, injuries, joys and celebrations, providing many entertaining scenes which held my attention. I congratulate Abigail Reynolds on this latest work.  Now if I can just get her back to the sequel to Mr. Darcy’s Obsession, all will be right in the world…

Giveaway: E-Book and Pride and Prejudice Throw!

International Prize: E-Book Edition, Gorgeous Cat Not Included

Author Abigail Reynolds has generously offered a wonderful giveaway in association with today's review!   We have TWO prizes to offer.  For our international readers, you may enter to win an e-book edition of Mr. Darcy's Journey.  For the U.S. domestic readers, you have the opportunity to win a fabulous Pride and Prejudice throw blanket!  Utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.  The only entry which is required is your contact information.  All other entries are bonus points, increasing your chances of winning. Contest will conclude at 12am EST on Monday, July 18th.

US Prize: Fleece Throw, Cat Not Included

About the Author

Abigail Reynolds may be a nationally bestselling author and a physician, but she can’t follow a straight line with a ruler. Originally from upstate New York, she studied Russian and theater at Bryn Mawr College and marine biology at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. After a stint in performing arts administration, she decided to attend medical school, and took up writing as a hobby during her years as a physician in private practice.

A life-long lover of Jane Austen’s novels, Abigail began writing variations on Pride & Prejudice in 2001, then expanded her repertoire to include a series of novels set on her beloved Cape Cod. Her most recent releases are Mr. Darcy’s Journey, the national bestsellers Alone with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections, The Darcys of Derbyshire, and Mr. Darcy’s Refuge. She is currently working on a new Pemberley Variation and the next novel in her Cape Cod series. Her books have been translated into five languages. A lifetime member of the Jane Austen Society of North America, she lives on Cape Cod with her husband, her son and a menagerie of animals. Her hobbies do not include sleeping or cleaning her house.

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