Monday, November 24, 2014

Book Review and Trilogy Giveaway: A Lady at Willowgrove Hall by Sarah E. Ladd

Block Post Update: I'm not sure why this was republished on August 17, 2015. My apologies for any confusion. If you haven't checked out this series yet though, it's a good one! 

Her secret cloaks her in isolation and loneliness. His secret traps him in a life that is not his own.

Darbury, England, 1819

Cecily Faire carries the shame of her past wherever she treads, knowing one slip of the tongue could expose her disgrace. But soon after becoming a lady’s companion at Willowgrove Hall, Cecily finds herself face-to-face with a man well-acquainted with the past she’s desperately hidden for years.

Nathaniel Stanton has a secret of his own—one that has haunted him for years and tied him to his father’s position as steward of Willowgrove Hall. To protect his family, Nathaniel dares not breathe a word of the truth. But as long as the shadow looms over him, he’ll never be free to find his own way in the world. He’ll never be free to fall in love.

When the secrets swirling within Willowgrove Hall come to light, Cecily and Nathaniel must confront a painful choice: Will they continue running from the past . . . or will they stand together and fight for a future without the suffocating weight of secrets long kept?

The Whispers on the Moors series continues with Sarah E. Ladd’s A Lady at Willowgrove Hall. As with the previous volume The Headmistress of Rosemere, this novel has ties to its predecessor, but it can very much stand alone. And like the other titles, it features a strong, yet accessible leading lady. Cecily Faire is an excellent character, drawing me in with her vulnerability, and the dramatic events of her past. The novel opens with a pivotal moment in her life, one that was in some ways romantic, but for the most part was quite striking and heart rending. The pain and rejection in this girl’s heart was very tangible, establishing her as a young lady that readers could care about.

After Willowgrove Hall’s powerful opener, I settled in for the rest of the story, getting to know many delightful characters, both charming and despicable. I initially thought that the mistress of Willowgrove, Mrs. Trent, would mirror Jane Austen’s Lady Catherine de Bourgh, but I eventually came to see her as a much more amiable lady. Her steward, Nathaniel Stanton, was such a charming young man, but in a soft-spoken, humble way that made him even more interesting. The chemistry between him and Cecily was delightful, fresh and clean, reminding me of my early days with my husband, when we were getting to know one another for the first time. Ladd’s descriptions of their feelings unearthed sweet memories of decades gone by, when just seeing a new love interest enter a room would bring such excitement to heart. I also enjoyed Cecily’s interactions with the members of the Stanton family. Her time with them brought on such a cozy feeling, one that Cecily so longed for and richly deserved.

A main theme of the novel was the concept of hidden secrets, and how opening one’s heart to another requires trust—enough trust to share those moments of the past that had been hidden for years, if not decades. As Cecily feels that allowing herself to love and trust another man would be a frustrating exercise in futility, and she resists any revelation of her past mistakes or divulgement of certain offenses committed against her by those she loved. Likewise, Nathaniel is very much a closed book in particular areas of his life. Unlike Cecily, he doesn’t necessarily have personal regrets, but he does have confidential information that he would rather keep close to the vest, if for no other reason than to protect his family. As such, he denies himself the possibility of love with anyone, lest he come to trust them and reveal too much.

I enjoyed the tale that Sarah E. Ladd has woven here in A Lady at Willowgrove Hall. The Regency feel is much more apparent than in The Headmistress of Rosemere, but it is not in any way stuffy or difficult to read. As Cecily makes her way into the world, I was pleased with the way she recognized proper etiquette, and she was determined to try to play the part of a lady. Her antagonist could be quite a contemptible man, but I liked how Ladd softened him a bit at the end, showing that he wasn’t quite evil through-and-through. He provided an interesting twist to Cecily’s life at Willowgrove, bringing in tension in a way I hadn’t expected at the novel's outset.

