
Friday, November 16, 2018

Spotlight on Journals: Ellie Claire Paper Expressions

In the eighth grade my English teacher required that we start a journal of sorts for her class.  We merely had to write about a page of thoughts in a notebook, and later she would return the “graded” notebook with a short response on our entry.  I loved getting my thoughts down on paper, and this led to many years of journaling.  I estimate that I documented most of the days of my life between 1985 and the early ‘90s, from middle school through post-college days.  After college life became busier, with employment, marriage, and eventually parenthood.  I occasionally would journal, but not as much as I did in the old days.

As 2018 was on the horizon last year, I made a New Year’s resolution to journal. This year has been one that I’ve been anticipating for quite some time, as it has included my elder son graduating from high school and moving out into the world.  I also brought a new puppy into our family, a huge first for us as well.  For every day for the bulk of this year, I have once again been journaling my thoughts and events in our lives. As the summer waned and my daily life changed quite a bit with the onset of our puppy and my return to graduate school, I haven’t been as diligent in journaling for the last couple of months. My hope is to finish out the year with summary thoughts, and hopefully daily journaling in December after my final exam.

Recently I was given the opportunity to examine some journals by Ellie Claire Gifts.  As 2018 is coming to a close and my current journal is just about full, I’m on the lookout for a new volume to capture my thoughts for 2019.  When these three journals arrived, I was impressed with their quality, beauty and special features.  Let’s take a look at each one of these treasures:

The Faith & Lettering Journal

The first thing that I noticed about this journal was the front and back cover. It’s a hardback, but it’s an extremely thick and rigid one, with wonderful imprinted textures, colors and foiling. The spine is bound with cloth, with an elastic loop attached for keeping a pen, and the book is designed to lie flat when in use.

Looking inside the journal, you’ll find pages of various types. They’re all printed on quality paper that feels like it would resist bleeding if liquid color is used, such as a felt-tip lettering pen.  Of course there are blank, lined pages for typical entries, but they are often paired on the opposite side or in the corners with beautiful artwork by artist Krystal Whitten.

There are also practice pages, if you’d like to start working on scripted-style lettering like Whitten’s. Some practice pages include a “Pro Tip” area, with a different font to practice, as well as suggestions on how to make the fonts look their best. Krystal’s main purpose in presenting this journal is “to inspire you to reignite your devotional time, to imprint Scripture upon your heart, and to help you dig deep into the Word of God through the art of lettering.”

The Illustrated Word: An Illuminated Bible Coloring Journal

Like the Faith & Lettering journal, the Illustrated Word journal has a similar cover, with a strong composition, imprinted textures, colors and foiling.  The book can also lie flat when in use. Of the pages to be used for journaling, half are plain lined pages, and half include full-color illustrations from the archives of the Museum of the Bible in the corner of the page.  For forty of these illustrated pages, the opposite facing page has a coloring page inspired by the ancient art in the journal. The coloring pages are not like the coloring books created for children. They are more in the vein of the adult coloring books that have become popular in recent years. For someone like me who does not have the talent to draw complex images like these, the coloring pages provide an outlet for being artistic without the stress of wanting it to look like professional artwork, done by monks in the medieval times. This journal is a bit simpler than the Faith & Lettering journal, but if you’re not keen on practicing a new skill and just want to get on with enjoying journaling and the relaxing practice of coloring, this might be a good choice for you.

Illuminate Your Story Journal

The last journal in my profile is my favorite. The Illuminate Your Story journal is much like the previous two, with the same kind of spine, covers and quality non-bleed paper. In contrast however, this book includes an elastic band closure as well as a bookmark ribbon. With its 6” x 8” proportions, it’s a tad smaller than the previous journals, which are about 7” x 9”, but its size is fine.

The book begins with an introduction and history of illuminated letters, which I found very educational and inspirational. The main journal pages are of different types. There are lettering pages where you can practice creating illuminated letters, commonly featured at the start of an ancient book or chapter. Some of these letters are fairly complex, but there are some simpler ones to start with.  I think the letter “D” will suit me. All letters of the alphabet are represented.

There are also blank pages for traditional journaling, with an inspirational quote or scripture verse printed at the top. Like the illuminated practice pages, there is space allocated to practice “flourishes” or extra designs that can be added to your illuminations. These pages are good for non-artists like myself.  There’s a Celtic knot on page 88 that I like, and if I get brave, I might try the “L” with peacock detail on pages 82-83. I adore peacocks, so the fact that there’s one on the letter “L” (for my name Laura) is just perfect!

