
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday Contest Report - August 4th

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Sometimes on Wednesdays I like to put a spotlight on contests that I'm entering around the blogosphere for that week.  Some of these might appeal to you as well.  Check them out!

    • Under the Fairy Dust is having a big end-of-summer giveaway!  Lots of books, including the Goose Girl series and Mockingjay.  Deadline to enter is August 10th.  Here's the link:

    • Glenna Walsh at The Blue Lipstick Samurai is hosting a giveaway of books, stationery and candy! The winner will be selected when she reaches 65 followers.  I was follower #47.  Here's the link:

    • Steph at Reviewer X is giving away a $25 gift card to Amazon.  Deadline is August 11th.  Here's the link:

    • Sarah at Book Reviews from Inside an Igloo is celebrating her birthday and her return from Italy by offering her followers a book ($20 limit) from The Book Depository.  Deadline is August 14.  Here's the link:

    • Angela at Reading Angel is hosting a giveaway where each of the two winners will receive an August, September, or October 2010 release book from the book depository up to $15 in value. Deadline is August 27th.  Here's the link:

    • Choco at In Which a Girl Reads is celebrating her blogoversary with a super giveaway! Lots of books are being offered, and it's an international contest!  Deadline to enter is September 19th. Here's the link:

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