Nathaniel is just delightful. I imagined an English version of Tom Welling (of Smallville fame) in my mind. He was handsome, strong, but a man of integrity and family honor. Cecily also cherishes family, and there is a sub plot involving her twin sister that was very sweet and poignant. Other American actors came to mind as well: I imagined Cecily as a younger, curlier-haired version of Jessica Chastain, with her almost-identical twin sister, Bryce Dallas Howard.

 Tom Welling
Jessica Chastain
Bryce Dallas Howard

Along with the rest of the cast of characters, A Lady at Willowgrove Hall has added another lovely episode to the Whispers on the Moors series. I don’t know if there will be future Whispers titles, but I do hope that Sarah E. Ladd will continue to occupy the Regency era in her writing. And it looks like she will be doing just that, with her upcoming title,The Curiosity Keeper,due for publication in July 2015. I enjoy stepping into her vision of that period, and look forward to more from this talented author.

Triple Giveaway!
The Whispers on the Moors Series!

My family is in the midst of preparing to move out of state.  We're packing up our things in Savannah and moving to Greensboro, NC at the end of the year.  It's time to trim down my library a bit. I've enjoyed the Whispers on the Moors series so far, and can't bear to just throw them into the Salvation Army pile that's growing in my closet. I want to make sure these books get to someone who appreciates them. Please note that these are gently-read review copies, sent to me with no monetary profit in mind.  So if you ever decide to part with them yourself, I would ask that you donate or give them away. Please do not sell them for monetary gain.  

I recently posted my review of Book 2, The Headmistress of Rosemere, and I'm incorporating that post into this giveaway as well. So you may enter the contest on this post or on the Headmistress of Rosemere post-- either way, you're in!

My apologies to our international readers, but I need to make this one available to U.S. mailing addresses only.

The contest period ends at 12am EST on Tuesday, December 16th, also known as Jane Austen Day. The Whispers on the Moors novels are set in early 19th century England, around the same time period as Austen's works.

Good luck to all of the participants, and thanks for entering!

About the Author

Sarah E. Ladd has more than ten years of marketing experience. She is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing. The Heiress of Winterwood was the recipient of the 2011 Genesis Award for historical romance and a finalist in the Debut Author category of the 2014 Carol Awards. The second book in the series, The Headmistress of Rosemere (2013), was on the ECPA best-seller list for several months. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever.

Find out more about Sarah at

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Kindle Trilogy!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Book Review and Trilogy Giveaway: The Headmistress of Rosemere by Sarah E. Ladd

Patience Creighton will finally find the peace she lost years ago--if she can open her heart and forgive the man who loves her.

Bright, sensible Patience knows what is expected of her. At twenty-five, her opportunity for a family of her own has passed, so she finds contentment teaching at her father's school for girls. When her father dies suddenly and her brother moves away to London, she is determined to keep her father's dream alive.

Confirmed bachelor William Sterling also knows what is expected of him, but mistake after mistake has left him teetering on ruin's edge. As master of Eastmore Hall he owns a great deal of land but possesses little money to manage the upkeep. He is desperate to find a new source of income, including the sacrifice of land connected to Rosemere.

When her brother returns with a new wife to take over management of the school, Patience is heartbroken to no longer be responsible for her beloved school and is forced to reassess God's purpose for her life. After her sister-in-law's matchmaking brings Patience and William together, they both learn new truths about their character and find a common goal in restoring Eastmore's legacy.

Last year I had the pleasure of reading The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah E. Ladd, the first book in her Whispers on the Moors series. It was an enjoyable tale, with themes that were compelling and thought-provoking. Ladd continues her series with The Headmistress of Rosemere, which holds several similarities to Winterwood. As with Winterwood’s Amelia Barrett, the female protagonist Patience Creighton is also in the position of taking care of another’s child, or in this case, a home full of them in her father’s boarding school for girls, Rosemere. Another lead character William Sterling, is brother to Winterwood’s Graham Sterling, and like his kin also has weaknesses of his own. Unlike Graham, however, he is known for irresponsible living and gambling away much of his fortune. And as she did in the first title, Sarah E. Ladd keeps the content in this romantic tale very family-friendly.

