
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Today's Workout - Your Personal Best with Elle

I'm what you would call a "vidiot".  I love using exercise videos for my workouts, and I have a few hundred of them.  Since variety is great for the body, I rarely do the same video more than once or twice a year.  Today's workout is called Your Personal Best with Elle Macpherson (90's supermodel) and Karen Voight (fitness instructor).  It was released in 1995 and is only available on VHS in the United States.  I typically do this one on Satudays; it's 54 minutes and is set in the beautiful Hawaiian islands.  Distributed by Disney's Buena Vista Home Video, the production values are high and the cinematography is great.  As a 90's girl, I still enjoy the now-dated music (Inxs, Sting, Matthew Wilder) and don't mind the aging fashions.  There's a good mix of cardio, strength training and a nice 5-minute stretch at the end.  There are 8 segments, shifting to different locations throughout the islands. The only equipment you need are comfy shoes and workout clothes, hand weights, and a chair or bench.  Elle is clearly no fitness expert, so it's good to have Karen on board.  Both ladies have different body types, and of course they're both inspirational to have on screen.  This isn't one of my favorite workouts, but when I do it once a year, I always enjoy it.

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