
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Regency Novel Excerpt: Lakeshire Park by Megan Walker

Brighton, England 1820 

Amelia Moore wants only one thing--to secure the future happiness of her younger sister, Clara. With their stepfather's looming death, the two sisters will soon be on their own--without family, a home, or a penny to their names. When an invitation arrives to join a house party at Lakeshire Park, Amelia grasps at the chance. If she can encourage a match between Clara and their host, Sir Ronald, then at least her sister will be taken care of.

Little does she know that another guest, the arrogant and overconfident Mr. Peter Wood, is after the same goal for his own sister. Amelia and Peter begin a rivalry that Amelia has no choice but to win. But competing against Peter--and eventually playing by his rules--makes Amelia vulnerable to losing the only thing she has left to claim: her heart.

While most of us are cooped up at home due to COVID-19 safety protocols, hopefully that means we have more time to read! This week I offer a taste of a new Regency novel, Lakeshire Park by Megan Walker. I hope you enjoy this little morsel and stay safe and healthy. Be sure to check out the full blog tour schedule below, for even more Lakeshire Park content!

Lakeshire Park Excerpt           Chapter 6, pages 50-53

Peter rose to greet me, bowing as I approached. His wavy hair was tamed, and I could smell the freshness of soap from his shaved jaw.

“Good evening, Miss Moore,” he said innocently.

“Mr. Wood.” I curtsied ever so slightly. “I see you have found my sister.”

“Georgiana admires her. I thought it only fitting that I come to know her better as well.”

Did he? That seemed an unlikely motive.

Clara looked questioningly to me, and I nodded toward Sir Ronald. With even the slightest of gestures, Clara could read my mind.

“Excuse me,” she said. “I think I will join Sir Ronald and see what all the men are laughing about just now.”

Once she had retreated, Peter relaxed, sinking into his chair like a thief giving up his mask.

“You seem a bit too interested in my sister. Perhaps you would be better suited to Miss Turnball.” I hovered over him, arms folded across my chest.

“Bratten has set his sights on her. Not that I disagree with you, though, about your sister. She is too sweet.”

“Right, you need someone as cunning and as overconfident as you.” The words slipped from my tongue like water flowing in a stream. Why could he not just leave Clara be?

Peter reared back slightly. “You are as brash as you are beautiful this evening, Amelia.”

I raised a hand to my neck, glancing around the room, though no one was in earshot of us. “I shall take that as a compliment.”

“Shall we go in, Ronald?” Lady Demsworth called from the settee.

“Of course, Mother.” The men stood, and without hesi- tation, Sir Ronald offered his arm to Clara.

“Well done,” Peter muttered under his breath. “She left me just in time. Georgiana could learn a thing or two by watching your sister.”

What was that supposed to mean? Did Peter believe that everyone schemed as he did? That he and Clara were compatible in their attempts? The thought was insulting.

I anticipated Peter would offer his arm to me, willed it almost, as it would give me a chance to reject him. But the words spoken were not his.

“Might I escort you inside, Miss Moore?” Lieutenant Rawles asked from behind.

“I would like that.” I took the lieutenant’s arm, narrowing my eyes at Peter. His lips were pursed, eyes set at Lieutenant Rawles as we turned toward the doors. Never had I been so pleased to attend a small, more informal dinner party where the guests could choose their own seats. If I played my cards right, I would not have to sit by Peter Wood for the duration of the fortnight here.

“How are you this evening?” Lieutenant Rawles asked, his voice kind and low.

“Very well, thank you. And you?”

“I am exhausted,” he admitted with a laugh, his posture slumping as we passed into the dining room and toward the mirrored, candlelit table. “Demsworth’s little tour turned into quite the trek, did it not?”

“To be sure,” I agreed, taking the seat he offered me. What a gentleman. From his gruff exterior, I’d half expected him to behave more like he looked.

“Are you comfortable?” Lieutenant Rawles stopped above me, waiting.

“Yes, thank you.” My face must have registered surprise at his gentleness for when I met Clara’s eyes, she exaggerated a smile for me to emulate. Were all gentleman supposed to be this amiable? This thoughtful and caring? Peter’s chair scratched loudly as he pulled it from under the table. He sat, scowling at his plate. No. Some gentlemen were brooding and self-involved.

About the Author

Megan Walker was raised on a berry farm in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, where her imagination took her to times past and worlds away. While earning her degree in Early Childhood Education, she married her one true love and started a family. But her imaginings of Regency England wouldn't leave her alone, so she picked up a pen and wrote her first novella, A Beautiful Love: A Regency Fairy Tale Retelling, which was published in 2019. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband and three children. Lakeshire Park is her debut novel.

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Debut novelist Megan Walker tours the blogosphere April 6 through May 1, 2020 to share her new historical romance, Lakeshire Park. Forty popular book bloggers specializing in historical romance, inspirational fiction, and Austenesque fiction will feature guest blogs, interviews, exclusive excerpts, and book reviews of this acclaimed Regency romance novel.

Tour Schedule:

April 06           The Silver Petticoat Review (Guest Blog)
April 06           Katie's Clean Book Collection (Review)
April 06           The Readathon (Review)
April 06          Getting Your Read On (Review)
April 07           Heidi Reads (Review)
April 07           Romance Junkies (Guest Blog)
April 08           The Calico Critic (Excerpt)
April 08           Timeless Novels (Review)
April 09           Gwendalyn's Books (Review)
April 09           From Pemberley to Milton (Excerpt)
April 10           Courtney Reads Romance (Review)
April 11           Clean Wholesome Romance (Spotlight)
April 12           The Christian Fiction Girl (Review)
April 12           English Historical Fiction Authors (Guest Blog)
April 14           Joy of Reading (Review)
April 15           The Book Diva’s Reads (Review)
April 15           Katie's Clean Book Collection (Interview)
April 16           Frolic Media (Excerpt)
April 17           The Lit Bitch (Review)
April 18           Book Confessions of an Ex-Ballerina (Review)
April 19           Robin Loves Reading (Review)
April 19           My Jane Austen Book Club (Guest Blog)
April 20           Bringing Up Books (Review)
April 20           Austenprose—A Jane Austen Blog (Review)
April 21           Lu Reviews Books (Review)
April 22           Bookworm Lisa (Excerpt)
April 22           Austenesque Reviews (Review)
April 23           So Little Time…So Much to Read (Review)
April 24           Half Agony, Half Hope (Review)
April 25           Relz Reviewz (Review)
April 26           Bookish Rantings (Review)
April 27           Probably at the Library (Review)
April 27           Christian Chick's Thoughts (Review)
April 28           Laura's Reviews (Review)
April 28           Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen (Review)
April 29           Heidi Reads (Interview)
April 29           Bookfoolery (Review)
April 29           From Pemberley to Milton (Review)
April 30           The Caffeinated Bibliophile (Excerpt)
April 30           A Bookish Way of Life (Review)
May 01           Bookworm Lisa (Review)
May 01           Impressions in Ink (Review)


Now Available:


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