While there are similarities between Winterwood and Rosemere, they each have their own unique tone and feel. Newcomers to the series could also read either title independently, as they will stand on their own with just a few ties to the other’s plot. So readers can feel comfortable in jumping into this series with Book Two if they so desire.

Ladd’s narrative with Patience and William was a compelling one, as each character harbors struggles that many can relate to. Patience, a single woman at age twenty-five in 19th century England, would be considered by many to be a spinster. She very much desires to be married, but not just for the security it can provide. Having a spouse with whom she is deeply in love is very important to her, so much so that she has turned down an opportunity to marry in the past. She is also dealing with the death of her father, which has subsequently caused her mother to be in serious emotional distress. In addition, Patience has the huge responsibility of running the boarding school in her older brother Rawdon’s absence. The pressures on her are multiple, making her life filled with instability and pressure. While out walking with her dear friend Cassandra, Patience contemplates her life:

“How different their lives were today. They each faced a future of uncertainty for different reasons. Only recently they had thought their paths were certain. But the ground had shifted beneath both of them. Nothing could be relied on anymore. 

‘How foolish we used to be, the two of us, always dreaming of great romance and adventure,’ Patience said. 

Cassandra gazed down at the river. ‘And did we find it?’ 

Not even the angry wind could dislodge that question from their minds. 

Patience wanted to stand on the crest of the hill and scream. Cry out to God. Beg for intervention. Beg to have her relationship with her brother restored. To have her mother back. To have her hope, her purpose back.” (p. 204 Paperback, p. 212 Kindle) 

Those thoughts and feelings are very relatable—how many of us have felt overwhelmed by life at times, troubled by relationship problems, responsibilities and uncertainty? I too have found myself crying out to God as she desired, asking Him for help, guidance and relief.

William Stanton has adversities of his own as well. He doesn’t struggle with alcohol addiction as his brother did, but he does have heavy issues within his heart, ones that he would try to ignore with frivolous and indulgent pursuits. His involvement with his property of Rosemere and his interaction with Patience lead his character to make choices that will forever change the trajectory of his life. He faces risk from many angles, and I found his journey as a man to be a captivating one. His is a story of redemption and renaissance, illustrating that we all can make positive changes in our lives if we are motivated to do so.

The Headmistress of Rosemere is a good follow-up to The Heiress of Winterwood. While I didn’t find myself quite as riveted in this novel as I did in the first, it was still very enjoyable. I’m pleased that Ladd is doing well as an author, as I enjoy her writing and appreciate her choices to keep her content clean, but not too heavy handed with faith-related themes. In other Christian novels that I’ve read, the mention of God sometimes seems forced, seemingly added for the sake of the genre. In Winterwood, faith is certainly an aspect in many of the characters’ lives, but it is not mentioned on every page, and the characters are no saints. They wrestle with doubt and sin like many of us do. As a reader I appreciate that balance.

As mentioned, The Heiress of Winterwood is very much a stand-alone novel. I can recommend either title in the Whispers on the Moors series, so feel free to start with this title if you like. Either way, you’re in for a delightful story of love, redemption and healing. As such, I look forward to the next title of Whispers on the Moors, the recently-released A Lady at Willowgrove Hall.

Triple Giveaway!
The Whispers on the Moors Series!

My family is in the midst of preparing to move out of state.  We're packing up our things in Savannah and moving to Greensboro, NC at the end of the year.  It's time to trim down my library a bit. I've enjoyed the Whispers on the Moors series so far, and can't bear to just throw them into the Salvation Army pile that's growing in my closet. I want to make sure these books get to someone who appreciates them. Please note that these are gently-read review copies, sent to me with no monetary profit in mind.  So if you ever decide to part with them yourself, I would ask that you donate or give them away. Please do not sell them for monetary gain.  

I will be posting my review of Book 3, A Lady at Willowgrove Hall very soon, and will incorporate this into the same giveaway.  So you may enter the contest on this post or on the Willowgrove Hall post-- either way, you're in!

My apologies to our international readers, but I need to make this one available to U.S. mailing addresses only.

