
Friday, November 24, 2017

Book Excerpt: A Very Austen Christmas

Four favorite authors, four heartwarming stories set in Jane Austen’s Regency world.

Robin Helm, Laura Hile, Wendi Sotis, and Barbara Cornthwaite revisit Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Mansfield Park to deliver the uplifting holiday storytelling you’re looking for.

Her Christmas Gift by Robin Helm
Elizabeth Bennet finds herself snowbound at Rosings with two rejected, but highly eligible, suitors. Does either man have a chance? Will her childhood friend, Meryton’s golden boy, win her affection, or will she accept the master of Pemberley? Perhaps she will refuse them both a second time. Her Christmas Gift deftly combines tension and emotion with humor and romance.

The Christmas Matchmaker by Laura Hile
It’s raining; it’s pouring – and what could be better than a little Christmas matchmaking? So says Emma Woodhouse who is unexpectedly stranded at Netherfield Park. Mr. Darcy disagrees, for she has someone else in mind for adorable Elizabeth Bennet. Amid meddling, misunderstanding, and an unwelcome proposal or two, will True Love find a way?

No Better Gift by Wendi Sotis
On his way to Derbyshire to spend Christmas with his family, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy plans to retrieve an item he left behind during his rushed escape from Netherfield—and the country miss who touched his heart. Finding Meryton practically deserted, he fears the worst. What fate could have fallen upon this once-thriving village in only three weeks? More importantly, was Miss Elizabeth Bennet in danger?

Mistletoe at Thornton Lacey by Barbara Cornthwaite
When Edmund Bertram realizes that Fanny is the perfect wife for him, he wants to propose without delay. What better time than at Christmas? Ah, but the course of true love never does run smooth …

Mmmm....calorie-free pie, right??
It's November 24th, and for many people it's Black Friday and the start of the holiday season. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. I for one can hardly believe that 2017 is coming to a close, and that I found myself eating turkey and stuffing yesterday! To the right is the slice of pecan pie that I enjoyed. Cardio on deck for Friday!! After the sun went down we broke out the Christmas CDs, beginning with the soundtrack to The Polar Express. I'm thrilled to hear Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas" in my home again, but I'm just amazed at how fast this year went. It just seems like yesterday that we were promoting another Austenesque Christmas title, A Very Darcy Christmas here on The Calico Critic!

To kick off the holiday season, why don't we enjoy some more Austenesque Christmas? Debuting this month is the new anthology from Robin Helm, Laura Hile, Wendy Sotis and Barbara Cornthwaite, A Very Austen Christmas. As I've been immersed in graduate school reading and other activities, I haven't had a chance to read this one yet, but it's waiting for me on my Kindle, and I hope to gobble it up soon. In the meantime, I have an excerpt to share, as well as an ebook giveaway! Thanks to Laura Hile for the idea, and merry Christmas to all!

An excerpt from Her Christmas Gift by Robin Helm:

“Did you just roll your eyes?” Darcy asked, laughing aloud.

She stared at him and bit her thumb very deliberately.

He laughed even more loudly. “Did you bite your thumb at me?”

“I do bite my thumb, sir.”

“But did you bite you thumb at me?”

She grinned impishly. “No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir; but I bite my thumb, sir.”

“I have heard you and your sisters revelled by acting out plays when you were younger. Exactly how many parts did you play in The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Most importantly, did you take the part of Juliet, and, if you did, who was Romeo?”

“I think you know the answer to your questions, sir. I played many parts, and I was, indeed, Juliet to Thomas’s Romeo. However, I refused to kiss him, so he kissed my cheek instead. I was but ten years old, and he was fourteen.” She placed her hand on his arm. “I have always thought of him as a brother.”

Darcy took a deep breath. “There is one small consolation. At least he died at the end. Quite painfully, I believe.”

She giggled and put her hand over her mouth. “Wicked man!”

“We may have to read Shakespeare’s plays together, and I will be Romeo, as well as any other character you romanced. I will kiss you, and not on the cheek.”

“Oh, I hope so. I fervently hope so.”

He looked behind himself, and seeing there was no one attending them, he quickly pulled a sprig of mistletoe from his pocket, held it above her head, and gave her what she hoped for.

Giveaway - A Very Austen Christmas

Let the festivities begin! Utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. Contest concludes at 12am EST on Saturday, December 9, 2017. Open internationally. Thanks for entering, and merry Christmas!