The final detail of the journal is a “Keepsakes” pocket on the inside back cover. I imagine you could keep photos, notes from friends or other small flat items inside. I thought this was a really nice, three-dimensional addition to the book.


Even if you’re not journaling about your daily activities, all three of these products can be a wonderful resource in your personal quiet time. God is the ultimate Creator, and as we are made in his image, it’s natural that we can incorporate worshipful art into our devotional time.

After experiencing these amazing journals, I took a peek at Ellie Claire’s other products on their website. These books are just the beginning! If you’re thinking about journaling, but the items I’ve reviewed don’t suit your taste, check out the many other offerings from Ellie Claire and Worthy Publishing. There are so many beautiful products! The illuminated Psalms journal was breathtaking, and as a bookmark geek, I couldn’t help but be impressed with their Scroll of Esther line.

Journaling has been such a blessing to my life.  Not only is it therapeutic, but it’s a fascinating time capsule to use in the future.  You will be amazed at how many tiny, precious details can be retained by writing them down.  By getting your words on paper, you preserve memories that might otherwise fall through the cracks of time.  It’s really quite remarkable, to go back years (or decades) later and read about what your younger self was up to.  You might be surprised at how much you’ve changed, and also how much you’ve stayed the same.  I don’t know if my habits had any influence, but my younger son began journaling a few months ago. Like I was, he is also in the eighth grade, on the cusp of so many important years.  I was thrilled that he showed an interest in the activity, and I hope he keeps it up for years to come.

Regardless of whether you purchase one of these items (although you can’t go wrong with any of them), I hope you consider the practice of journaling.  It’s never too late to start, and you’ll be giving yourself a gift this holiday season, especially with these fine journals from Ellie Claire.

Faith & Lettering

Illustrated Word

Illuminate Your Story

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Book Spotlight and Giveaway: Praying with Jane by Rachel Dodge

Wow-- it's been six months since I last posted!  I've been quite busy getting my 18 year-old son launched into the world, welcoming a new puppy into our family, and getting back to working on my master's degree in Christian Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary.

While I haven't had as much time for reading novels and such, I am going to take a moment to profile some products now and again. Hopefully after my final exam of the semester I'll be able to dive back into some Austenesque fiction!  For today however, I have a profile on Praying with Jane by Rachel Dodge.  Here is a blurb on the book:

While much has been written about Jane Austen’s life and novels, less is known about her
spiritual side or the three prayers she wrote. In Praying with Jane, Christian readers and Jane
Austen fans can explore Austen’s prayers in an intimate devotional format as they learn about
her personal faith, her Anglican upbringing, and the spiritual truths found in her novels.

Jane Austen’s faith comes to life in this beautiful 31-day devotional through her exquisite
prayers, touching biographical anecdotes, and illuminating scenes from her novels. Each daily
entry includes examples from Austen’s own life and novels, as well as key Scripture verses, ideas
for personal application, and a prayer inspired by Jane’s petitions.

“This is the devotional I didn’t know I was missing. Dodge connects
stories from Austen’s life and the pages of her novels to her prayers and
Scripture in fresh and insightful ways. An inspiring and illuminating look at
the life and faith of a beloved author.”
—Anne Bogel, author, I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of
the Reading Life and blogger, Modern Mrs. Darcy

“Rachel Dodge draws rich meaning and practical application
for modern readers from Jane Austen’s beautifully written prayers. Includes
compelling accounts of Jane’s life and inspiring, heartfelt prayers to make your
own. Praying with Jane is a wonderful devotional for anyone, and a
perfect gift for an Austen fan. Highly recommended.”
—Julie Klassen, bestselling author, Tales from Ivy Hill

Praying with Jane is full of rich insights into the faith of one of our greatest
English writers. It offers a window into her life and writings, as well as
being a source of spiritual nourishment!”
—Terry Glaspey, author, The Prayers of Jane Austen and
75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know


This is a wonderful item for the Janeite who enjoys a short devotional time each day. I love how it's only a 31-day commitment, so that you can enjoy the volume without feeling pressure to take in a large tome like a reference title, for example.  I haven't read the entire book, but did scan over the themes of all of the entries, and one in particular jumped out at me.  Here's an excerpt, taken from Prayer 3, Day 26:

Blessed Beyond Deserving

We feel that we have been blessed far beyond any thing that we have deserved; and though we cannot but pray for a continuance of all these Mercies, we acknowledge our unworthiness of them and implore Thee to pardon the presumption of our desires.

