
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fool for Books / 40th Birthday Giveaway Winners

Thanks to all of you who entered the Fool for Books/40th Birthday Giveaway.  We had 113 entries that came in before our 11:59pm EST deadline.  I have contacted our winners via email, so go check your In Box if you haven't already!

Winner #1 is Sarah E, who had four entries.  She chose as her prize Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine.

Winner #2 is Lisa of A Casual Reader's Blog, who had two entries.  She chose as her prize Mr. Darcy's Secret by Jane Odiwe.

Winner #3 is Carol of Reading Under the Moonlight, who had three entries.  She chose as her prize Mr. Darcy's Little Sister by C. Allyn Pierson.

Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all of the participants!

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