
Friday, September 16, 2011

Preparing For: The Women of Faith Conference

I review for BookSneeze® The countdown has begun!  In less than a week, I'll be attending the Women of Faith Conference in Charlotte, NC with my favorite woman of faith, my mother Christina.  Thanks to the Book Sneeze program I have two tickets, and thanks to my father, I have childcare for my two boys for this two-day event.  What a wonderful gift all of this is!

The conference begins on Friday morning at 10am at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte.  I frequently become cold inside air conditioned facilities, so I'm going to bring a warm Irish cardigan along.  It's "open seating" during the Friday daytime sessions, so I plan to get there when the doors open at 9am as well.

The weekend's schedule looks like this:

Friday Morning
9am - Doors Open
10am - Session 1
11:30am - Lunch (Box lunch included)
12:30pm - Session 2
1:45pm - Break
2:15pm - Session 3
3:30pm - End

Friday Evening
5:30pm - Doors Open (Assigned Seating)
7:00pm - Session 4
10:00pm - End

8am - Doors Open (Assigned Seating)
9am - Session 1
10:45am - Break
11:30am - Session 2
12:30pm - Lunch (Box lunch included)
1:30pm - Session 3
3:15pm - Break
3:30 - Session 4
5pm - End

It's going to be two long days, but I think the time will fly by.  I'm really looking forward to spending this time with my mother, hearing from these wonderful presenters and just having a time of spiritual refreshment.  The last few months have been draining, as we have moved from Florida to Georgia, and I could really use this conference right now.  If nothing else, I get to spend time with my family, be in my home state of North Carolina, and enjoy worshipping the Lord with thousands of other women.  Check back here next week, as I'll have a report on our time in Charlotte!

Have you attended a Woman of Faith Conference?  Got any advice or tips for me?  Thoughts or memories to share?  How has this ministry blessed your life?

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