Austen's novels are littered with characters who perhaps end up with better than they deserve. Edmund, after following Miss Crawford around like a lovesick puppy and giving up ground on many moral issues, still ends up with kind Fanny; Emma is forgiven her many failings and faults and married generous Mr. Knightley; and Edward Ferrars, after making a foolish secret engagement with Lucy Steele, marries sensible Elinor. Grace is given and lessons are learned.

In Mrs. Bennet's case-- even though she has zero discernment in choosing suitable marriage partners, it terribly vulgar, and gives only bad advice-- she somehow ends up with her two eldest daughters married to kind, handsome men of good character, rank and wealth. Though her parenting merits sons-in-law that more closely resemble Lydia's Mr. Wickham, Mrs. Bennet gets everything she wants: At the end of Pride and Prejudice, she is happy and secure.

Though Mrs. Bennet never fully realizes the extent of her own good luck, Jane recognizes that she and her family have been "blessed far beyond any thing that [they] have deserved." In this portion of [Austen's] prayer, she asks God for a "continuance" of his mercies toward them, acknowledging that they are unworthy of so much. Her words are reminiscent of Psalm 103:10, which says God "does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities." (NIV)


Bethany House has graciously offered to give away a copy of Praying with Jane to one of our U.S. readers!  Please utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. The only required entry is your email address, so that we may contact you if you win. All other entries (such as a comment, tweets, etc.) offer bonus points for the giveaway. Contest period closes at 12:01am EST on November 14, 2018. Open to U.S. mailing addresses only.

Today is just one of many in the blog tour for Praying with Jane.  Check out these other sites for more viewpoints and content on the book!

Blog Tour Dates:

October 31Jane Austen’s World, Vic Sanborn

November 1 So Little Time, So Much to Read!, Candy Morton

November 2 Laura’s Reviews, Laura Gerold

November 3 Burton Reviews, Marie Burton

November 4 Sofia Rose’s Place, Sophia Rose

November 5 Jane Austen in Vermont, Deborah Barnum

November 6The Calico Critic, Laura Hartness

November 7 A Bookish Way of Life, Nadia Anguiano

November 8 Diary of an Eccentric, Anna Horner

November 9Becoming, Nichole Parks

November 10My Jane Austen Book Club, Maria Grazia

November 11 My Love for Jane Austen, Sylvia Chan

November 13 Faith, Science, Joy … and Jane Austen, Brenda Cox

About the Author

Rachel Dodge teaches college English and Jane Austen classes, gives talks at libraries, teas, and Jane Austen groups, and is a writer for the popular Jane Austen’s World blog. She is passionate about prayer and the study of God’s Word. A true “Janeite” at heart, Rachel enjoys books, bonnets, and ball gowns. She makes her home in California with her husband
and their two young children.

Connect with Rachel




Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Book Review & International Giveaway: Mysterious Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview

Four years after the original events of Pride & Prejudice, Darcy receives a visit in his isolated manor in Cornwall. It is Charles Bingley, and he has come to ask a favor…

There is nothing Lizzy Bennet likes more than a laugh – except for a mystery. From the moment she first encounters Mr. Darcy, she senses he is hiding something. But the more she tries to find out about who he is, the more he circumspect he becomes. However, Lizzy soon turns her attention to someone else. As Mrs. Bennet points out, Mr. Darcy is a nobody, and Lizzy needs to marry someone who can provide for her and her sisters.

Meanwhile, Mr. Darcy doesn’t want anyone to know about the scandal that haunts him from the past. He certainly doesn’t need someone like Miss Elizabeth Bennet, who asks him questions and tries to slip him up. Fortunately, he is more than adequate to the task of putting her off. What he doesn’t expect is that before long, he is caught up a love triangle, and finds himself longing to tell her the truth.

Are Elizabeth and Darcy meant to come together in this variation, or is Lizzy destined for someone else?

Note: Mysterious Mr. Darcy is not a mystery. It is a ‘what-if’ in which Mr. Darcy has to deal with the consequences of his past, a past that will change the shape of his future. 

