
Friday, May 21, 2010

Book Review and Giveaway: Life, In Spite of Me by Kristen Jane Anderson

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Kristen was a troubled 17 year-old girl who struggled with feelings of hopelessness, pain and defeat.  When life became unbearable, suicide seemed like the only solution.  So she made the devastating choice to lie down in front of an oncoming train.  Miraculously, she survived.  Life, In Spite of Me is the story of Kristen Jane Anderson’s journey from despair, to faith in Christ, to her ministry to the world.

Life, In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal ChoiceI don’t mention it much here on The Calico Critic, but I’ve been struggling with depression since the spring of 2009.  Medication has been a huge help, and this blog has also brought much sunshine to my life as well.  However, I consider my relationship with Christ to be the most important factor in making it through this difficult time.  It’s with this perspective that I requested a copy of Life, In Spite of Me. 

While Kristen’s book is an autobiographical account of her life since the train incident, it reads like a novel.  From the opening pages, I was riveted to her story and how God is working in her life.  Her co-writer, Tricia Goyer was an excellent partner as Kristen shared her struggles.  On more than one occasion, I was brought to tears as I related to some of the emotional pain she was dealing with.  I was also moved in how the Lord has touched her body, mind and spirit.

If you’re dealing with depression, I highly recommend this book.  If you know someone who’s struggling, I recommend that you get them a copy.  Kristen’s story is amazing, and it has much hope for those looking for even a glimmer of light at the end of their very long, very dark tunnel. In addition, Kristen’s ministry Reaching You has an excellent website for resources for those who need assistance. 

From one perspective, Kristen Jane Anderson’s story is tragic. The flawed decisions that she made as a teenager will affect her for the rest of her life.  But in that tragedy, God is working in her to bless others.  She is a new person with a new perspective, filled with hope and love of life.  And it is in reading Life, In Spite of Me that her readers can be encouraged by that same hope and love as well.

Videos of Kristen

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If you'd like to win one of two copies of Life In Spite of Me, here are the contest rules:

  • Leave a comment below; this counts as your entry.
  • Entries accepted until 11:59pm on Saturday, June 5th
  • Open to U.S. addresses only.
  • Make sure at least one posted comment includes your email address. If you'd rather not have your email posted here, you may contact me directly to give me that information after you've entered here.
  • I will compile the entries and the winners will be chosen by, so even one entry can make you a winner!
  • Should you win, I will contact you on Sunday the 6th for your mailing information.  Please take measures to ensure that my email will make it past your spam filters, lest you miss my message! ( You'll have 72 hours to respond before I pick another winner.
  • More information on the giveaway policies can be found on the Contact / Policies page.

Bonus Entries

Please make note of all your bonus entries in your comment(s).  You may post separate comments or a single large comment.  Here are your bonus entry options:

  • Follow The Calico Critic by clicking on the Google "Follow" button on my sidebar (old or new followers both get the bonus entry, just let me know you're following).
  • Follow me (@LHartness) on Twitter (Please tell me your @UserName).
  • Tweet about this book's giveaway on; be sure to use an URL linking back to this blog posting in your tweet. You may do this as frequently as every 8 hours between now and June 5th at 11:59pm EST.  For each tweet, please come back and post the direct URL link to that specific tweet, not just your @Username.

That's it!  Thanks for stopping by, and good luck to all the entrants!

This title was provided to me by Multnomah/litFUSE.  No obligation other than an honest review was required.



  1. I would love to read this. Please enter me. I am a follower.

  2. Follower via GFC

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  3. I would like to win this book to read more about the ways Kristen dealt with her depression. Maybe I might be able to apply them to my life as well.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  4. I follow you on Twitter

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  5. Tweet! Tweet!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  6. I would love to be entered to win this book!

  7. I am a follower

  8. I tweeted

  9. I follow on twitter @bangersis

  10. I have wanted to read this one; thanks for the opportunity!
    Blessings -

  11. I am a follower; ding!

    Thanks -


  12. I am a Twitter follower - @andrealschultz - ding ding!

    Please come visit my blog - - for book reviews and giveaways! Thanks!

  13. would love to read kristen's inspirational story...thanks for the chance ;0

  14. She sure has been through a lot in her life and I would guess this would be an emotional read. I found your review to be intriguing and one that I think I would take pleasure in reading.

    Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.


  15. Blog follower via GFC
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  16. This looks like a wonderful book. Thanks for the giveaway.
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  17. You know me from GoodReads

  18. LeAnn:

    Oh good! I'm so glad you came by to enter. I'm glad I piqued your interest in this one. Maybe it'll be my turn to mail you a book this time! Good luck!


  19. This is definitely a book that I'm passing on so that others can be blessed by it. This would be great gift for anyone going through hard times, in need of comfort or looking for a great read

  20. Danmark - Glad you've discovered this one. It was really amazing.
