
Monday, December 16, 2013

Book Preview & Award Announcement: Fitzwilliam Darcy:such I was by Carol Cromlin

I'm pleased to announce that the world of Austeneque fiction has a new member among the ranks.  Please welcome Carol Cromlin, author of Fitzwilliam Darcy: such I was.  This new title was released over the summer, and is garnering positive reviews from many corners.  It's very high on my TBR list right now, and I look forward to reading it soon.

In the meantime, I have been given word that Fitzwilliam Darcy: such I was has been included in this year's lineup of the Best Indie Books of 2013 by the esteemed Kirkus Reviews.  Here are Kirkus' thoughts on the novel, posted in June:

In this enjoyable work of historical fiction set in the Jane Austen universe, Cromlin imagines what makes the mysterious Fitzwilliam Darcy tick.

In her book Pride and Prejudice, Austen famously suggests, “a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” With these words, the scene is set for Fitzwilliam Darcy, one of the most beloved, well-known characters in Austen’s oeuvre. Cromlin, in her book set prior to Darcy’s debut in Pride and Prejudice, envisions Darcy’s formative years, beginning with Darcy’s birth and continuing through his childhood and young-adult years. She breathes life into his parents, illuminates the bond between Darcy and his sister, and delves with great detail into the history of the contentious relationship between Darcy and George Wickham. Readers are invited to celebrate holidays at Pemberley and travel the world with Darcy during his adventurous grand tour abroad. Perhaps of most interest, Cromlin seeks to explain how Austen’s Darcy, a gentleman of great wealth, good character and impeccable manners, becomes a man perceived as distant and unpleasant. The journey toward understanding this complex character is immensely enjoyable, and the supporting cast of familiar characters, such as Col. Fitzwilliam and Georgiana Darcy, helps round out the satisfying story. Cromlin’s poetic descriptions paint a clear portrait of Darcy’s life of privilege in 18th-century England, tackling the many facets of Darcy’s personality with aplomb, often using his own thoughts to better explain his actions and defining characteristics. Ultimately, Cromlin’s tale arrives at the fateful moment when Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet first set eyes on each other, providing a seamless transition into Austen’s literature and Darcy’s future.

Austen devotees may enjoy this glimpse into Darcy’s background, and Austen newcomers might find themselves searching the shelves for her classic novels.


To celebrate this admirable honor, Carol Cromlin has generously offered to the readers of The Calico Critic an opportunity to win two Kindle editions of Fitzwilliam Darcy: such I was.  See below for contest rules and guidelines.  Please enter via the Rafflecopter widget below, and good luck!

In addition, Carol is also offering to the first 500 respondents Darcy calling cards and cover image bookmarks. To request your copies, visit  Go to the "Contact" page and fill out the form.  Provide your email address, full name and mailing address.  Please mention that you learned about the giveaway on The Calico Critic.

For another chance to win the novel, stop by Austenesque Reviews
before December 23rd, as they're hosting a giveaway as well!

  • The contest period ends at 12:01am EST on December 31, 2013.
  • Contest is open to those who are able to receive a Kindle edition of the title, sent from author Carol Cromlin, resident of the USA.
  • Make sure you leave your email address in the one required portion of the Rafflecopter form. Should you win, I will contact you on Tuesday, December 31st.  Please take measures to ensure that my email will make it past your spam filters, lest you miss my message. ( You'll have 72 hours to respond before I pick another winner.
  • All entries must go through the Rafflecopter form. If you leave a blog post comment, in order for it to count toward your contest entry, be sure to indicate this through the "Leave a Blog Post Comment" button on the form.
  • The winner's delivery information will be sent to Carol Cromlin for prize administration.
  • Entries will be verified.  If a fraudulent entry is detected for the winning name, another winner will be drawn.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

CAROL CROMLIN, who has a great appreciation for history, tradition and all things British, is someone who has always needed to know how and why; researching and writing this book drew naturally on those traits. Cromlin graduated from Hofstra University and has a graduate degree from Fordham University. She lives in the United States with her husband, son and dogs.



  1. I have so curiosity to read this book. The review is a lot interesting, Laura. The cover is precious.
    The age teenager and adult are the most interesting for me.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  2. Can I say any age? I love sneaks at his younger years, but truthfully I enjoy stories from his adulthood too. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  3. Hi Laura: Thanks for sharing the news of my award and sponsoring my giveaway. You have a great blog!

  4. I would love to see Darcy in his teenaged years........he must've gotten into some sort of trouble, like most teenagers!! LOL!!!

    thank you for the giveaway!!!

  5. I went and asked my library to purchase it too after reading this blog post. Thanks and I hope to read it soon.

    1. That's really great Agnes! Good for you in getting your library to purchase this. If you don't win a copy, I hope the library copy comes in soon!


  6. I hadn't heard of this one before, but it sounds fantastic!

  7. I think a teenage Darcy would be quite interesting, especially if we get to see his interactions with Wickham!

  8. I'd love to read more about teen Darcy... how he was at school - and was he always so reserved?!

  9. I would like to get to know Darcy as a child because those are the years that a person's character is formed.

  10. I would like to see him as a teenager.
