Today’s Workout: Shape: Bikini Body Camp
I'm getting ready for the Peak Fit Challenge! Fitness professional Michelle Dozois has created an 8-week program to hone your fitness level and get you into tip-top shape. This 10 DVD set addresses cardio fitness, strength, flexibility as well as nutrition. The PFC classes at Michelle's Breakthru Fitness studio in California have been selling out, to great results. My ordered kit is on its way, so I’m trying to get in as many challenging workouts as I can before the really big ones begin. I think I'll get started on May 18th, after my vacation to Disney World.
Today’s workout choice was a video that Michelle did with Lisa Wheeler and Tracy York in 2006. While only 30 minutes, Shape's Bikini Body Camp was a good challenge for me. I usually pass up the high-impact moves and follow Lisa’s variations, but today I went for it. Might as well—Peak Fit is coming! So I did the power jacks, atomic lunges, burpees, etc., although my burpees may have been more like burpettes! But I got in a great workout—plenty sweaty, a very slight tinge of nausea (actually a good sign for me – but only a little nausea!) and yawns… Glad I had some good carbs at lunch.
Today on her Facebook fan page, Michelle suggested that we set some goals and think about what we want to get out of the program:
At 5’7” and over 166 pounds, I’m a little heavy, so obviously weight loss is one of my goals. I work out on a regular basis, participate in the Christian wellness program First Place 4 Health and have come down from 248 pounds, so by God’s grace I’ve come a long way. However, I’d still like to do better. I’d like to get down to at least 148 pounds, as that would mark exactly 100 pounds lost since I became a mother in 2000.
Beyond that, I’d really like to tone up and increase my fitness level. Regardless of today's workout choice, I have no desire to trot around in a bikini—I’m 40 years old and my body has endured two pregnancies, a c-section and years of obesity. There are places that will never be firm enough to bounce quarters, barring plastic surgery that will never happen, because at this point I cannot see spending money on something like that.
So for me, I would love to be able to wear a pretty sleeveless silk shift dress without the cardigan. I’d love to be able to do full-body pushups without panicking. I’d love to be able to do jumping jacks without massive amounts of jiggling going on! I want to be in better shape in my 40’s than I have been in my entire life. I can’t stop the aging process, but I can be a fit 40 year-old and not a flabby one. And most importantly, I want to be a good steward of the health that I have been given.
The 8 weeks of the Peak Fit Challenge are going to be intense. I may have to get up earlier in order to get things done, but I’m committed to doing this. I've done other Michelle Dozois workouts, and I have confidence that she’ll not only make it effective, but fun as well. This will not only be a great way to start out my 40s, but it will help me later this summer as we move from south Florida to Savannah, GA. The stress and physical strain of moving is going to be rough. Between taking care of my spiritual life in First Place 4 Health and my physical one with Michelle, this should be a summer to remember. May God give me the grace to persevere…
Not ready to buy the whole Peak Fit Challenge set?
Try one of the workouts from the program, Peak 10 Cardio Strength!
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