The contest period ends at 12am EST on Tuesday, December 16th, also known as Jane Austen Day. The Whispers on the Moors novels are not Austenesque fiction, but they are set in early 19th century England, around the same time period as her works.

Good luck to all of the participants, and thanks for entering!

About the Author

Sarah E. Ladd has more than ten years of marketing experience. She is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing. The Heiress of Winterwood was the recipient of the 2011 Genesis Award for historical romance and a finalist in the Debut Author category of the 2014 Carol Awards. The second book in the series, “The Headmistress of Rosemere” (2013), was on the ECPA best-seller list for several months. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever.

Find out more about Sarah at

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Kindle Trilogy!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Excerpt and Giveaway: The Madness of Mr. Darcy by Alexa Adams

This week many of us in the States will be hopping into planes, trains and automobiles to attend Thanksgiving celebrations around the country.  If you're looking for a book to bring with you on your travels, consider The Madness of Mr. Darcy by Alexa Adams.  It's a very different take on Jane Austen's vision, and I'm diving into it myself this weekend.  Below is an excerpt of the title, and then a generous giveaway from our author.  Welcome, Alexa Adams!

Thank you so much for having me, Laura! I’m thrilled to introduce my new novel, The Madness of Mr. Darcy. The book is based on the premise that Lydia Bennet never married George Wickham, destroying the entire happy ending of Pride & Prejudice. Twenty hard years have passed when Mr. Darcy, beaten down by tragedy, seeks admission into a private madhouse for the genteel. What he doesn’t know is that his long-lost love is employed as the matron of the facility. The following excerpt is from the beginning of chapter eight, and it is the first time, excepting the prologue, that the reader encounters Elizabeth. 

--Alexa Adams

Excerpt from The Madness of Mr. Darcy

by Alexa Adams

“Welcome home, Dr. Wilson. You have been greatly missed.” 

The doctor beamed on the scene before him: the snug parlor that he used as his office and the matron of Ramsey House, smiling her greeting. “Mrs. Bennet! It is good to be back. No trouble since your last letter, I presume?”

“None at all, sir, unless you count Miss Higgins tearing her new dress in despair, which I do not.”

He laughed. “I am sure the tearing of the dress was not nearly so disruptive as the lament for its loss.”

“Not at all! The damage was not irreparable, and the exertion of mending it has been excellent therapy.”

A frown creased his brow. “You made sure she was constantly supervised while using the needle, of course.”

“I did it myself, sir. The stock of needles was subject to the same daily tallies we utilize for the knives during the course of the experiment, and none have gone awry.”

“Touché, Mrs. Bennet! I would put any swordsman up against your needle.” He surveyed her speculatively. “I will wish to interview Lady Elliot to assess the benefits of your ‘experiment’ as you term it. It is rather suspicious that you had opportunity to attempt it, Mrs. Bennet, when I was not here to say no.”

She smiled, only slightly. “I cannot be held responsible for Lady Elliot’s mood fluctuations, sir.”

He chuckled. “How very convenient for you! What is done is done, but let us not be handing out needlework willy-nilly until I have examined Lady Elliot. Is that understood, Mrs. Bennet?” 

“Perfectly, Dr. Wilson.”

“Good! How is Mr. Lotts progressing?”

“He has gained in both weight and stamina. Mr. Johnson is with him now. He will join us shortly with the most recent figures.”

“Excellent! I hope to see a notable improvement in him, for we shall have a gentleman joining us soon for whom he might be held up to as an example. Mr. Darcy is far more likely to be a willing participant with a concrete example of efficaciousness before him. Never have I received such a grueling from a potential guest. He wanted detailed accounts of the daily routine and therapies. Whatever else might be said for the man, his intellect is as sharp as ever.”

“Mr. Darcy?”

“Yes. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley. We shall have to move Lady Elliot to different quarters, I am sorry to say, but we shall require the front rooms for his lodging. No other will accommodate his valet, whom he insists must remain with him in an adjoining room. He also brings a maid, but she can be housed with all the others. You will see to the arrangements.”

