
Monday, May 16, 2016

Guest Post and Giveaway - Victoria Kincaid, Author of Darcy vs. Bennet

Today we welcome author Victoria Kincaid, as she has a few thoughts and questions for us.  We'd love to have some comments from you, to see what you've been up to in your reading life as of late.  Following that, Victoria has offered a giveaway of her novel Darcy vs. Bennet, open to all readers!   Thanks for stopping by, Victoria, and good luck to all our contest entrants!

Recently I was lucky enough to have a chance to get together with four of my fellow Jane Austen Fan Fiction (JAFF) authors and a number of JAFF readers.  It was a very fun day!  One of the questions we discussed was what other kinds of books do JAFF readers read?  There are some readers whom I guess (based on the volume of JAFF they read) probably don’t have time to read much else (and good for you!), but then I would guess others read a wider variety of books.

 I went through a phase where I avidly consumed JAFF and read everything I could get my hands on.  But, now I spend a lot of my day thinking about how to get Elizabeth and Darcy together—as well as such questions as whether “stoop” is a word used by the British (it’s not) or if Jane Austen ever used the word “exemplar” (she didn’t).  It’s hard to work up enthusiasm for spending all of my precious little reading time revisiting Meryton and Pemberley yet again.

I do read JAFF, but not in nearly the quantities that I did before.  Now I vary my literary diet with a number of other genres, although mostly still romance, including, YA, M/M, contemporary, Regency, suspense, paranormal, and sometimes science fiction.   I do miss reading more JAFF.  Man, do I wish I had more time to read!  (Don’t we all?) But then I’d have less time to write.  :(

The nice thing is that reading in these other genres inspires and informs my JAFF writing.  Reading Regency romances obviously gives me a lot of background in the customs and society of the time period and sparks plot ideas. I do love some paranormal romance authors, and recently I’ve been thinking about how to incorporate paranormal elements (not zombies!) into a P&P variation.  I haven’t hit on the right plot yet, but there are some really fun paranormal Austenesque books out there.

Contemporary and YA authors have both inspired my JAFF writing as well.  I have a plot for a contemporary P&P all worked out in my head; I just haven’t had time to write it.  And I actually wrote a YA version of P&P – as a screenplay -- about ten years ago.   Someday I’d like to adapt it into a YA novel.

I would guess that my reading tastes are a little more varied than most JAFF readers, but I am very interested in knowing what my fellow JAFF fans read.  Is it mainly JAFF?  Or JAFF and Regency/historical romance?  Or if you go outside JAFF, do you mainly read romance or do you read other genres as well (mysteries, thrillers?).  Respond here or drop me an email sometime to let me know (I love to hear from readers!).


Fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter to win a copy of Darcy vs. Bennet by Victoria Kincaid.  The winner will receive their choice of edition, either eBook for paperback.  Contest is open internationally and will conclude at 12am EST on May 28, 2016.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

The author of best-selling Pride and Prejudice variations, historical romance writer Victoria has a Ph.D. in English literature and has taught composition to unwilling college students. Today she is a freelance writer/editor who teaches business writing to willing office professionals and tries to give voice to the demanding cast of characters in her head.

She lives in Virginia with an overly affectionate cat, two children who are learning how much fun Austen’s characters can be, and a husband who fortunately is not jealous of Mr. Darcy. A lifelong Austen fan, Victoria has read more Jane Austen variations and sequels than she can count – and confesses to an extreme partiality for the Colin Firth miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice.





  1. I'm reading mostly JAFF when I find the time to read.

    1. Good for you; I'm happpy to know there are so many dedicated JAFF readers out there! Thanks for sharing. Good luck with the giveaway!

  2. I am mainly reading historical novels, JAFF and non fiction books .

    1. Non fiction? How interesting! Thanks for sharing and good luck with the giveaway!

  3. I read about 50% JAFF and 50% a mix of other historical fiction, fantasy and mystery. Overall I like my books to have an element of romance in them. I just finished Dawn at Emberwilde and enjoyed it :)

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Sounds like you're pretty eclectic like me! Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  4. I read mostly JAFF, but I also like historical fiction in general, as well as contemporary Christian romance and dramas. I just love to read!

    1. Hi Maureen,

      Most of what I read has a romance element to it as well. There's never enough time to read! Good luck with the giveaway!

  5. Probably one third is JAFF, one third regency mysteries and the rest in probably modern crime and anything else that looks interesting

    1. Hi Vesper,

      Very interesting! I didn't know there are enough Regency mysteries to create a genre. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  6. Recently I have been reading mostly JAFF:) But when I wish to have a little break and clear my thoughts from different scenes from P&P and P&P variations (usually in preparation of reading some new JAFF:))), I usually read history books, including historical novels.

  7. I read mostly JAFF (there is so much out there!) But I like to switch off with modern variations or mystery or historical partly because I enjoy them and partly to clear my mind as to not start mixing scenes of different books. I have fun picking up non JAFF of my favorite JAFF authors. I am currently reading an ARC of a non JAFF of a fav!

  8. Out of 143 books read last year, I would say 90% of the where JAFF P&P related. I love reading both modern and regency as long as there is Darcy & Elizabeth and occasionally a minor character... I'm trying to be a bit more diverse and read more outside of JAFF and they range from History, Biography/Autobiography, Leadership, Inspirational, Business, Best Sellers, etc... As you can see outside of my JAFF, my reading does vary quite a bit but I still reserve 70% of my reading for P&P related books! :)

  9. I'm currently reading Stephanie Barron's Jane Austen Mysteries. I enjoy reading mystery/suspense and historical novels.

  10. I read a little bit of everything, but mostly Christian fiction.
