
Monday, July 11, 2016

Book Excerpt and Giveaway: Chaos Comes to Longbourn by Victoria Kincaid

While attempting to suppress his own desire to dance with Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy flees the Netherfield ballroom only to stumble upon a half-dressed Lydia Bennet in the library.  After being discovered with her in a compromising position, Darcy is forced to make her an offer of marriage.

Fearing the Bennets will attempt a similar “trick” with their brother, Mr. Bingley’s sisters convince him to leave Hertfordshire without any intention of returning.  After Elizabeth refuses Mr. Collins, a heartbroken Jane Bennet accepts his proposal.

Having resolved to propose to Jane, Bingley returns to Longbourn; but when he learns of her betrothal, he makes an offer to Elizabeth instead.  She accepts, with the hope that Jane will change her mind if Bingley remains at Netherfield. 

Meanwhile, Sir William Lucas is aware that Wickham had actually compromised Lydia in the Netherfield library and blackmails him into proposing to Charlotte Lucas, who is in danger of becoming an old maid. 

Hertfordshire has become a tangled web of misbegotten betrothals.

Although Darcy yearns for Elizabeth, he feels honor bound by his promise.  Elizabeth is also developing feelings for the master of Pemberley, but he has never seemed so far out of her reach.  How can Darcy and Elizabeth unravel this tangle and reach their happily ever after? 

Today we welcome author Victoria Kincaid!  Her latest novel Chaos Comes to Longbourn is now available, and we have an excerpt for you to whet your appetite, as well as a giveaway.   I haven't read this title, but the idea of Darcy proposing to Lydia sounds very entertaining at the very least!  Can you just imagine the two of them?!?  Well, Victoria Kincaid has contemplated such a matching, and it'll be interesting to see where the story leads next.  Enjoy the excerpt, and best wishes on the giveaway!

Excerpt: Chaos Comes to Longbourn
(From Chapter 2)

If Darcy failed to propose now, Elizabeth and the other onlookers would think him without honor.  But the thought of proposing was…profoundly distasteful.  Of course, a proposal was not a marriage.  If he proposed under duress now, Darcy might later find a way to escape the obligation.  The Bennet family might agree to a monetary settlement, but they could hardly discuss such a compromise here, in front of witnesses.

Yes, he would find the means to escape the situation later.  For now he need only scrape together the remains of his dignity and live to fight another day.  Devil take it! 

He turned to the disheveled, red-faced, sobbing fifteen-year-old.  “Miss Lydia,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Y-yes?”  She granted him a quizzical smile and a hiccup.

“Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”  Darcy was proud he did not choke on the words.  He did not have the slightest hope the chit would reject him; his fortune was too tempting.

“M-marry you?”  Lydia laughed. 


Darcy failed to see any humor in the situation.  “W-why would I want to marry you?”  She giggled, swaying a bit on her feet. 

Was the girl touched in the head?

A frowning Mr. Bennet advanced on his daughter and took her arm.  “Lydia, you must accept him,” he explained in a low voice.  “Your reputation has been compromised.”

“But look at him!”  She waved wildly at Darcy.  “He’s so stuffy and formal and dull.  And he does not even possess a red coat!”  A couple of onlookers tittered.  Even Mr. Bennet’s lips twitched. However, Elizabeth’s glare did not relent.

Darcy rubbed the back of his neck.  This was a farce in every possible way. 

“That may be true, my dear,” Mr. Bennet spoke gently to his daughter while staring daggers at Darcy, “but you must accept him anyway.”

“I don’t want to!”  Lydia stamped her foot like a child denied a sweet.

“You must.”  Mr. Bennet’s voice now held a hint of steel.  “You would not wish to experience a decrease in your allowance for hats and gloves.”

Lydia glared at her father.  “Papa, that is unfair!”  He crossed his arms and regarded her sternly.  Finally, she stepped backward and slumped into a chair with a huff.  “Very well!  Yes, Mr. Darcy, I accept.”  Her face arranged itself in a very unattractive pout.

Darcy wondered if there had ever been a less romantic marriage proposal in the history of the world.  However, if Lydia possessed that little enthusiasm, perhaps they could reach some sort of agreement which would not leave him leg-shackled.  Never before had he been grateful for being considered dull!  Of course, he had never before encountered a woman who thought ten thousand a year was dull.

Bingley began to direct guests—all chatting excitedly—toward the library door.  Lydia returned to sobbing into her hands.  With a scowl at Darcy, Mrs. Bennet swept across the floor to take the chair next to Lydia’s.  “It will not be so bad, my dear.  Mr. Darcy is very rich.”  Standing next to Lydia, Elizabeth colored at her mother’s tactlessness.

Darcy closed his eyes.  This could not possibly be happening.

“Rich?”  Despite being muffled, Lydia’s tone was definitely interested.