“Of course, Dr. Wilson, but can we not find some other solution for Mr. Darcy? I fear Lady Elliot will not benefit from the disruption.”

“Nor do I, but I can come up with no better plan. Think on it, Mrs. Bennet, to see if you might contrive something better, but if you do not, we shall have to begin Lady Elliot’s relocation. Much better to get it over with as soon as possible, so that any resentment she might harbor towards our new guest has the opportunity to fizzle out before he arrives.”

She swallowed painfully. “And when do we expect Mr. Darcy?”

“He intends to arrive the morning of September 12th, and from what I know of the man, regardless of any neglect he has shown to other matters, he will be punctual in his arrival.”

“I should not doubt it.”

Dr. Wilson raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “Is he known to you?”

“Yes. I mean, no, sir, not personally, but I have heard him to be punctilious.”

“He showed some recognition when I mentioned your name, Mrs. Bennet.”

“He did?”

“Yes. Said he was once acquainted with a family of the name. Might it have been yours?”

“We did meet very briefly, I suppose, many years ago in Hertfordshire. He was a guest at a neighboring estate.”

“Is your prior association likely to cause any trouble, Mrs. Bennet? I would hate to disappoint the man’s family, as I am truly indebted to them, but if Mr. Darcy’s presence is likely to cause any disruption to the House as a whole, I must do so.”

“No, sir. That will not be necessary. It was, as I said, an extremely brief encounter, so much so I am rather amazed he could recall it, but it was enough to make me think well of him, and if he is in need of our help, I shall not be the one to allow scruples to stand in the way of his recovery. He is melancholic, I presume?”

“Yes. Chronically, I believe, and he has aggravated the situation with alcohol.”

“Far too common an occurrence to be a surprise to you, sir.”

“True, but it does make our task harder, does it not, Mrs. Bennet?” There was a knock at the door, and a young man of broad build looked into the room.

“Dr. Wilson! So glad to have you home, sir!”

“Hello, Mr. Johnson! I understand you come from therapy with Mr. Lotts. How does he get on?” 

“Quite well, sir. I think you will be very pleased with the latest figures.”

“If you will excuse me, gentlemen,” Mrs. Bennet interrupted, “but I must rejoin the guests.”

“Very well, Mrs. Bennet. We shall speak more following dinner.” The two men turned their heads to the lengthy chart Mr. Johnson bore with him, and Elizabeth Bennet made a thankful escape from the unusually oppressive room.

 Mr. Darcy! After all these years! What on earth will he think of me?

Giveaway: The Madness of Mr. Darcy

Note: The first domestic name chosen by the Rafflecopter will receive the paperback edition.
The first international entrant drawn will receive the eBook edition.

About the Author

A lover of Jane Austen since her childhood, Alexa Adams is the author of Tales of Less Pride and Prejudice: First Impressions, Second Glances, and Holidays at Pemberley. Her latest book is The Madness of Mr. Darcy, which was released in October. Her Twisted Austen novellas - Emma & Elton and Jane & Bingley - are available for free download on Goodreads. Residing in the Delaware Valley with her husband and daughter, Adams looks forward to continuing her engagement with Austen and the remarkably familiar characters she has bequeathed to this world.

Connect with Alexa





Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Book Excerpt and International Giveaway - Boots and Backpacks by K.C. Kahler

Welcome to the next stop on the blog tour of K.C. Kahler's Boots and Backpacks, a new work of Austenesque fiction from Meryton Press.  Below you'll find an excerpt from this new title, as well as an opportunity to win a copy for yourself!  We have been graciously offered both a paperback and e-book copy, available internationally.  The first winner will choose their format. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck to all the entrants!

William Darcy counts down the last few months to his 30th birthday with dread. Orphaned as a child, his parents’ will includes a bizarre clause: Darcy must get married by his 30th birthday in order to inherit the family fortune. To make matters worse, the press knows about this deadline, as do the hordes of women chasing him in the hopes of becoming Mrs. Darcy. His family legacy hangs in the balance, but Darcy has little faith in the fairer sex. Will he find a woman he wants to marry, and quickly?