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  1. If I was snowbound I would like it with Colonel Fitzwilliam

    1. I've always liked the Colonel, too, Vesper, but I may have had a JAFF riot on my hands had I paired him with Elizabeth. lol Thanks for commenting. Good luck!

    2. Alonog with Mr. Darcy, I have a soft spot for Mr. Knightley ...

      Thanks for entering the giveaway, Vesper.

  2. A lovely group of stories!! I really enjoyed it

    1. Thank you for commenting, Tere!

    2. Thank you, sincerely. It is readers like you who have enabled A Very Austen Christmas to hang on to the #1 Best Seller at Amazon in two categories.

      Now, I hope you entered the giveaway. Because if you win, we will gladly send the eBook prize to a friend of your choice. Good luck!

  3. Thank you for the lovely post, Laura!

    1. I am so enjoying being part of a joint project. Because I get to be not only a contributor, but also a fan. Truly, this is "the book that friendship built." Thank you, Robin.

  4. I love anthologies and all the authors involved so it looks like a great read. My favorite Christmas movie is It’s a wonderful life. I love the themes of how our lives connect with others and roads not taken.

    1. I love that movie, too, darcybennett. In fact, I have many, many favorite Christmas movies. My husband and I watch Hallmark Christmas movies regularly.

      Thank for commenting. Good luck!

    2. My favorite Christmas movie is the 1940 black-and-whtle classic The Shop Around the Corner (with James Stewart and Margaret Sullivan). It reflects my love of the ensemble story -- which is probably why my novels are filled with characters and intersecting plots.

      Good luck in the giveaway, darcybennett.

  5. This is going to be such a good read. And just in time for Christmas (and hopefully snow!)

    1. Hi, Ginna! I'd love snow for Christmas. Sipping hot chocolate by the fire sounds perfect.

      Thank you for commenting. Good luck!

    2. All I want go Christmas is some to buy me a row of bricks go Chawton House #BrickbyBrick building fund

    3. Ah, Christmas snow, when everyone is home and snug. I do love walking in the falling snow -- it is not a usual thing for us here in the Pacific Northwest. It isn't cold enough most of the time. Tell you what though, I'd stand outside in the cold with Mr. Darcy, even in short sleeves like that girl on our cover ...

      Thanks for entering the giveaway, Ginna.

    4. Hi Slegg43,

      Thanks for entering our eBook giveaway. Good luck!

  6. What delightful reading these stories will be as we prepared for the Festive Holiday. I love visiting with some treasured characters written by favorite authors. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

    1. Is it too early to say "Merry Christmas, Eva"? Not at all. Bring on the Festive Holiday!

      Thanks for your interest in our book, Eva, and for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

    2. Hi, Eva. I'm so happy to hear our anthology might contribute to your Christmas.

      Good luck in the giveaway!

  7. Thanks for the opportunity, can I even have a slice of that beautiful pie too?

    1. If you have an Aldi store, sure! The whole pie was less than $5!

    2. Hi Loren,

      We have had pie and pie and pie around here for Thanksgiving ... and I still want another piece. Always! Thank you for your interest in our Christmas book. Good luck in the giveaway.

    3. Hi, Loren! I had strawberry punch bowl cake and Gayle's banana pudding (our mother's recipe). I'm in a sugar coma.

      Thanks for commenting!

    4. OMG! We don't have Thanksgiving in Italy but with all these pies I want it!!! Yummy!!!

  8. A Very Austen Christmas sounds like the perfect holiday read! I adore the cover!

    1. Oh,Caryl, we agree -- that cover is wondrous.

      At the time the designer sent it, autumn weather was still with us. To see snow brought to mind ice and shoveling and difficult driving -- not happy thoughts!

      Ah, but to stand in a snowstorm with Mr. Darcy? That changes everything!

      Good luck in the giveaway, Caryl.

  9. Hi, Caryl! We all love that cover! Snow features heavily in my story, so I was particularly happy with the cover. Would you like to be snowbound with Mr. Darcy?

    Good luck!

  10. More good books to curl up with this Christmas :D

    1. There's nothing like curling up with a good book for comfort, is there, Laurie Allen? It's my favoritist thing to do.

      Good luck!

  11. Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I will add this book to my list of Christmas fiction to read soon!

    1. Vicki, hello! We are calling this "the book that friendship built" -- because it's true. And we think these heartwarming romance stories have something for just about everyone. Thank you for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

    2. Hi, Vicki! I hope our collection of HEA stories helps to make your Christmas brighter.

      Good luck in the giveaway!