Fitzwilliam Darcy, a fugitive? A man of no consequence? Janeites might find that hard to believe, but that is the Darcy that Monica Fairview presents to us in her latest novel, Mysterious Mr. Darcy.  While the dating of this tale occurs three years after the events of Pride and Prejudice, some crucial moments of that beloved novel have not yet occurred. Elizabeth Bennet has not met Mr. Bingley or his standoffish friend Mr. Darcy at the Meryton assembly.  Lydia has not yet taken up with Darcy’s rival, Mr. Wickham. At the same time, Mr. Collins has already married Charlotte, and Jane has married a man named Munstead. The characters remain mostly the same, but some crucial plot points have been tweaked a bit.

Darcy is also harboring a secret for his past, and for the majority of the novel, we are not privy to what that secret might be. We do know he remains on the run from the authorities, and is often looking over his shoulder, wondering if he will be discovered. Elizabeth picks up on his surreptitious nature and begins to wonder what he is hiding.

Without giving away any further details, Mr. Darcy certainly is mysterious to many people in his life throughout the story.  Monica Fairview takes Austen’s characters down some interesting, yet very believable roads in her narrative. Many paraphrased quotes from the source material in Pride and Prejudice are sprinkled throughout, bringing a smile to my face when I would stumble upon them occasionally.  This made her characters seem more credible, as they are the very thoughts or words they would have expressed if Austen herself were presiding over this retelling.

I have read several of Mrs. Fairview’s books, and while I cannot say that Mysterious Mr. Darcy is my favorite, it was still very enjoyable.  I felt that Mr. Darcy’s secret was kept from the reader a little bit too long. There is also a pivotal court scene that seemed a bit short, given its importance. I believe that a significant opportunity for high drama was passed over in that moment. That being said, Monica’s ability to weave a delightful tale remains intact.  I particularly enjoyed the last quarter of the novel, wherein Darcy’s veiled history is revealed to the reader and the stakes for the main characters begin to get ratcheted up. I was turning pages quite swiftly towards the end.

As a conservative reader, I also appreciate Monica’s ability to write a drama and romance without the use of significant amounts of adult material.  I would feel very comfortable recommending this to other readers like myself. The amorous moments are definitely there, but the emphasis is on the story and character development and not on strategies to titillate the reader.

I offer a hearty congratulations to Monica Fairview! Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your book’s promotion.  I’m sure I will continue to be a fan for years to come!  Now, about that ending involving a certain bachelor’s romantic interest… do I smell SEQUEL???

About the Author

Monica can be described as a wanderer, opening her eyes to life in London and travelling ever since. She spent many years in the USA before coming back full circle to London, thus proving that the world is undeniably round.
Monica adores the Regency period and Jane Austen’s wit. She writes funny Jane Austen sequels and variations but has finally decided to get serious about Elizabeth and Darcy. At the moment, she lives with two cats, a teenager, and her own Mr. Darcy. She enjoys singing out of tune in the shower, visiting historical mansions, and warm weather. 

Visit Monica at 
Amazon Page:
Austen Variations:
Twitter:  @Monica_Fairview

Giveaway: Mysterious Mr. Darcy
Monica Fairview has been very generous to offer two ebook copies of Mysterious Mr. Darcy to two of our readers!  Please utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. The only required entry is your email address, so that we may contact you if you win. All other entries (such as a comment, tweet, etc.) offer bonus points for the giveaway. Contest period closes at 12:01am EST on May 19, 2018. Open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Paperback Kindle

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Book Review - Pride and Prometheus by John Kessel

Pride and Prejudice meets Frankenstein as Mary Bennet falls for the enigmatic Victor Frankenstein and befriends his monstrous Creature in this clever fusion of two popular classics.

Threatened with destruction unless he fashions a wife for his Creature, Victor Frankenstein travels to England where he meets Mary and Kitty Bennet, the remaining unmarried sisters of the Bennet family from Pride and Prejudice. As Mary and Victor become increasingly attracted to each other, the Creature looks on impatiently, waiting for his bride. But where will Victor find a female body from which to create the monster’s mate?

Meanwhile, the awkward Mary hopes that Victor will save her from approaching spinsterhood while wondering what dark secret he is keeping from her.

Pride and Prometheus fuses the gothic horror of Mary Shelley with the Regency romance of Jane Austen in an exciting novel that combines two age-old stories in a fresh and startling way.