Elizabeth Bennet is determined to pursue her education and career without letting a man get in the way. When her traveling companion drops out, her planned hike on the Appalachian Trial is jeopardized. She meets the spoiled, snobby William Darcy just when he is desperate to escape the spotlight. No one will suspect that the Prince of Manhattan has gone backpacking! Darcy and Elizabeth form a tenuous partnership and begin a 300-mile journey that will transform them both.

In classic romantic comedy tradition, Boots & Backpacks follows our reluctant partners as they build trust, friendship, and even more. Six weeks together on America’s most famous hiking trail may turn out to be just what these two need!

Excerpt from Boots and Backpacks

Notes: Previous excerpts have been posted on K.C. Kahler's blog, at So Little Time, and at More Agreeably Engaged.

Some colorful language has been abridged in consideration of the conservative readers of The Calico Critic and is not in the original text.

This is the scene in Chapter 4 that sets the rest of the story in motion. Darcy is hiding out from the press at Elizabeth’s apartment, and Elizabeth just lost her hiking partner, George, to bad behavior. 

*          *          *

Distance from New York City: 25 miles

Forced matrimony in: 59 days 

 “You eat a lot for a girl.” Where the hell did she put it? No place that Darcy could see.

She laughed. “I’m trying to fatten myself up before my backpacking trip. Believe me, I’ll burn off all these calories and then some.”

“Are you really hiking to Virginia?”

“My mom got that wrong, actually. I’m hiking to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.”

“But that’s still hundreds of miles away.”

“That’s the point.”

“Have you done this sort of thing before?”

He waited as she chewed a forkful of food. “I did four weeks on the Continental Divide Trail in Colorado with a friend last year. And I’ve done shorter trips on the Appalachian Trail with Jane. This will be my longest hike so far: almost three hundred miles.”

“So when’s your birthday?”

“Tuesday. You really ask a lot of quest—” She jumped up at the sound of her cell phone ringing in the living room. Darcy stayed put while she ran off.

“Jane! How’s Chicago?” Elizabeth probably didn’t realize how easy it was for Darcy to hear her end of the conversation.

“Nothing much. I worked today at the store…yeah, I’m packing tonight…Oh, what did Aunt Maddy tell you about George?

“Yeah, on his ratty couch too…I know!” She laughed, but her laughter ended abruptly.

“Of course I can. Don’t be so overprotective…Bears? Are you seriously trying to make me afraid of bears?” Darcy thought she was pacing, from the variable sound of her voice.

“But…How could I possibly find someone now…I have everything planned out perfectly.”

She groaned. “Jaa-aane, you’re being ridiculous! I have to go—you understand that. I have to!

“No, I won’t make such a dumb promise…Please don’t pull this mother hen s***…Don’t say that.” She sounded more defeated with every word she uttered. Darcy wondered whether there was a trick to winning an argument with her. If so, he’d like to know it.


“Ugh. I promise I won’t go alone. There. Are you happy now?” There was a long silence.

Elizabeth sighed. “Only for you, Jane. Only for you…Yeah, me too. Have a hot fling with a hot realtor while you’re there…okay. Bye.”

Darcy imagined Elizabeth slumped on the couch, looking over her carefully sorted piles of hiking gear. So she’d promised her sister she wouldn’t hike 300 miles alone. Obviously, that was the sensible choice, but Darcy felt bad for her. It seemed like she really wanted to go.

As he finished his beer, she came back into the kitchen. “Are you done with your dinner?” All of the liveliness was gone from her voice.

“Yes, thank you.”

Elizabeth cleared the dishes, and stood rinsing them. She spoke over her shoulder, “Do you want to watch TV or something?” Or something, he thought as he ogled her a**.

She loaded the dishwasher, and Darcy followed her into the living room where she plopped down on one end of the couch. He took the other end. She flipped through the channels absent-mindedly, throwing glances at him every so often. It was interfering with his open admiration of her tanned legs, which she had stretched out in front of her.

