
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Review and Giveaway: Sincerely Yours by Robin M. Helm

Living with time turned upside down . . .
Accepting the consequences of rash decisions . . .
Learning to view adversities as opportunities . . .
Striving to make the most of second chances . . .
Recognizing obstacles as the gifts of God . . .
Seeking to undo the damage done to relationships . . .

Sincerely Yours begins immediately after Accidentally Yours. In this Christian fantasy fiction series, after prayers uttered by both Fitzwilliam Darcy (1793) and Will Darcy (21st century) result in accidents for both men and a time switch, each Darcy must adjust to his new era and try to win the heart of the woman he loves. 

As mentioned in my review of Accidentally Yours, the second title in the collection is Sincerely Yours, which we'll take a brief look at today, as well as host a giveaway!  This novel picks up right where we left off in the first, so it would behoove readers to cover Accidentally Yours before delving into this volume. As others have found, the character of Fitzwilliam Darcy (who has been transplanted into modern day) was a distasteful one in Accidentally Yours. Author Robin Helm assured me that things would improve in time, that he would be more likeable in Sincerely Yours.  I am happy to report that this was indeed the case. He begins to mature and think about others’ concerns a bit more than he did previously.  I do still find him to be an uncomfortable guy, not quite settled into his new time period. He reminded me of the Star Trek characters “Captain Spock” and “Commander Data”, as someone who greatly wants to relate to those around him (especially to a certain Bennet girl), but struggling to do so.  He seems completely devoid of any knowledge of women at all, even knowledge gleaned from his decades of experience in his century of origin.  That portion of his personality I found difficult to believe. Being awkward in a new time period is one thing, but having hardly the sense of how to speak to a woman at all is another.  That being said, I was pleased with Fitzwilliam’s development, and I look forward to seeing what Robin Helm has in store for us in the next book, Forever Yours.

I have very little new thoughts to offer in regard to the plot line with Will, a modern man who finds himself transported back in time, into the body of a certain Fitzwilliam Darcy.  He remains a wonderful character, and Helm does her best writing while situated in this era.  She truly could write a full novel set in this time period, and I hope that she has a work in progress.  I find her modern-era writing to be somewhat self-conscious and awkward, but when we are immersed into her Regency England (or thereabouts), she does very well.  The prose is very readable, but is also realistically Regency. I enjoy her characters, their interactions, and their connections to the original Austen source material. My hope is that she continues to refine her craft and bring more of this to her readers.

Sincerely Yours is an interesting and entertaining follow up to Accidentally Yours, and it deliciously ends with a pair of cliff-hangers that will entice readers to continue on to the conclusive volume, Forever Yours.  I haven’t decided whether I hope our protagonists remain in their new time periods, or if they somehow are able to return from whence they came.  Regardless, I’m sure I’m in for a captivating journey with likeable characters and diverting narratives in a world that many Austenesque fans would enjoy.

Sincerely Yours Giveaway!

Author Robin M. Helm has graciously offered two copies of Sincerely Yours.  One copy will be a Kindle edition for an international reader, and a U.S. winner may choose between an autographed paperback or the Kindle edition.  Contest period ends on March 25th at 12am EST. Please use the Rafflecopter widget below for your contest entry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Robin M. Helm is the author of a modern Christian fantasy fiction series, The Guardian Trilogy, which includes Guardian, SoulFire, and Legacy. She has also published the Yours by Design series, a Christian Regency/Modern Romance with a paranormal element. Accidentally Yours, Sincerely Yours, and Forever Yours are all available for purchase in both e-book and print formats.

Mrs. Helm shares a blog, Jane Started It, with the other writers of the Crown Hill Writers' Guild, and is one of the founders and administrators of, a website for readers with common interests. She also has published three Regency short stories, "First Kiss," "The Prize," and "Treasure Chest," which can be read on Jane Started It on her author's page or at She has one husband, one granddaughter, two daughters, two sons-in-law, four family dogs, five part-time jobs, and six published books.

Mrs. Helm is the Associate in Music and Music Academy Director at her church, the interim choir director, a piano teacher, and an elementary music teacher. She formerly taught high school English.

She graduated with a BA from Piedmont International University. She is a member of the Delta Epsilon Chi honor society, the American Legion Auxiliary, JASNA, and the scholarship faculty of the United States Achievement Academy.

Connect with Robin M. Helm

Book 1
Book 2

Buy the paperback, get the Kindle edition for free with Amazon's Matchbook program! Learn more HERE.


  1. I loved this trilogy. Glad it's keeping you intrigued.

  2. Well... I'd love to switch lives with Jane Austen! Only if I could get her brain and wit, though! :)


  3. Well, I thought that I HAD left a comment, but I have no idea where it could have gone. So I'll try again....

    I have not read this series yet, but am looking forward to doing so. I'd love to win a copy of this book. This is definitely different than a time travel story, what with the switch of people. Interesting!

    1. Thanks for coming back to comment again, Ginna! Not sure what happened there.

  4. I am having a hard time naming a life I would have liked to live but the premise is interesting, to say the least!

  5. I haven't had a chance to read this trilogy yet, but am looking forward to reading it.