     Several years ago the genre of Jane Austen Fan Fiction (JAFF) took a turn into thematic blends that I had no interest in partaking. There was Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, various iterations of JAFF that involved vampires, and a novel that portrayed Darcy as a rock star. These deviations did not appeal to me for the most part, although I will acknowledge that I enjoyed Monica Fairview’s Steampunk Darcy.  Recently I was given the opportunity to read and review John Kessel’s novel Pride and Prometheus, a mashup of a Pride and Prejudice sequel and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I was going to decline the offer, but when my 12 year-old got wind of the premise, he urged me to read the novel. I decided to accept.

     As I have said to my son several times since then, I have been so pleased with this novel! John Kessel, with his educational background of both science and literature, has crafted something that truly transcends fan fiction.  Pride and Prometheus is quality work, a volume that can be enjoyed by many, not only Janeites. The characters are captivating, well drawn and fully formed. Kessel’s writing is superb, striking the perfect balance of literary tone with modern accessibility. While some familiarity to Austen’s and Kelley’s characters is helpful, Kessel offers enough expository material to allow all readers to follow the narrative.  For example, I have never read the original Frankenstein, and had only a cursory knowledge of the main characters, Dr. Frankenstein and his Creation. Kessel's details with these characters made me more than comfortable with them. Due to my reading of Pride and Prometheus, I have now purchased a copy of Frankenstein and intend to read it as well.  This is perfect timing, as it coincides with the 200th anniversary of the 1818 edition of the classic.

     For those who might shy away from any notion of the horror genre, I can state unequivocally that Pride and Prometheus is not one to cast fear into the heart of its reader. I don’t care for the horror genre in any medium. I had to be dragged, practically kicking and screaming to see the movie The Sixth Sense almost twenty years ago. While I did enjoy that film, that is about as “spooky” as I’ll go in terms of a sinister theme.  Kessel’s novel does not veer in that direction. It does retain a bit of a gothic, dark tone, but never once were the potentially gruesome aspects of the story used to terrorize the reader.  My 12 year-old would find the these elements to be quite tame.

     While the novel does have some romantic components to it, this was a lesser detail in comparison to other issues at hand. The major themes contemplated philosophical and metaphysical questions such as “What does it mean to be human?” and “How far does God’s sovereignty extend?” The Nature vs. Nurture debate is also a large consideration.

     As in Austen’s original work, Mary Bennet is interested in religious topics, but as we find her in Pride and Prometheus, she is now 32 years old, still unmarried, and her interests have now extended to areas of science. She sees no contradiction in this, as science reveals God’s hand in creation. For the majority of the novel, the focus is not so much on Mary’s romantic interest in Dr. Frankenstein as it is on her relationship with his Monster. She is often an intermediary between the two, striving to guide the Creature to a greater humanity while attempting to show Dr. Frankenstein what she sees in his Creation.

      In that area of romance, I must commend Kessel’s choices. I kept waiting for him to guide the characters into cliched or predictable paths, and I prepared myself to be disappointed in him as a writer. Not once did he take the bait that would have been snapped up by lesser authors. Even near the conclusion of the novel, I thought he might take an easy way out with Mary’s fate, but he did not. I can say that the last few chapters felt a little disjointed from the rest of the narrative, but the directions in which the characters went were realistic, not formulaic.  No one really gets their “tied with a bow”, Hollywood ending. There is a tone of melancholy to it, but in making this literary choice, I think John Kessel has made the right one. He has told his own tale, while remaining true to the images that Austen and Kelley have created in their original works.  In that sense I believe Kelley and Austen would be pleased with how Kessel has managed his stewardship of these characters.

     In addition to offering my hearty recommendation of Pride and Prometheus, I also greatly endorse the audio book edition of the novel.  I treated myself to a copy from, which allowed me to also enjoy the book while driving and doing household chores. The story is performed by three narrators, James Langdon (Dr. Frankenstein), Samuel Roukin (the Creature) and Jill Tanner (general narrator, but with a focus on Mary).  I heartily enjoyed James Langdon’s performance in another fabulous novel, The Map of Time, so I was greatly pleased to hear his voice again. His portrayal of Dr. Frankenstein was superb. Samuel Roukin’s portrayal of the Creature was well done, but he came off as a bit too “polished”, given that this character was a naïve 3 year-old in some ways. The Creature was also highly intelligent, so in that sense Roukin’s tone was just fine. Jill Tanner’s lovely English accent was also perfect for the piece.  I highly recommend this recording to audio book listeners.