“What?” he asked.

“I get to ask some questions now. When is your birthday?”

She couldn’t have chosen a worse topic, but he had been asking her a lot of questions. He didn’t know why he found her so fascinating. “November Sixth.”

“And you’re going to a singles resort until then?”

“It’s getting too unpleasant for me to stay in New York.”

“Do you have your wedding planned and everything?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“It’s a big decision. You don’t have to tell me about it, but I assume you’ve decided on something?”


“So you want to escape the spotlight for two months.”


She fell silent. Darcy loosened his tie and stood up to take off his jacket.

“Oh! You must be uncomfortable.”

He shrugged as he sat down again. “I’m fine.”

She stared at him long enough to unnerve him. He had no idea what she was thinking. Then she stood and went to the pile of stuff. “I think you’re about the same size as George. Here, these are clean.” She threw a t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts at him.

“Thanks. Is there a new toothbrush in there?”

“Yeah, let me find it.” She rummaged around and then triumphantly held up a toothbrush. He stood as she came around the pile toward him. Their hands brushed when she gave it to him.

G**, he wanted her. This attraction couldn’t be one-sided, could it? No, not with the way she was looking at him. He’d started off badly a month ago, but this was salvageable. Somehow, he would get Miss Nice A** into bed.

“You should come with me,” they said simultaneously.

They each took a step back, and again spoke in chorus. “What?!”

Darcy shook his head, “You can’t be serious.”

“That’s what I was about to say.”

“Look, I heard you promise your sister you wouldn’t do your hike alone. Before you get all bent out of shape, I wasn’t trying to listen. I was just sitting in there and I heard you. So you have six weeks to kill. Spend them with me in luxury. We can go anywhere you want. I’ll pay for everything.”

“I want to go on my hike.”

“That’s not exactly the kind of luxury I had in mind.”

“Well, that’s the only trip I’m going to take, and it’s really your best option.”

“How so?”

She motioned for him to sit. “I’ve already been dismissed by Gwen. She thinks I’m going to Virginia with George. Nobody knows you’re here, and no one would ever think to look for you on the Appalachian Trail. You’ll be free of those people for six whole weeks.”

“I can be free of them anyway. I’ll charter a plane and—”

“Airports keep flight logs, and the press will find you through them.”

“But the type of place I’d go would have security, so even if they knew where I was, they couldn’t get to me.”

“Instead of being trapped in your apartment, you’ll be trapped in some resort. That’s hardly freedom.”

Were Bingley and Miss Nice A** consorting against him? “I don’t want to hike for six weeks. I’d rather go to a resort.” “So you want to spend your last hurrah exactly as you’ve spent your whole life prior to now, and how you’ll probably spend your entire future.” “You mean comfortably and pleasantly?” “I mean sheltered, catered to, lied to, and having your a** kissed just because of your famous name and your parents’ money.”

J****—she was harsh. “I’m the normal one here for not wanting to walk for three hundred miles. It’s a stupid goal, by the way.”

“If you ever set some goals for yourself, you’ll be in a better position to judge mine.”

“Oh, aren’t you the expert now. Been doing a little research about me since our last meeting?”

“I don’t need gossip rags to tell me any of this. You aren’t that hard to read, Darcy. If you go on this hike, I guarantee you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something and seen something by the end of it.”

“Please. I’ve seen more of the country, more of the world, than you ever will.”

“And yet, you’re still miserable.”

He tried to think of something sharp to say in reply, but he couldn’t really argue that point. He was miserable. He wished he knew Jane Bennet’s secret to besting her sister in debate. He decided to try shock. “Will you sleep with me if I go?”

After he let her sputter in outrage for a moment, he interrupted, “Don’t act like such a prude. These are the facts: I have a healthy libido, and six weeks is a long time.” Especially if he was spending 24 hours a day with her and her perfect a**.

She shook her head in dismay. “I’m trying to decide which is worse: spending six weeks with a spoiled horndog or not going at all.”

