
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Review: Forever Yours by Robin Helm

In Forever Yours, the third and final volume of the Christian Regency/Modern Yours by Design series, both Will Darcy and Fitzwilliam Darcy seek to overcome the obstacles threatening to separate them from their respective Elizabeths. 

Could it be possible for people who grew up in time periods over two hundred years apart to be happy together? Can a Regency man love a modern woman? Can a modern man adjust to a Regency woman? 

As mentioned in my previous review of Sincerely Yours, author Robin Helm concludes the second title in her Yours by Design series with a pair of cliffhangers, deliciously leading into the start of this final installment, Forever Yours.  The 19th century Fitzwilliam Darcy, transported through time into the body of the modern Will Darcy, experienced some growth in Sincerely Yours, so in addition to the anticipation of the resolution of the cliffhangers, I was eager to witness how he would develop as a newly-minted modern man. 

Mild spoiler alert:  The cliffhangers involve each Fitzwilliam/Will character divulging his great secret to the Elizabeth of his era.  How will she respond to such an outlandish tale? Time travel? After he utters a prayer? Into another man’s body? Is this even possible? Perhaps the Elizabeths will think him delusional or worse. But as each man begins to fall more and more in love with his respective Lizzy, he knows that she ultimately must know the truth of his existence.  Nevertheless, it’s an act of faith to share such a phenomenal concept with someone.

In addition to the revelation of each man’s state of being, a major crisis erupts on each end of the timeline. In the Regency era, George Wickham is up to his usual antics, causing trouble and threatening the good name of the Bennet family, and by extension, the Darcy family as well.  In the modern day, a Wickham-like character also runs afoul, doing much more than slandering a family name.  He is involved in illegal and morally decrepit practices that turned my stomach on multiple occasions.  He was more than just a pest—he is the embodiment of evil.  These storylines with the Wickham characters were a very exciting way to end the trilogy.  It raised the level of the narrative above a mere tale of romance; there was much at stake for the families involved, and indeed, potential families of the future.  As the chapters alternated between the past and the present, I found myself eager to get to the next scene to determine what would happen in the lives of the characters.  Robin Helm has written a captivating tale that built suspense in a realistic way.

While all of the drama was occurring with the Wickham characters, the romances between the Darcy and Lizzy characters were growing as well. As in the first two volumes of this series, the Regency-era plotline continues to be enjoyable and well-written. The most distinctive change was found in the modern day chapters, as Fitzwilliam continues to adapt and mature into his 21st century life.  He is transformed from a pretentious, spoiled, prat of a man as seen in Accidentally Yours to a caring, more selfless, giving individual in Forever Yours.  His transformation was so complete, it was hard to believe he was the same person, but I enjoyed his new characteristics such that I was comfortable in suspending my disbelief.

As expected, Forever Yours wraps up with two happy endings, but not without having to withstand much drama and conflict, both from the Wickham characters and from relational issues.  Robin Helm has done a fine work in this series, incorporating our favorite Pride and Prejudice characters, family-friendly romance, realistic issues and captivating drama.  This trilogy was a fun read, and sure to delight fans of Austenesque fiction and time-travel novels alike.


Author Robin M. Helm has graciously offered two copies of Forever Yours.  One copy will be a Kindle edition for our international readers, and a U.S. winner may choose between an autographed paperback or the Kindle edition.  Contest period ends on August 12th at 12am EST. Please use the Rafflecopter widget below for your contest entry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Robin M. Helm is the author of a modern Christian fantasy fiction series, The Guardian Trilogy, which includes Guardian, SoulFire, and Legacy. She has also published the Yours by Design series, a Christian Regency/Modern Romance with a paranormal element. Accidentally Yours, Sincerely Yours, and Forever Yours are all available for purchase in both e-book and print formats.

Mrs. Helm shares a blog, Jane Started It, with the other writers of the Crown Hill Writers' Guild, and is one of the founders and administrators of, a website for readers with common interests. She also has published three Regency short stories, "First Kiss," "The Prize," and "Treasure Chest," which can be read on Jane Started It on her author's page or at She has one husband, one granddaughter, two daughters, two sons-in-law, four family dogs, five part-time jobs, and six published books.

Mrs. Helm is the Associate in Music and Music Academy Director at her church, the interim choir director, a piano teacher, and an elementary music teacher. She formerly taught high school English.

She graduated with a BA from Piedmont International University. She is a member of the Delta Epsilon Chi honor society, the American Legion Auxiliary, JASNA, and the scholarship faculty of the United States Achievement Academy.

Connect with Robin M. Helm

Book 1
Book 2


  1. Can't wait to read the final installment!

  2. Thank you, Leah. I'd love to know what you think of it. Robin

  3. Looking forward to reading the series1

    1. Thank you, Dung Vu. I hope you enjoy it.


  4. Love the premise of these novels! Can't wait to read them.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    1. Thank you, Pamela. The time switch idea just kept rattling around in my head.


  5. Thank you for the giveaway.

  6. You're very welcome, Michele! Thanks for commenting.


  7. How thrilling to timetravel :) If I could trade lives with anyone fictional it would be Elizabeth Bennet. I'd love to be cared for by Mr. Darcy of Pemberley :D

  8. If I switched lives with someone, I'd want it to be someone who's happy and healthy. Sounds like an interesting series.