Dr. Kessel reads aloud from his novel at Scuppernong Books
     When I was several chapters into the novel, I had the opportunity to meet John Kessel at an event at Scuppernong Books in my town of Greensboro, NC.  I rarely get the chance to meet my authors, so this evening was a thrill for me.  Although we didn’t have a huge turnout for the appearance, I enjoyed sitting with John to discuss Austen, his book and other topics. I was especially grateful for the additional insights into his characters, which made reading the rest of the novel that much more enjoyable.

     Dr. Kessel discussed the notion of the “uncanny valley”, and how that applied to Dr. Frankenstein’s Creature.  Some of you may recall the animated movie The Polar Express.  At the time, this 2004 film was at the cutting edge of motion capture and computer animation. The creators did their very best to make the characters seem as human-like as possible, especially in the eyes. They achieved this to a high degree, but they weren’t able to capture the humanity of the faces to 100% efficacy. This led to a certain discomfort for many viewers who looked into the eyes of these animated characters.  They were so human, and yet…not.  It’s a very disquieting feeling, and I understood exactly what Dr. Kessel meant when he described it.  This is the same feeling that those coming into contact with the Creature had when they saw him.  He was a re-animated dead body.  He was somewhat human, yet…not.  Most people, upon seeing him, would either run in terror or attack him.  Thus he led a very solitary life, and hated most humans.  In many ways, this was completely understandable.  This is what made his relationship with Mary that much more captivating. She grows to see the humanity in him, as is seen in the figurative and literal journey that they take during a great portion of the novel. I think in many ways, she sees that he has a soul, and if she guides him well enough, she could show him the way of salvation. Despite his hideousness, I believe that she sees God’s hand in his creation, and thus God’s love for him.

     John’s work on Pride and Prometheus is so well done, and I had to ask him if he has plans to do another novel in this vein, either another piece of Austenesque fiction, or a derivation of another classic work.  He replied that he likes to keep his writing projects quite diverse, and that at this time he has no plans to do another book like this one.  As his reader I hope that this novel is so successful that his publisher will urge him to do another, but we will have to see.  In the meantime, if you enjoyed Kessel’s style, he has a number of award-winning titles out there, many of which are in the short story format.

     So despite my initial hesitation (and thanks to my son's urging), I again offer my high praise for Pride and Prometheus. Lovers of Austenesque fiction will certainly enjoy this, but fans of historical fiction and literature in general can also find a new favorite author in John Kessel. His writing is captivating, his characters are well-drawn and his writing choices are never cliched. Congratulations, Dr. Kessel, and I offer my vote for another title of this kind.  Perhaps something with Mr. Dickens…?

GIVEAWAY: Pride and Prometheus
U.S. Mailing Addresses Only

Wunderkind PR has been very generous to offer a finished print copy of Pride and Prometheus to one of our U.S. readers!  Please utilize the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. The only required entry is your email address, so that we may contact you if you win. All other entries (including the interesting comment topics!) offer bonus points for the giveaway. Contest period closes at 12:01am EST on March 31, 2018.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Born in Buffalo, New York, John Kessel's most recent book is the new novel Pride and Prometheus.  He is the author of the earlier novels The Moon and the Other, Good News from Outer Space and Corrupting Dr. Nice and in collaboration with James Patrick Kelly, Freedom Beach. His short story collections are Meeting in Infinity (a New York Times Notable Book), The Pure Product, and The Baum Plan for Financial Independence.

Kessel's stories have twice received the Nebula Award given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, in addition to the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, the Locus Poll, and the James Tiptree Jr. Award. His play “Faustfeathers'” won the Paul Green Playwright's Prize, and his story “A Clean Escape” was adapted as an episode of the ABC TV series Masters of Science Fiction. In 2009 his story “Pride and Prometheus” received both the Nebula Award and the Shirley Jackson Award. With Jim Kelly, he has edited five anthologies of stories re-visioning contemporary short sf, most recently Digital Rapture: The Singularity Anthology.

Kessel holds a B.A. in Physics and English and a Ph.D. in American Literature. He helped found and served as the first director of the MFA program in creative writing at North Carolina State University, where he has taught since 1982. He and his wife, the novelist Therese Anne Fowler, live and work in Raleigh, NC.

Hardcover Paperback Kindle Audible