“You haven’t answered my question.”

“I don’t like you, Darcy. Remember that little requirement?”

“That’s not a no. You might start to like me once you get past your prejudices.”

“Don’t get your hopes up—or anything else. Wait, what prejudices?”

“For starters, you distrust men. You’re not too keen on rich people either.” She blinked, momentarily stunned. It felt good to have the upper hand, even if only for a moment. “You think you’re so hard to read?”

“Whatever. Will you come on the hike or won’t you?”

Darcy took a moment to consider the pros and cons. He certainly liked the idea of confounding Gwen and all the others who had hounded him for the last eight years. He wondered, as the weeks passed, would her Twitter feed get more and more desperate, or would it fizzle into silence? Both possibilities held some appeal.

It might turn out that he actually liked backpacking. At least it would be a new experience. Going to a resort would be the same as staying in New York, except for the prettier location and the hordes kept at a slightly greater distance. But he would still be trapped, penned in. That was the reason he wasn’t enthused about going without Bingley in the first place, the reason why he had been unable to come up with a plan and had found himself wandering in Ridgewood, New Jersey with nowhere to go.

Which brought him to Miss Nice A**. Clearly, she would not go to a resort, but she couldn’t go on her trip alone. So the only way to make her like him, at least enough to get her into bed, was to go on the hike with her. And he definitely wanted to get her into bed.

“Yes. I’ll come.” He held out his hand and she shook it.

International Giveaway:  Boots and Packpacks

About the Author, K.C. Kahler

KC Kahler has worked as a writer and editor in both non-profit and academic settings. Until discovering Jane Austen Fan Fiction several years ago, KC’s writing had been limited to the dry and technical, which is a shame, since she considers herself witty and sparkling. Boots & Backpacks is her first published novel.

KC lives on a four-acre slice of Penn’s Woods with her husband and two dogs. They enjoy hiking, gardening, and being beer snobs.

Twitter: @KCKahler
Goodreads: Author Page





Saturday, November 1, 2014

Book Review and Giveaway: A Lady at Willowgrove Hall by Sarah E. Ladd

Notice: A full review of A Lady at Willowgrove Hall is to come shortly. But I didn't want you to miss out on the opportunity to learn about the book and the accompanying giveaway!

Her secret cloaks her in isolation and loneliness. His secret traps him in a life that is not his own.

Cecily Faire carries the shame of her past wherever she treads, knowing one slip of the tongue could strip away everything she holds dear. But soon after accepting the position of lady’s companion at Willowgrove Hall, Cecily finds herself face-to-face with a man well-acquainted with the past she’s desperately hidden for years.

Nathaniel Stanton has a secret of his own – one that has haunted him from birth and tied him to his father’s position as steward of Willowgrove. To protect his family, Nathaniel dares not breath a word of the truth. But as long as the shadow looms over him, he’ll never be free to find his own way in the world. He’ll never be free to fall in love.

When the secrets swirling within Willowgrove Hall come to light, Cecily and Nathaniel must confront a painful choice: Will they continue running from the past . . . or will they stand together and build a future without the suffocating weight of secrets long suffered?

Award-winning author Sarah E. Ladd examines how to escape the clutches of a tainted past in the final installment of her Whispers on the Moor series. A Regency-era novel, A Lady at Willowgrove Hall cleverly shows that even though our pasts may be shameful or painful, God can take the darkest personal histories and turn them into the brightest futures.


Celebrate with Sarah by entering her Kindle HDX giveaway! One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire HDX
  • A Lady at Willowgrove Hall by Sarah E. Ladd
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on November 2nd. Winner will be announced November 3rd here.

About the Author

Sarah E. Ladd has more than ten years of marketing experience. She is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing. “The Heiress of Winterwood” was the recipient of the 2011 Genesis Award for historical romance and a finalist in the Debut Author category of the 2014 Carol Awards. The second book in the series, “The Headmistress of Rosemere” (2013), was on the ECPA best-seller list for several months. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever.

Find out more about Sarah at


Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Kindle Trilogy!


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