“Yes!” Mrs. Bennet trilled.  “You will have many fine dresses and carriages!”

Lydia peeked through her hands.  “More than my sisters?”

“I daresay.  They are not liable to find wealthier husbands!”

Lydia clapped in excitement.  “La!” she squealed.  “How droll!”  She certainly recovered from her mortification quickly.

Darcy could almost see the hope for an agreement with Lydia slipping further away.  Why would the girl accept a fraction of his fortune when she believed she was entitled to all of it?

But there was nothing he could accomplish tonight.  Perhaps he could convince Lydia to break off their engagement tomorrow, once she had sobered.  Darcy spun on his heel and strode toward the hallway.

He needed a brandy.  Or two.  Or ten.

Mrs. Bennet’s shrill tones followed him as he hurried away.  “I daresay you will like being his wife.  Mrs. Darcy!  Oh, how well that sounds!”

“Yes, indeed!” Lydia agreed with a giggle.

Lydia might like being Mrs. Darcy, but Darcy could not conceive how he would survive Lydia.

Giveaway - Chaos Comes to Longbourn

Author Victoria Kincaid has generously offered a copy of her novel Chaos Comes to Longbourn for one of our readers!  The contest is open internationally, and the winner may choose between a print edition or ebook copy.  The giveaway period ends at 12am EST on July 23, 2016.   Utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.  Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
About the Author

The author of best-selling Pride and Prejudice variations, historical romance writer Victoria has a Ph.D. in English literature and has taught composition to unwilling college students. Today she is a freelance writer/editor who teaches business writing to willing office professionals and tries to give voice to the demanding cast of characters in her head.

She lives in Virginia with an overly affectionate cat, two children who are learning how much fun Austen’s characters can be, and a husband who fortunately is not jealous of Mr. Darcy. A lifelong Austen fan, Victoria has read more Jane Austen variations and sequels than she can count – and confesses to an extreme partiality for the Colin Firth miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice.

Paperback Kindle More Victoria! More Victoria!


  1. I am wondering if Ms Kincaid was ever tempted to let Lydia marry Darcy

    1. Hi Vesper, It would make for an interesting variation...But probably too much angst. :)

  2. I doubt Lydia can make a sensible wife, but maybe I am mistaken... can I?

    Looking forward to read it!

    1. Hi Ana, No, I don't think Lydia can become sensible--except perhaps as she grows older. Good luck with the giveaway!

  3. This is gonna be good! They are just SO mismatched.

    1. Hi Ginna, Yes, I had a fun time writing their scenes together. Good luck!

  4. I'm choking a little bit -- I cannot imagine Lydia being a good wife to Darcy!

    1. Hi Dianna, It is hard to imagine, isn't it? Good luck with the giveaway!

  5. Darcy is right - it is a farce. How do they all get out of this predicament?

    1. Hi Eva, You'll have to read the book to find out. :) Thanks for your interest and good luck with the giveaway!

  6. My, what a mess! Not sure if Lydia will be q good wife but this should me interesting!

    ATTN Laura, I follow you on Twitter but I failed to include @cps1950 on the rafflecopter.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Connie! Good luck on winning!

    2. Hi Connie, Thanks for your interest and good luck!

  7. I don't know if Lydia will be a good wife or not.

  8. Holy smokes; how could this story be set to rights?!?!

    1. Hi Kerri, Yeah, I wondered that myself after I set up all the chaos. :) I did figure it out, however. Good luck with the giveaway!

  9. This reminds me of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream for the humor and mayhem. Looking forward to it. :)

    1. Hi Sophia, The resemblance to MND wasn't intentional, but I realized it after I'd finished the book. I hope you enjoy it!

  10. I am a purest...I need Darcy and Elizabeth to have their HEA!!! I have complete faith that all will work out as it should in the end....but Darcy and Lydia's engagement promises to be comical!!!

    1. Hi Lisa, Don't worry, E and D get their HEA! Good luck with the giveaway!

  11. Can't wait to see how they all un-do this colossal mess. (For Darcy, at least, I'm thinking hit man. LOL!) Sounds like a fun read. Many thanks for the excerpt and the generous giveaway.

    1. There aren't any hit men in this P&P variation, but I'll keep it in mind for the future. :) Good luck with the giveaway!

  12. This cannot be! How shall we fix it? I look forward to reading! Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Hi Becky, Thank you for your interest and good luck with the giveaway!

  13. I would love to win a copy of this book but even if I don't it will be read and soon. It sounds so amusing.

  14. I really hope that Darcy's engagement to Lydia will not be long. Though I love when JAFF authors torture him with feelings for Elizabeth, but to see prro man tortured with Lydia's antics and prospects of being tied to her till death parts them is so ... well, I pity him greatly, though of course that is part of the fun of this book.

  15. I enjoyed the excerpt. I can't wait to read this one!
