
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Then Comes Winter Road Trip & Giveaway!

Yesterday the snow began to fall here in Greensboro, North Carolina, and it's slated to continue on and off until the evening today.  We have a lovely winter wonderland, and I'm still in my pajamas, with added sweatshirt, wool socks and bedroom slippers for warmth.  My boys were outside for most of the day yesterday, playing in the substance they've rarely seen throughout their lives.  Hubby has been working long hours, so we're all lying around, recovering and enjoying the peace.

While I have a spare moment, I thought I'd share a quick post with you.  Recently we promoted the book Then Comes Winter, edited by Christina Boyd.  This industrious woman has decided to send her book on a road trip, garnering the signatures of all of the book's contributors! To make this even better, she is offering to give away this collector's item to one of you!  Check out her note below, and enter to win.  Stay warm, and grab a good book.  That's what I'm off to do!

This past November, Then Comes Winter, a collection of winter themed short stories, embarked on a trip to visit the hometowns of the talented authors who contributed to its making. Along the way through three countries, the traveling copy of Then Comes Winter has been collecting autographs and souvenirs and visiting special places in each region.

The book's final stop is yet undetermined. Its wanderlust will end once a winner is chosen on February 14, 2016 through this rafflecopter drawing which will determine the lucky winner whose bookshelf will house the only paperback of the anthology signed by all the authors and the editor. Be a part of this unique journey and enter to be that final destination.

Birch Bay, WA

Baltimore, MD
Are you the one lucky reader to win the Then Comes Winter paperback that is traveling the world to be signed by all twelve authors? Enter today to be the final stop on it's road trip. In the meantime, enjoy some of the photos from the roadtrip thus far. And follow along on it's final stops through the US. 

This giveaway is open worldwide.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks, Laura! Yes, snuggle in with a book for your #hibercation. I really wish I was #ThenComesWinter--I could use a great RoadTrip now and would love to meet these talented authors in person. (And I don't even own an autographed copy by all these authors. This giveaway is the only one!)

    1. Yes, the book is living out a much more exciting winter than most of us! Wouldn't that be amazing, to stow away in the mailing envelope, a la "Flat Stanley"?! Thanks for the giveaway-- the winner is going to love this!

  2. Howdy, Laura!

    Hope you guys are still warm and with power there in the Carolinas. Appreciate the shout out for TCW's Road Trip. It's cruising down to your neck of the woods now. :)
